Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ten healthy food can not miss - to help you get rid of insomnia, improve sleep quality!

 Did you know that every day, 7-8 hours of quality sleep secrets? As long as you go to bed 90 minutes before described below, choose to eat food in 2 of 10 species (do not more than two food, because eating only two Food can make your body control the intake of calories is about 200 calories, the body to avoid accumulation of sleep later and can not consume too many calories, and ultimately into fat bad happens) The following foods contain Stabilization of substances (serotonin) can make your body relax, and let you sleep more easily.
1. banana mm banana it really an exaggeration to say that it almost has the *** for the sleep effect. In addition to the above mentioned banana serotonin outside elements but also rich in natural magnesium, which can play very effective role in relaxing the muscles relax.
2. chamomile tea, chamomile tea mm insomnia is often chosen to be as a bedtime drink tea, the first of its light taste to good physical and mental relaxation, followed by chamomile contains calcium to help the brain to secrete tryptophan to help sleep, so a cup of warm chamomile tea will warm you sleep.
3. warm milk, warm milk to help sleep mm believed to have no secret. milk is rich in tryptophan and amino acids and other elements can relax, as these substances stimulate the brain can play on the nerves, promote the role of sleep.
4. put a teaspoon of honey mm slightly hot milk or chamomile tea, honey, though a bit sweet, but different from fructose, honey is sweet because it is rich in glucose, which is can help the brain to relax, sleep more easily create a good physical condition. A recent study found that honey also benefits the body's nervous system, people become even more alert.
5. only a small peeled baking potato mm out of the potatoes will not give you too many calories, can play the opposite role to help sleep, try the baked potatoes stirred into the hot milk over crushed together in later drinking, the effect will surprise you Oh!
6. mm oatmeal Oatmeal is rich in tryptophan can help sleep, a small bowl of oatmeal not only make you fall asleep, and when the teeth when chewing oatmeal gum fact also played a role in movement .
7. amygdala mm I believe we all heard the almonds a day can play a small role in protecting the heart, and at bedtime if you eat a little to the words of almonds can help sleep, almonds also contain help sleep tryptophan and magnesium to help relax the muscles of the natural.
8. linseed mm which affects the sleep when you're preoccupied when the try before going to bed plus two tablespoons of oatmeal with flax seed on food, flax seed rich containing Omega 3 fatty acids, this substance can help you release feelings, sleep peacefully.
9. mm piece of toasted whole wheat bread, whole wheat bread with a little honey and chamomile tea can be relaxing to produce insulin-like effectiveness. At the same time these substances can you produce serotonin in the blood effect, so you'll soon fall asleep.
10. turkey mm This is the best known source of tryptophan intake, turkey is not only Thanksgiving is only the main dish, but also because it is rich in tryptophan reasons, before going to bed eat a small amount of turkey will make you fell down asleep in the kitchen as possible ^ _ ^

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