Monday, December 20, 2010

Ren crazy logic

 When a person got into dead end, the language and logic becomes incomprehensible, and so let themselves be fooled by their lies, so had to use more intoxicated with their own lies. When some had already entered Mr. This self-deception of the situation, for the people and the livelihood of a self-righteous fury of the hero, but did not dare to face his own mistakes, and demand is the result of the initial causes of the rising price of China's real estate industry into a denunciation.
To facilitate more users than just a blog but misleading to see, I can look back with Mr. and time before and after the debate process, allowing more people to know who is who in the flicker and to divert attention of the.
one cause of arguments
Pen lists seven reasons for housing prices, one important factor is the demand (Note: No one said it was the only condition).
the first time, Mr. article, phenomenon.
clash was the second there is no shortage of arguments phenomenon.
the third battle of the letter is still in short supply around the existence of the phenomenon argue, can be said that at least in the three discussed the phenomenon on the market. in the use of data to prove their point of view, to explain and understand the market situation, how many still have is a kind of rational thinking (although many of the data is wrong).
but since when the President phenomenon in short supply and demand are the reasons for rising prices is to facilitate discussion, and then to give up from start to finish all the data points, use the out of whack.
Second, when I think
If Mr. Pen is a personal struggle, I might not be involved, or more users to take notice. precisely because the data when the President error must come to the wrong conclusion, so I had to use the data in the government work report to prove the data wrong when the President, or not that will make this mistake all the readers of deception.
it is precisely because I pointed out that the President when the data errors, then a husband who no longer dare and I discussed the phenomenon of the data demonstrated in short supply, and demand no longer discuss whether it is one of the reasons housing prices had.
and all of my blog In addition to the time to answer some questions raised in the article, Mr. addition, there is only one theme, that is to use market data to prove there is a serious shortage of the phenomenon, and demand is one of the reasons lead to higher prices. developers have never denied housing prices there are other reasons, including Pen addition to the article cited a variety of factors other than demand and a number of scholars, experts noted that the impact of other factors.
can not be denied for various reasons but in short supply market phenomenon, can not deny the impact of demand on market prices. until recently an article in the market when the President insisted that there is only Mr. doubt when the authenticity of my data, but unfortunately my data from government reports, statistical yearbooks and was responsible, the source and origin of the REICO report. as I said when the suspect, Mr. However, the volume rate of built-up area of 0.43 In the article, when the President has clearly told is 1.5, not 2.5 when the volume of the virtual Mr. rate.
confusion when the logic of Mr. these are clearly reflected in the source and the source has been that when the figures but was considered to be Mr. I prepared and did not clear things. then flicker forced to admit and face up to them on my blog had already made it very clear and distinct issues now, why a husband who do not repent their virtual volume ratio of 2.5 it?
I clearly said in the article, right or wrong Pen data is not important, it is because although the Pen overcharged some of Beijing residential land supply of goods, but even more do not forget some of that market impact Pen shortage exists in the conclusions of the phenomenon. can be when the volume ratio of 2.5, Mr and other data errors must be corrected because, as Mr. Yu Shi is an error in the figures obtained and the market goes against the fact that the phenomenon does not exist in short supply conclusions.
When I ask Mr. do not buy a house? Maybe you call please do not buy a house is just proof of the market, there is a serious shortage, the first not only called for more people to buy a house to ease the shortage of contradictions in order to prevent prices caused by demand up. you do not want to not buy a house is to sell the house and the price movement it? which is not in the market against your own existing demand does not recognize the phenomenon of weapon? say you beat the logic of chaos and his own slap in the face, really wrong that you do not.
Mr. precisely because when the first article that When government data to correct data errors, Mr. and participated in this increasingly divert attention and change the taste of the discussion.
best Mr. please look up your original time, return to discuss the market phenomenon and whether there is in short supply if demand is one of the reasons forcing up housing prices. If you do not want to discuss the real estate market and would like to discuss social justice and moral questions, please go to Sun Liping, a sociologist to discuss this. As every year City party committee was rated as excellent at all levels and Party members, I can proudly tell you, whether individual donors to pay membership dues or public welfare, or poverty are far better than you. You can also tell you that is because I am brave communists come out only to expose your numbers to mislead the people with the wrong face, and the truth will be told to the public, let people judge for yourself who is right.
controversy caused by the data, but also Please use the correct data from a source and source of the data to prove me wrong and prove your point is correct, rather than using the angry calls to prove that you do not purchase their own point of view there is no shortage of errors.
no data anger does not explain the problem in the market, but only with the help of incitement emotional catharsis.
III, who was Deputy Prime Minister's speech at the tampering
Deputy Prime Minister's speech had been published in the open Big media, no one can tamper with. to increase supply is that no one can deny the fact.
when I ask sir, whether the supply of commodity housing market proved inadequate? Even the State Council have proposed to increase supply and reduce the need to alleviate the passive supply and demand, and a husband who refused to admit that the insistence of the market demand does not exist, in the end who is tampering with Deputy Prime Minister's speech, who is the central confrontation Who is the Central chilling, who ignored the plight of the people, you do not have a clear out?
people in the flicker when is it not, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister but was it? While Deputy Prime Minister's speech was not a decree, but the regulation of the State Council to adjust A policy proposition.
whether Mr. when I use the language and way of what kind of attack, regardless of whether the error when the President thought I was a dignified bureau-level cadres (Huayuan Property Co., Ltd. is a section-level units), regardless of Ren past, what kind of speech, they can not change the debate line of sight and sophistry, they can not change the Deputy Prime Minister had proposed to use to increase supply and a reasonable guide to ease the shortage of consumer demand, the phenomenon of the policies introduced.
not cover housing is for the rich, how will the government should be established for the poor Paul Paul's security system to do it? how would there have been proposed by Deputy Prime Minister to distinguish the respective responsibilities of government and the market. The State Council document No. 23 and 18 files which is not to say there are high-income household in the market to buy and lease real estate the way to solve the housing problem? when I do not think Mr. and central singing a different tune. Market competition, these words have been fired many times, in addition to using non-market oriented, , I say what is wrong with it?
time I want to be a theoretical assumption, Mr..
the premise that the real estate business say the market there is a serious shortage, and that demand has led to rising house prices ( One of the reasons).
So why only are asking the Government to increase the market supply of it? In the case of a substantial increase in supply, prices determined by supply and demand theory is not the price will be stable and down? developers not to allow the Government to increase supply and lower prices in the ; profiteering but should be the same as when the President refuses to acknowledge the existence of the phenomenon in short supply, with virtual information to defraud the Government in order to enable the Government to use a more stringent administrative measures to limit investment growth, supply of compressed size, let the market become even more serious shortage of the actual number, Let housing prices rose too fast and then some, so that and the people there is no shortage of man-made phenomenon and only developer out of the illusion of demand. really dead pigs are not afraid of water hot, the market has still not acknowledged the existence of this phenomenon in short supply.
is because I am a communist, is because we have our own conscience, without loss of conscience and social responsibility. It is precisely because we know that non-market factors have caused distortions in supply and demand, it is the distortion of supply and demand caused prices to rise, precisely because of this rising irrationality developers only have to tell people the truth and government markets, requiring the Government to increase market supply and non-market housing affordable housing supply. increase the supply to stabilize prices!
Mr. ordinary houses in the time eyes of the developers does not seem to cover a cold-blooded, it seems that ordinary commodity housing market supply is not increasing, it seems that the increase in supply of Deputy Prime Minister had not used to stabilize housing prices hh
Fourth, perhaps the real estate when the high-tech
Mr. thought the developer cover only Will the building is not designed
a specialized technology and art? domestic and foreign designers who have Which is more than you have a wealth of knowledge and higher technical content you?
What energy-saving buildings , environmental protection, automation, heating, cooling, hot and cold joint, fire, security, landscaping, which is not a high-tech innovation and use. Do you understand foundation bearing and precipitation? Do you know acoustic noise reduction? Do you know What is breathing inside and outside the walls? Do you understand the construction of new building materials? Do you understand the impact of temperature on energy consumption up? hh
reason why many people with the President, as the cost of steel and concrete just calculated from the developer profits, it is precisely the same with a husband who never recognized the development of intellectual property and technology content. why developers would like to invite high-priced foreign masters, and give up low-cost domestic guru? (which is to pay the cost.) Why developers should strive to visit and study the design of the essence of others. It is because of China's real estate only to the prosperity of China's building materials industry, so that China's solar energy and air conditioning technology has a place in the world, so start out of the new building materials in China country has!
because of the housing and construction in the past the technical content and low construction levels, when the President appeared before the referenced building life cycle I say short-lived problem. here to make it clear that, three decades paid before the land transfer has not been established in China under the real estate market, it is because the planned economy, it is because non-market, precisely because of the low standards of welfare housing, the average of buildings in China has caused a short-lived history and the status quo.
also to overcome and avoid precisely because of this short-lived architectural history, it must be market-oriented high-tech way to build a new building, but also because of the construction quality and construction standards, cost of natural growth is part of the growth in house prices.
can criticize the President when people engage in real estate has a separate low-tech, but can not tell the truth because the angry youth rather than to negate the entire industry, the technology content of the entire industry. especially the real estate industry is most related industries, the production chain, one of the longest, but can not use the chain when the high-tech words to strangle Mr.
do not know when real estate is also Mr. important application of high technology and the creation of areas, which can be forgiven. but in this heading, when I really do not see what Mr. Real Estate is not a high-tech industry to prove. Maybe when the President would like to use high-tech the word to display your own knowledge and sense of humor, but just as Mr. When the letter to Pen, like the question difference, do not know who the After the land transfer would rather stay in a relocation from the residents do not achieve the purpose of hoarding land and would not recover the funds for product development and profit while the point!
This may take the pen of the journalist is a high-tech it!
V, the developer is the courage to face the high prices
developers because of the high prices will have continued to compete with the high price of land, precisely because developers fear no destruction of excessive growth in house prices in the market order was loudly called for the Government to increase supply, loudly tell the people demand in the promotion of housing prices, I hope the Government to stabilize housing prices by increasing supply, not the compressed supply to curb price growth. When I ask what is wrong with this, Mr. ?
Mr. Yi Xianrong the same time are found in the use of light through a black community that this area was to service three rooms are vacant does not exist to prove the market shortage. then ask when the first President, in short supply is the developer of supply and demand relationship between buyers or buyers who buy homes after that the use of relationship do?
developers and buyers who have no right to interfere with the right to choose, develop housing products is provided only by law for public sale, there is no legal authority to purchase real estate developers who want to review the qualifications and use after purchase. So buyers who are owner-occupied, investment, consumer , is letting nothing to do with the developers. buyers when the decoration and how to use is the purchase of their rights. is that buyers who spend the money, wealth is the buyers who, why should not vacant vacant, how to use The problem always push to the market and the developers do? do not know when developers are not smart enough or smart enough, Mr.?
will be placed in the hands of developers of real estate sales cycle, which is supply. on the purchase Housing is one pocket of demand and consumption (not to analyze what needs, have completed the process of real estate transactions), have occurred in the transfer of property rights. When the developer shortage that exists in the market phenomenon, it is in expression The property rights trading, commodity supply and demand among the poor nature of conversion.
figures can be shown that the completion of volume decline, the decline in the stock room, sales growth, sales volume greater than the supply amount of contrast and so on. The Although developers are not able to transfer of property rights but has not used the house again as the market supply. When the buyers were paying back the principal has entered the pockets of developers after the developers, this shortage or something of the illusion of it? Sell out of the house is not the developers need to use the tube and can control the thing!
when the President might want to note is that use of this without buying the house in case of a false market demand (let's not to discuss the authenticity of this demand and is really empty). But for developers, and the government, are less than the purchase of a supply shortage. when the President had not yet learned about from the property and commodity trading point of view of supply and demand, but the use of proof of transaction supply and demand situation before trading!
and when the developers would prefer to call upon the Government to increase supply to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand caused by rising house prices, when a husband who is in desperate prevent developers will tell the people of this truth, still insist there is no real market demand in a mistaken view. Do have to let developers and the government to admit its mistake to you, loudly chanting the market demand does not exist in contradiction Government and the developers not to increase supply, the market has more gains in the house can not sell you?
The irony is that if China can not sell a house and a lot more gains have been left vacant, but prices will rise again and again so if you want to reduce the supply and demand increases, prices will drop instead? If food is really good grain harvest but a higher purchase price, but prices decline in food production theory can be established, it can be obtained when the President about Nobel Mr. when learning, just tell the people living to the house!
Also, please note that when Chinese President ordinary commercial housing and luxury apartments distinguish between two criteria: First, an area of 144 square meters (or 120 square meters + / -20 %) within; Second, the price is equivalent to twice the local average price. and then a standard if prices rise then the original may not be generic, ordinary houses, and vice versa if the reduction is twice the difference between the original may also change the. Please believe no matter what are the means to increase the supply of commercial housing developers to produce more, produce more affordable housing in the government, rather than when the President said supply into service three vacant (if any thing is second-hand housing market ).
six, when I ask Mr.
talk about profits, the Chinese have been in the legal definition of what is profiteering? ask what kind of profit margin is profiteering? profits is calculated according to what the standard? Will real estate profits means that the whole industry or a single project? Will corporate income tax and land tax for that? does business according to law, what is the legitimate profits after taxes? does not form a monopoly industry profits, how can it?
Mr. Time Many Internet users love to use the rich style of criminal cases instead of real estate industry as a whole situation. We recognize that any industry has among the scum of this illegal, but can not a few legal sanctions should be representative of an industry or a criminal industry. at least the developer did not say a few journalists in the scum of the industry are bad people to prove it!
Chinese listed companies, there are many real estate companies, Hong Kong, the U.S. stock market, there are many real estate companies. the most simple approach is publicly listed companies in these data to be analyzed and compared, you can not listen to others and myself understand 忽悠 Chinese real estate industry and level of profitability.
anyone can say that there is no representation of Huayuan , then the best in the business of listed companies, famous brands, such as China Vanke, such as whether the company representative Qixia it. the national 2004 economic census data online is public, but no one believed, while a so-called experts and scholars say they believe was fascinated, not that day you see his eyes open?
is because I am a Communist and Beijing CPPCC members, I set aside funds for scientific research, please specialized professional team and personnel made a profit on the situation of China's real estate special report (above, when the President has been informed of), and the report submitted to the Ministry of Construction, State Office, the Office and Research Center of State Council, also published in the online and tell the authorities. < br> Unfortunately, when the President does not want to know the truth, do not want to see those who have the correct number of studies, just let me contrary to the facts and research findings when the President to admit to follow a I can not answer questions, but also simply no data to explain the whole situation of the industry, but also do not want to know that I already submitted the relevant departments will study the report, but just want to pull me or push me into the water, and contrary to the facts and When conscience touted Mr. want me to cry on behalf of the real estate industry profits.
illegal business is not a market that should be discussed, whether it was illegal land use, planning law and tax law, or illegal sales are legal should be dealt with range. not a real estate trade associations to encourage, support and endorse the illegal business, would not the case with the illegal business case to do when the market analysis.
so Mr. when the court if there is concrete evidence should be reported to the criminal behavior of developers, both Your rights as Chinese citizens are also your duty. but please do not use and audit it?
If the richest man in China when Mr. situation should know that the majority of the richest man in the ranks (either Forbes or Hoogewerf) are listed according to the projected value of the stock. The richest man Some listed companies subject to U.S. law and Chinese law, dual jurisdiction, some by the Hong Kong or Singapore law and the laws of China, and some are listed by the Chinese laws, the laws of these countries does not audit and audit these companies requirements? no listed companies asked the SEC rules and penalties? If a husband who do not understand even this basic information what is also claimed a study of China's richest, boast China's market research?
when Mr. In addition to anger has been forgotten about the text than the rigor and logic, let a special person to do paperwork can even shouted slogans without any basis in fact languages, so the lack of respect for the work points to the text of the bar. If the President when at least respect the fact that even this face can not, and are free to the use of No one will discuss with you the problem. when the President is no longer their own comments as an editor of the news media but as a Wenpi to look at ourselves.
had even been sentenced to one sentence of the richest man in Shanghai Zhou Zhengyi's Hong Kong-listed companies is not without its audit and audit accounts. Zhou Zhengyi has been no published data for in real estate profits. when resident Shanghai, Mr. and natural is more qualified than I to comment, and I can only release information that has been in the real estate industry, Zhou Zhengyi was not a success, and I this is media as the real estate industry's biggest names before being arrested in their size and performance can only be can only be on the sideline that Zhou Zhengyi, real estate, not not get the hand of the completed in Shanghai or China how much square meters of construction? comparison shows that, Mr Liu, Huang and so was included in the real estate business people, and how much profit comes from the real estate it?
could have been a clearly and publicly listed companies can be considered clear enough to do the accounts, but there are huge profits in order to prove property (real estate brand I never said a single project or a small profit, but not industry profits), Mr. Yu Shishi to think that all the richest, or the accounts of all the developers are no audits, no charge or not to accept audit's. What Mr. richest man in China when there are several among the non-listed companies, private accounts and financial situation? and There are several non-listed companies do not audit and audit the accounts of it? not to mention the collusion and corruption, discontent, in fact, this is a hostile world are common to all countries, consensus problem, not unique to China, or only in the real estate industry problems, there is no need to expand when the President of the problem of collusion becomes an important factor in housing prices.
Chinese history are distribution of raw material supply is planned, and only when the non-public economy and market economy reforms, the allocation of resources only from a pure power into money, power, became a kind of corruption, collusion.
only early real estate development allow the state capital investment. land transfer system is not, so the state-owned enterprises from a large number of benefits for the land by the government executive order into the city's infrastructure or other public welfare undertakings. In the , but it does not and did not force this power into money.
to implement the land transfer system in China began after the possibility of trading power for money, especially in the housing reform 98 years after the formation of a market but also have the right to The emergence of money transactions. this country began in July 2002 auction and the implementation of the land system is the allocation of resources to address land issues in trading power for money. We have never denied that the distribution of land resources had been collusion between the Government is now trading power for money, but can not use the minority to deny the phenomenon of collusion between an industry and a development of the industry.
distribution of the Chinese economy from a planned conversion to a market allocation process, there are still a lot of resource allocation in a monopoly Under the conditions, so as long as the distribution of power in the approval system exists, such collusion may have traded power for money, so the only specifically mentioned Vice Premier Wu Yi was to reduce the reform of administrative examination and approval projects.
but the market is not the only with the real estate industry such collusion, it is not in the real estate industry is the most serious, and real estate industry is the first open system and limit the implementation of land collusion trading power for money.
ask the nearest major medical case is that a large number of pharmaceutical industry collusion it? Will coal production safety management collusion in the number of exposure it? I ask, how much publicity in the collusion cases? Will exposure cases across the country have been dealing with the traffic Director, the Secretary for more land or Construction Committee Office of the Secretary, or more? national state-owned assets, SASAC, the industry is monopolistic collusion protection is it? various industries restrictive conditions on the non-public economy, whether it is between officials and businessmen colluded with it? whether bank credit has a lot of collusion it? local government offers to investors (including foreign) whether it is collusion?
If you are interested and time, over the years when the President can be exposure of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission Statistics and analysis to be the case, you will find real estate in the collusion of the corrupt, far lower than many other industries. when the President can deal with the case from the Shanghai social security number of the cadres and see the collusion of real estate did not driven by rising house prices excessively.
The Huayuan the state-owned enterprises, I have had a business in the online public a variety of situations, including some users asked donations. At the same time can tell when the President, the audit system of state-owned enterprises can not be charged on account of huge amount of bribes, more importantly, managers of state-owned assets and personal commitment to benefit the special case of criminal risk managers of state-owned enterprises will lose momentum bribery (in addition to such bribery is for personal promotion outside earnings) so no need to use commercial bribery Huayuan way for profitable state-owned assets and personal risk.
We do not rule out the state-owned assets, there will be similar to the problem of integration between officials and businessmen. because the government is a shareholder right to participate in the company's decision-making, and the right to collect revenue or mandatory prescriptive requirements of corporate commitment to public welfare. If Huayuan, Beijing Metro Line assumed the investment and demolition work, the money advanced by the company, in theory, subway space station construction after the land for construction should be given Huayuan do to recover the cost of demolition of the advance, which is also called collusion? Now Huayuan and interest in the payment of costs, but does not determine the ownership of scattered sites.
state the special nature of business connected with the Government on issues and not just with a yuan subsidy phenomenon? Beijing Tianhong companies state-owned enterprises to undertake the construction of affordable housing and the loss of state-owned enterprises do not have to foot the bill by the government, give massive subsidies do?
important is whether collusion becomes a personal between the money, and the formation of the public wealth to private wealth transfer. If one of the officials and businessmen to promote China's economic development or social stability or the public to pay the supply, it will continue to exist, only the trading power for money from the public to the transformation is harmful private.
when China and the public enterprises without the approval of,UGG boots cheap, the problem of collusion in order to be digested.
hate this whole society collusion trading power for money, including developers, interest groups included. but not being there with all sectors of the collusion between the individual and the minority and denied the phenomenon of an industry or an industry. If it is an ordinary Internet users to make such comments is not surprising, but a full-time news media comments editor do not do any analysis of the blinders of the issue of this argument, we can not but make people question your level and ability, and doubt your motives and intentions of the.
Maybe you just because of the controversy in the data failed, had to use other means to divert attention and cover up their mistakes in the data, collusion may be money, Huagongweisi and corruption, but will not cause prices to rise, this is not high prices the driving factor.
eight housing market and the level of social security
the number of people involved not only affordable housing issues, housing, social security depends on the ability of the government. If the government is able to protect the most middle-income families with housing rights, such as low-rent housing, subsidized paste rent, affordable housing, etc., then the high prices to only with the high-income families relevant. If the Chinese middle and high income is a minority, as long as the government guarantees Most of the housing rights group, to not be social instability, it will not be broken the goal to build a harmonious society.
high prices will affect China's urbanization process, but in the current stage of economic development, The city is China's economy able to withstand the over-development in the urbanization process? form of high prices adjust the size of the urban population and urban barriers, but also become the industrial structure adjustment and personnel weapons, as the regulator of public resource allocation. Manhattan , Tokyo, Bombay, London, Hong Kong Island, New ...

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