Monday, December 6, 2010


 A perfectionist Libra
week 9/25-10/2
zodiac position: about 1-10 degrees in Libra season: early autumn
elements: wind
Ruler: Venus symbol
Symbols: Libra
understand the way things: thinking, sensory
image is representative of scales of a specific areas of life, a new determination to take full advantage of self, showing the inherent infinite potential. Here the emphasis is not only self-improvement, including both lifestyle and social activities improved. In addition, this period must pay attention to kinds of problems need to maintain properly a matter to be addressed, do not overlook the trivial little details of life.
scales one week, a symbol of adulthood, began to develop a greater goal, better skills, more outstanding performance, the more successful social skills, and some patience to complete the necessary long-term plan. In theory, they should have to face the challenges calmly, have learned how to more effectively address a variety of psychological life, technology barriers, no longer young is so reckless, impulsive, immature attitude to politics matter always has.
people who were born this week are usually very attractive, but in social activities and would not be too active. This may cause problems, because they need to stand in the spotlight, though sometimes, they need more time alone. Some of them may be completely unable to separate and public life, while others would rather give up social and more professional, choose a more private, obscure work. In fact, among those who were born this week, did some work in the very ordinary, and then fully focus their bets in the hobby or leisure activity.
Perfectionism makes the people who were born this week in the life regardless of which party will pay close attention to detail, always explore the problem from time to time, and then carefully resolved. that all things find a good state of mind, reflecting their rich cultivation, and finds that he can bring the best people around the state of belief.
also because of the tendency of such perfection, they will use their own set of stringent standards required to ask others. In their mind in the pursuit of perfectionism, may be from small to large always feel not good enough, and believe that they have a lot of unsatisfactory performance. They are very easy to become critical, difficult to get along with others, always pick the wrong person, get everywhere annoying. in the daily life, from the office to the kitchen, bedroom, they are arranged in an orderly manner, will do everything possible to prevent any mistakes in any place, or negligence.
So when they get will force others impulsive time, in no way surprising. In addition, in order to achieve their required standard of material life, they can live a very strict law of life, always trying to keep the home bright and clean and spotless. people who get along with them day and night, would admire their wisdom, but they will not stand everything must get to the bottom of the personality. Sooner or later, they have to learn They are crazy in pursuit of various goals. they definitely have the ability to perfectly complete the project successfully organize various activities. However, because they have been recognized as successful people, their hearts will not secure the side rarely understood by the people, always alone alone bear the torment of the heart. they rarely relax their requirements, but also not to compromise the ideal, and this often led to enormous pressure they are an important factor in the success or failure. scales of a are usually relatively strong personality, can become a major event, established cause. However, they also often hesitant, indecisive manner even take years to decide what to do. Sometimes they even put very much time and effort In the non-constructive things, such as hobbies or friendship, resulting in not enough time and effort to run down to business. In short, the more difficult challenges, they are more reluctant to give up, the more waste of time do not want to admit.
born this week people feeling very complex, often giving the impression of a ruthless, but inside lurks rough and fluctuating emotions. They will not only wrap their own inner world, but also refused to accept any people who want to pull them out . For them, control their emotions has been very important because they are worried about conscious self-control, and over time will become an unconscious repression, it is difficult to correct. To understand these fascinating people's hearts emotional world, I am afraid that even their close friends, they have to spend a lifetime.
, however, can not share or talk about their inner feelings, in the end will still threaten all kinds of friendship. with their close friends who the beginning to be very hard to ask them to express the inner feelings, or even insist that they fully vent the inner emotions, whether good mood or bad mood is happy, happy, love, or anger, jealousy, boredom , hate, all must try to stand in the sun. Once the mutual understanding of each other's feelings, misunderstandings vanish, to be able to rationally discuss their concerns, do not always avoid.
often swing to over-invest or not interested in completely between them would adversely affect interpersonal relationships. For example, as their loved one or the other half, just started to enjoy the intimate relationship may be very fun, but in the end but it will not stand too intimate for asking for a little private space. In addition, they will sometimes focus too much work, so the other half felt like an unwanted child-like,UGG bailey button, to be completely ignored, discarded to the side.
people are born this week will be sarcastic and full of wit, its methods exhaustive, but basically separated from sarcasm and quite thrown away upon. but their aim is not ironic or funny to hurt, but to be thought-provoking. Unfortunately, they may not know that his remarks may have hurt someone close. If you want to live in peace with people who care about their best to learn more skills, more gentle way to express frustrations, this will be the perfect ending.
advantage of attractive , severe, calm
shortcomings hesitant,UGG boots, mean, depressed
training self-confidence. criticizing others remember not too intense, carefully kicked in the teeth. harden their positions. restrain the tendency to delay their choice Even as you intended, do not go jamming things have been smooth. error is sometimes a part of the rules of the game.
couple: Taurus Leo III Leo Virgo A Virgo a Libra a Scorpio Virgo Capricorn Libra Libra Three
husband: Gemini II Cancer Leo a Virgo a Libra Three Three Three Capricorn an Aquarius Scorpio Pisces three
three friends: Pisces Aries Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo III II Sagittarius Second Capricorn Aquarius Pisces three two one
family: Aries, Gemini II III III Cancer Virgo Libra for a three-striker Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius a
two colleagues: Three Cancer Leo Virgo II II Second Libra Scorpio Sagittarius A second Libra Aquarius Pisces
second week of 10/3-10/10

social position of the zodiac: Libra 9-18 degrees about the season: early autumn
elements: the wind
Ruler: Venus
Symbol: Libra
understand the way things: thinking / sensory
image is representative of two scales of Most people have more meaningful social relationships, or devoted more time to participate in social activities (such as political parties, clubs, religious groups, book clubs, community associations and other organizations.) is the focus of their lives to deepen the links between society, as the so-called society is not only the various groups that also include their friends and family.
Libra II contains the middle of the following characteristics: leading social customs norms make difficult decisions in a more rational, objective look at human intelligence, and learn to reduce the cost of materials and money. The paradox is that, even if their social competence, and scales may still be born with two lonely people. They current events, fashion and lifestyle quite understand, I admire endless! so friends and family choices in the face of often seek their advice, hoping to pick out the best possible taste of things to do things or the most stylish Methods. Since those who come ask for advice, empty hand, so that they do not handle their own thing, sometimes people need to learn how to refuse to even more time with their own physical strength.
Libra people are usually very fond of the second, as their Heart to heart close friend or advisor, even people who first met, but also be able to trust them. their sociable, no pressure, people cautious about quickly removing the mentality, open our hearts to them,UGG shoes, completely relaxed. They did little harm to trust them, or to make any hostile move, the overall impression that is very insecure.
However, although the two scales are usually almost upright, amiable attitude, but sometimes appeared to be quite sarcastic. Because of their insight too thorough, always directed at vital, so it is quite harmless. take orders from their peers or staff may also know very well, but two fierce attacks Libra people are too offensive, but will listen to unclear what they are saying in the end, always overtaken by events, they started to understand their criticism is correct.
two scales requires a lot of children to their parents, while the scales two parents are very strict upbringing of children. When they young, may be extremely rebellious, not obedience to authority, or at least the problem is people get into trouble everywhere. Although all their emphasis on justice, but unnecessary, stupid rules or laws but harbor deep hostility. Young secular vision and authority they know what will cause damage and waste, but we do not do anything. So, when they grow up, some people become a reformer, but some people choose to become a silent spectator, only when the others asked only to present his views with the views.
emotional instability biggest drawback is their only undermine their relationships, so that they become jealous, angry, possessive, too, lead to a variety of unnecessary negative emotions, leading to physiological aspects of problems, even become life-long illness. They must actively participate in spiritual, religious or physical training, they need to get a stable and pragmatic, to maintain physical and psychological balance.
do not know what he wants two scales, and their perception and reality often differ greatly, and do not regard themselves as a matter of desire, the old so that their hearts desire to become numb. They insisted that he does not need Some things, it also hindered the opportunity to develop their will power. In fact, as long as they take advantage of these opportunities, no lead to confusion, unhappiness or despair can do to inspire them. Through these setbacks, they can exclude foreign objects, in-depth access to their inner world and find their true needs.
imaginative they always think that all things are possible, while living in a fantasy world, however, that for them is a danger. that they might be immersed in complacency, narcissism, the resulting lack of practical action. This lack of initiative spirit, and even affect their careers. They need some worldly desire and ambition to stimulate them more determination, to demand the secular world they really want. The problem is, they do not determine the desire of their hearts what is the first real, too easy to meet the status quo, has been reluctant to planning the actual course of action.
friends on the evaluation of two scales are high, especially like their bright and funny. They are usually very talkative, even the most shy of the scales of two, just go to a party, dinner or other small outdoor picnic gathering will Recovery style charming character, with everyone talking about the. on social occasions, they are usually entrusted with the task, people rely on their contribution to the power of their own. Unfortunately, despite their well known to others, but do not face their own reality. This attitude of self-deception may be their worst characteristics, so they choose the wrong partners, lead to serious errors and mistakes made at work. like they do on a clear understanding of their direct just do, not only can not make a compelling choice, in fact, will only continue to get myself in trouble. Fortunately, they can quickly recover from a back injury or setbacks, but still this should not be taken for granted the ability to recover quickly and have nothing to fear .
not ring true in the relationship, they were more likely to hurt themselves, and not to hurt others. However, this situation can not be regarded as a tendency of being abused, but from the relationship between low self-esteem, while they accustomed to his lover, a friend of need to put on top, but retreated to their side of things, becomes less important. they can not express their anger, not to attack others,UGG boots clearance, will blame themselves when things go wrong, fall into the lonely valleys and can not extricate themselves.
advantages with the times, fair, insightful
disadvantages of self satisfaction, tough, self-deception to try to find out
true to your heart desires, once to find with, and remember to show you really care about it, do not always see what is missing what should be the one to seize the most valuable, do not give up. some things interesting though, but will let you divert attention, outside the main The goal should learn to stop the exploration in this area. do difficult choice, but it should also keep their own dreams and aspirations.
couple: Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Aries Leo a Virgo a Leo III Scorpio Scorpio II Scorpio III III II Sagittarius Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces II Pisces III
bottle couples: Aries Taurus II II II Virgo Virgo Libra Libra Scorpio Capricorn three
Friends: Mu Block III Gemini Cancer Cancer sheep three Virgo Libra II of a three-Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius III II II
family Pisces: Aries A Gemini Cancer Leo III II III Libra Scorpio an Aquarius a
Members: A Taurus Gemini Libra Cancer Gemini II a

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