Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jokes Competition

 1: Once a man fishing, caught a squid only.
Squid ask him: Do you let me go, do not I eat ah roast.
Man said: Yes, I ask you to consider a few question it.
very happy squid said: You test it you test it!
and then the man put the squid to bake ..
2: I have too schizophrenic, but now we have recovered.
3: A student in the U.S. driving test, turn left in front of signs suggest that he was not sure, ask the examiner:
br> hh then hung up ..
4: One day, 5th Floor, mung bean jumped from suicide, a lot of blood flow into the red beans; has been festering, he is a soybean; wound end up with scars, and finally into the black beans.
5: Small sensible hair, next to the school, the students see his new hairstyle, smiles: Xiao-Ming, your head like a kite Oh-type! Xiao Ming feel wronged, to go out crying. I cried myself ~ he flew up hhhh
6: personal long as onions, walked wept hh.
7: Little Penguin one day asked his grandmother, Grandma Grandma, I'm not a penguin ah? ; Yes ah, ah you are a penguin, how is it? > wedding day h
a corn corn h
find another asked beside the popcorn corn: the corn you see our family do?
popcorn: Dear, people wearing Wedding of the Well hh.
9: music class, the teacher playing a Beethoven tune
Xiao Hua Xiao Ming asked: ;
Xiao Ming: raise the dead, the living What?
A: Jiaojiu Ming 2!
11: Question: cloth and paper afraid?
answer: cloth afraid of ten thousand, the paper just in case.
reasons: not (cloth) afraid of ten thousand, only the (paper) just in case.
12: One day a lady sat down midway car h
not know the way her mother had h.
mother said with a stick to hit the driver ass : Which?
Driver: This is my ass h..
13: an egg cup of tea to the tea, the results it became boiled eggs; an egg run the Songhua River to swim, the results it becomes the egg; have eggs went to a Shandong, turned into a Lu (halogen) eggs; an egg become homeless, it becomes a wild eggs; an egg on the way careful not to fall, fall in on the ground, turned into a missile; an egg go to the yard of the family, turned into a bomb; an egg go to the Tibetan Plateau, the results become a hydrogen bomb; an egg is sick, turned into a villain; an egg married, turned into a jerk; an egg go swimming in the river, turned into a nuclear bomb; an egg go to the flowers gone, turned into a Hua Dan; an egg riding a horse, holding a knife, that he is Peking Opera Blues; an egg or female, long ugly, the result becomes a dinosaur egg; an egg is male, his wife and the other eggs out adultery, and he became a son of a bitch ; an egg hh
14: host asked: Will the cat climb? eagle Responder: Yes! Moderator: examples! eagle tears: That year, I was fast asleep, the cat climbed a tree h later on With owl h
15: discussion of two of feces shell dragonfly welfare lottery, A said: I want to put in a radius of 50 miles award to buy down the toilet, eat your fill! B said: You Ah Tai Su a ! If I won the lottery to bag a living, eat fresh!
16: why the chicken cross the street
answer to get another side
17: A: That man is doing? < br> B: He was shaking.
A: Why did he want to shake it?
B: Yes he was cold.
A: Oh, not cold-drawn shivering.
A: hh < br> 18: Mr. Banana and his girlfriend have a date, walking down the street, the weather was hot, took off her clothes, Mr. Banana, after his girlfriend fell down hhh
19: a sausage is Off
feeling cold in the fridge, and then looked at the other side of the root, with the point of comfort, saying: ; I'm sorry, I'm popsicle. This diver is very difficult moves, he made a swivel for three weeks then take a half forward somersault backflip three weeks a month. 22: MM University of got lost looking for. met a gentle professor.
MM: May I ask, how can I go to college?
Professor: Only work hard in school, be above University.
23: Secretary and Chief of pooling the elevator, after the Secretary released a fart chief said: You fart it! chief said: I did not put the h soon be removed from office Chief Secretary said at the meeting: fart great things you can not afford to be magnanimous, to what you use?
24: Miss: It is now doing good business doing it!
boss: Why?
Miss: did not find, really do not have the money hh do not grab one of us! Yo, what with which to wash hh A drunk man walked by, thinking he was sorry to throw him a hundred dollars.
walking a few drunk one turned around to see the blind man to distinguish the sun goes one hundred yuan a large copy of the genuine. < br> drunk over snatched the money back: That look, he is blind, the toilet, but in fact I was dumb. br> 28: Avian influenza mm are ; person hh.
29: A: hey, how do you learn to smoke?
B: I'm Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit from the time will be a ~
C: to know why Adam and Eve to steal you eat the forbidden fruit?
AB: I do not know!
C: Because Adam did not smoke! (Hint: homonym of a word)
30: someone had just been abandoned by his girlfriend, happened to bump into former girlfriend in the street and flirt with new love He imagined gas, to humiliate them about. Then came forward politely greeted, and was contemptuously new love of his girlfriend, said: proud of their creative time, the former girlfriend was laughing loudly: People's Daily as real hh
32: just look at the top of the line of duty on the computer screen has a scroll bar things like news, the text above passes very quickly.
even curious to ask: This is the lyrics up?
Line of Duty : Yes!
Line of Duty: how flies so fast? no see!
Line of Duty: Jay!!
33: Wife: I'm blind, will marry you stepped on dog feces .
Husband: I was really blind will marry you step on dog feces.
dog feces: Oh my good luck! lay there have been two of you to step on ......< br > 34: Chemical Examination Question: A and B can be transformed into each other, B in the boiling water can generate C, C in the air oxidation of D, D has the smell of rotten eggs, and asked A, B, C, D all what?
I'm A: A is the chicken, B is the raw eggs, C is a cooked egg, D rotten eggs of course, friends!
35: rubber, skins, lion's skin which the worst?
A: rubber.
because the eraser (rubber poor).
36: Q: 3 What is a foot tall thing???
answer: 3 foot tall monster !!!!!!< br > 37: ants go to the desert, and why the sand did not leave his footprints, leaving only a line on the road?
answer: because it is the bicycle!
home from the desert ant, he did not notice anyone, but his family knew he was coming back! Why ah!
Answer: see his bike parked downstairs hh.
38: One day, police caught a female drug addicts, police saw her the hands of a tattoo and asked her what are you doing to your boyfriend's name tattooed hands, he called the Little good is not h ah .. is not. quickly said that he had no drugs .. h. A rapid I saw the woman said
addict with angry eyes looked up to the police that

is hated Rights h.
40: One day, Mel and her boyfriend go for a drive,
car almost out of gas, just next to a gas station, opened in the past, when a sudden gust of her boyfriend's hat blown off.
small beautiful boyfriend said to her:
you help me cheer. to the gibbon droppings,
kind of apes the apes cleaned differentiate.
But soon they fell in love, someone asked how did you come together?
gorilla replied: (fate ).!> 43: There is a duck called the Little Yellow, one day it hit by a car while crossing the road a bit and yelled: My family home is far away from the polar bear, if by taking the case, have to go to get to 20 years. One day, the penguins stay at home, especially bored, ready to go polar bear to play, and he went out, but walked half the way I noticed myself to forget to lock the door, which had gone for 10 years, but still have to lock the door, ah, then go home to penguins and locked the door. lock the door after the Penguins once again starting to look for polar bears, mean that he spent 40 years to the polar bears and penguins to their home hh door, said:
45: Little white rabbit hopped into the bakery and asked: ah ... ah Boss happy to say: Little said: ! Hey! answer is : a man, his stomach is not good. One day, he came to stomach the hospital, the doctor said: : replied: later, on the polar bear said: 51: Q: What is the African cannibal chiefs eat?
A: people, ah!
Q: That day, the chief is ill, the doctor told him to be a vegetarian, he ate what?
A: eat vegetable!
52: two sausages in the fridge, over a long time,
a bit of a shake with the sausage, wow! cold ah ~!
other sausages very surprised to say, Huh? you is how the sausage speak?
53: One day,
Bucks have only run faster and faster,
went last,
it becomes a high-speed Bucks.
54: One day, a teacher took a group of adopted children to the mountains of fruit,
she announced that: Fruit of the.
set the time comes, all the children are gathered.
teacher: to Apple. Rod Oh! that Amin you do? do not say anything.
Teacher: Xiao-Ming?
Teacher: Xiao-Ming??
Teacher: Xiao-Ming! you how ah? you know the answer in the end ah? anyhow Zhiyi Sheng ah!
Xiao Ming: squeak ~
56: elephant asked the camel: l how long your Mimi in the back? r
camel, said: l die away, I do not and the penis with a long speech in the face of things! < br> 57: How to drink larger cups?
read the Great Compassion Mantra
58: Xiao Ming: A few degrees today?
Xiaohua: minus 3 degrees Ah!
Xiao Ming: No wonder so cold.
59: A little boy came home from school through the window and get a glimpse of a woman lying in bed wild man rubbing my chest, I shouted to a man!
next day the little boy out of the window out of date and from a woman who found a man lying ,
the little boy went home and cried in bed mad rubbing my chest I want to bike to bike!
60: Once upon a bird,
him every day through a corn field,
But unfortunately,
patch of corn one day, a fire,
have become all the corn popcorn!!!
the bird in the past after ......< br> that snow, cold in death ...
61: that there is a polar bear, because the snow was too harsh, and have to wear dark glasses to see things,
but he can not find the sunglasses, so with your eyes closed crawling around on the ground to find, goes up and up Yeah, the hands and feet dirty crawl to find sunglasses. wear sunglasses, mirror a photo, and found: Oh, I'm a panda. < br> 62: science class the teacher asked: Why is a cold body after death?
no answer.
teacher asked: no one know?
At this time, there is a student stood up and said: That is because  y.
63: Xiao Ming in a car accident lost a leg,
Xiao Ming in a car accident and lost a leg,
another accident lost his primary and secondary out another legs,
small out in a car accident and lost his leg,
fact Xiao Ming is a dog.
64: One day, A, B, C three people go out, hang around a walk in the road for a long time.
A later said,'m bored, I want to play B.
then C read A glance onto the alley to go play put the B.
65: Three rabbit pull The first is just going to the toilet in long
only the second ball of the.
third is actually a triangle.
ask it: I Yong Shounie's.
66 : When will Taiwan want reunification?
buy instant noodles when
67: One day Xiao Qiang asked his father: : see Xiao Ming hit his dog, was unhappy to say: beat the dog to see the owner, heard of you?
when Xiao Ming said: good! I watched you and your dog while playing .
69: Bugs: flowers, do you do with my pencil?
flowers: No, I did not use.
Bugs: You're useless?
flowers: I'm useless !
Bugs: Well, you are useless in 17 people admit to a
70: ants after falling off from the Himalayas is how to die?
answer: starvation. floating down because too light ~ So take a long time h
80: Why do dogs get smaller?
A: Because it is farther and farther.
81: Once there was a horse! it ran ran forward to fall into the sea.
Therefore, it becomes a the river. Later, he became car to run over several units, making him appear a good few black stripes.
a result, it becomes came to a factory, the result is transformed into children spared, no horse has become a world hh
Then, a group of people could not help but after reading this joke to say: The joke, it was compiled into a class, we call it Tomorrow we must also, otherwise hh, chopped off two fingers;
acquired, then hh, in cutting the four; the first 3 days, then hh
Xiao Ming: Is it not also the people who
banks: NO , to the time you become a little jingle.
83: a personal one day meet God
God is good when suddenly going to give that person a wish
God asked: Do you have any desire to do?
The man then said: I heard that cats have nine lives, then please give me 9 Mania now!
God said: Your desire to achieve slightly!
day, that person stand idly by ,
want to die a death anyway, 9 Mania Well
to lay the tracks,
results of a train in the past,
the man was dead.
this Why is it?
because that station has 10 train cars.
84: a guy to the hospital to be examined, and has done a lot of testing.
doctor said: There is good news and bad news! see have your test results, I find that you have potential homosexual tendencies!! and difficult to cure!
this guy said: Oh my God! good news that it?
doctors shy to say: I found you quite lovely yeah
85: a hunter with his dogs to hunt for a slip of the day in the woods are not prey.
dark, not willing, he just kept on riding in the woods turn,
Ma suddenly said: l you do not give me a break, think I'm exhausted ah!? r
shocked to hear the hunter immediately roll down from the horse, pulling dogs to run away, ran to a lesson panting under a tree, the dog patted his chest and said to him: l scared me, actually talking horse! r
so hunters spot was scared to death
86: wolves, tigers and lions who must play the game will be eliminated? Wolf
because: Momotaro (out of the wolf)
87: A day pick a mirror facing the mirror of the talk about the importance; this good side of people familiar ah
B said; is not it? I see (taking the mirror), I ah! I do not know you, ah?
88: A tomato and tomato B to go shopping.
B Q A: Where are we going?
A does not answer .
B asked: Where are we going?
A or no answer.
B asked again.
turned on Tomato Tomato A B said: We are not tomatoes come from? why we will be talking to?
89: Once there was a white and a black cat white cat

cat fell into the water to save it up
white said something to the black cat
`` Q: What does?

B: asked the little big: big brother, why do we eat shit every day?
big wrote: Do not say when to eat something so disgusting!!
92: Cao Chuan Lu Su in
: ; this really the arrow to borrow it? Mr. Kong Ming? necessary. br> Lu Su: > 93: A monkey eating peanuts before going into the bottom a chance to eat first.
this manager explained: It has been fed peaches,
results Peach not pull out, scared monkeys, Now we must eat a good amount.
94: peripheral hospitals to prevent the escape of 100 patients, two patients still want to escape the mental hospital.
effort over the wall in the beating in the darkness. to 30 under the wall, br> ;

Suddenly someone in the stream, electric fish, the four boys were electrocuted to! guess an electrical appliance.
Con: ah .... do not know Jesus ~
Xiao Ming: The answer is ; (electric four chicken)! Hey!
96: Small & R: Dad, why do we have a hump?
Camel Dad: Because there is no water in the desert, there hump can store water ah!
Little Luo: Dad, why do we have a long woolen?
Camel Dad: Because the desert wind, we have relied on block wind and sand, we will see ah!
small Luo: Dad Why do we have a foot thick?
Camel Dad: Because the desert is sand, so that we stabilize ah!
small Luo: Dad, the last question, then we dry at the zoo Mani?
97: hen incubates the eggs, with eggs from its ass drilled out
98: personal name is : My girlfriend invited me to her house to watch movies. to her home after,
pen she wrote on the wall film r l word,
watch the two of us up to sit on the toilet.
100: a morning, to a known tough Executive Morning soldier asked: What is flutter?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Australia OK thrilling night 3

 July 29 21:30 Australian time, in Arnhem Land on the appeal   cloth tribal camps, hunters or hunting KARL is preparing a variety of equipment is the table where the positioning of lap dog (GPS) and the fluorescent display rods.
KARL double check their knives, daggers, a very big wind.
KARL hunting dogs will be loaded on the train. dogs are trained precisely in the password to complete the action under . They have realized that hunting is necessary, very excited mood.
shortly after departure from the mountain camp, that started to enter the plain woodland. In a few kilometers out of camp after the dogs began sending the car the roar that game. Their sense of smell extremely sensitive to any smell in the air will have a reaction. people began to get off, open the kennel, the dog immediately to flee in the darkness like an arrow, like. We will closely follow the flashlight in the back.
woodland around the mud, rotting trunk twig aspect, which run in the dark is extremely dangerous. volunteers Tangzhi a foot into the mud, pull out the feet, shoes are left in the mud. At this time, the dog started barking up the front, followed by pig howl quacks broad surge in the dark in front of the animal tussle hear the sound, very stimulating.
foot deep shallow kick when we arrived, the hunter drew his sword stabbing Edmund is a young boar . only bad piercing shrill squeal of pigs.
Edmund sword pig is still twitching in the distance came the barking dogs and pigs tear. we turn bolted to the side, which CCTV volunteers, and when Li Zhi Tang Yi editor over the obstacles in the.
rushed to the scene and saw a pig and KARL are fighting.
KARL pig caught the last two legs, controlling it.
KARL finally with his knee withstood the pig, then pig out hunting knife stabbing the heart.
KARL and their prey, some bloody scenes.
KARL subdue prey in time, a few dogs have long Start again rushed into the darkness, find the next objective. People have to Sign Looking back on the night of flashing light sticks, try to catch up with the hounds. because dogs sometimes run into a huge game, you still would charge, if the hunter can not be rushed , dogs great danger occurs.
9 minutes later, a dog bite Si Guzi prey has begun to fight ear. That pig will Sigu Zi rejection to rejection to, but Si Guzi desperately to bite prey is letting go. until it will be prey to solve KARL arrived.
almost at the same time, the distant hunters shouted, KARL, happy to help me, I can not hold on. He is more than one hundred kilograms with a 2 boars melee.
when karl arrived, Edmund was a free hand to pull out the results of the only big pig hunting knife.
Edmund stabbed the pig, emotional excitement, which is only Hunter was out of the emotions can be.
Karl and Edmund together in a group photo in front of their prey. He just extremely dangerous, it would only in the final against the dying of the pigs, the use of rear foot kicked him severely, and nearly kicked want to harm.
captured only contributor was hunting wild boar Turner, it is the ear, right cheek and right around the abdomen injuries, some through the wound, some for up to a few centimeters. Turner at this time are still in a highly excited state , the look manic, always wanted to break the control of the owner toward the next game.
dogs rushed into the darkness never came back head, KARL anxious and Edmund in the night calling his dog.
KARL the use of satellite positioning to find traces of the dog.
KARL watching locator, while calling, it calls the voice sounded Jiaoxin.
hunter looking for bison Eric that a dog is gone. Sure enough, we found near fresh wild cow dung.
distant sounds, the original did not find bison dog before their return to the car, we finally relaxed breath, took the return journey. According to Hunter, the current hunting is a very lucky night one, because very few prey so quickly that the situation can be continuous. That night, as the Chinese people that we are breathtaking. the kind of life into the night a wild fight and run, does not in our lives, be the first to experience it.
Note: From July 24 to enter the jungle, the basic interrupt all the modern communication links, so the delay in introducing the new situation. should be able to normal from tomorrow, we will try to put the situation .

Monday, December 27, 2010

Restore the forgotten past

 With the cold rain, the February Shiver shrink shrink flies. Drank two glasses of red wine in the Face before the body back to life. Like it here because the whole restaurant and bar are in a old house in the Ruijin Guest House. Each Department are designed to be fantastic, even with a bouquet of flowers on the table are slim designer doped revealed subtle intentions. dim the lights, Jazz music along with the fragrance of wine, presumably, if when my love is on its last One day, I would choose to come here, a man quietly stood on the balcony to smoke edges that have not smoked a half pack of cigarettes.
home, on to my BLOG.
already have Many people have asked me to draw inspiration comes from.
night, the often wanders from my room is physically and mentally unaware of the old songs 30's songs.
in the growth process, the gray cumulative and blue life, brewing, hair filial piety, the shape of a special spiritual body storage in my body. looked at the women to fall from the pure, shining in the smelting time and again consumer products or Hong Yu loss. Everything is forced and driven in the forward, and growing. Ruanlin Yu Ye Hao, deal worth mentioning, one by one all my source material and inspiration.
feel like falling in the most sexy woman, black bird cage will eventually fly into or die in their own feces.
I was addicted to those who can not extricate themselves like a tall graceful woman chiseled, bronze mirrors in the yellow smooth on both sides of the temple before, wearing a dark blue collar of the cheongsam, 6 string ivory pearl necklace hanging in the slender neck. body slightly tilted wooden table in the slender cigarette smoking on the table is always placed an orange, there's one just being brushed aside , the old music player in the obscure over the French window in the penetration of sunlight in the spin with worry, circle around, along with Yingtaoxiaokou disappeared in the smoke spit in the air.
black birdcage bird, unknown birds, jumping up and down actively channeling with, twitter. woman humming a tune as the player, leaned against the birds humming a tune, and then shut the door to leave. only player still with the old squeak miles squeak sound playing Frehe miles Nagqu ; summarized in one fell swoop.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sinopec will urge the Government to speed up the adjustment of product prices

 Sinopec will urge the Government to speed up the adjustment of product prices, stock recommendations
Sinopec (00386.HK) Chief Financial Officer Wang Xinhua said that although the refining business recorded first quarter profit, but with the same period last year profit before interest and taxes fell sharply. He was referring to the international oil prices are still rising, the stock dark horse, refinery production and operation of pressure, if oil prices continue rise, dark horse stock, will urge the Government to speed up the adjustment of product prices, bull stock recommendations. He also revealed that the company is actively studying expand overseas business, including oil and gas exploration, oil refining plant and oil storage facilities, warehouses, stock market, but also in research carried out in Singapore or elsewhere refining business, the stock dark horse.
topics related to the article:
Hou Ning Recommended: seriously underestimated the two Ushimata
experts recommend three daily short-term bull stock soared 700
Shenzhen Stock Exchange opened
insider stock shareholders will list shares soared 5 big black horse pulling bodies
Insider  stocks rose the daily limit every day u
(TWICE): two black horses pulled huge amounts of money
headline: Announcement of 3 shares
exclusive early distribution limit: Tomorrow, tomorrow, three daily limit of 100%
make the stock more than 7
shock: Buffett billion pulled Ushimata

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Male model Chinese model for the first time won the World Championship

 Today was an exciting good news, in a small year (February 10) that day, the Chinese male model male models for the first time won the World Championship, Gangwon Province in South Korea created a myth! For the Chinese male model in the world rewrite the history of the stage! He is the concept of 98 models from the company's male models Zheng Yuguang, a Liaoning, young man! let us give him applause, cheering for him, applauded him!
Andy feel able to become male model winner is really the first person is not easy, because the foreigners better than we are physical, we are not dominant at this point, but Zheng Yuguang with a unique charm, with the Chinese men's unique temperament impressed the judges, the final He beat 48 countries and regions from the other players to win the championship. This is also a high-level male model male model contest in the world championship for the first time. It also means the male model of China's position in the world, but also to the whole people see our world elegance and charm of Chinese men!
thank you Zheng Yuguang, you are the pride of Chinese men! We proud of you!
Chinese player Zheng Yuguang in the national dress of the game, a good show ancient civilization of the Chinese player Zheng Yuguang
traditional culture in the swimsuit competition, showing a man named China's health and masculinity
Zheng Yuguang Profile
Name: Zheng Yuguang
of birth: 1980.11.23 Birthplace: Dalian Height: 188CM Weight: 78KG
Measurements: 105/78/96
school experience:
study in Canada after graduating from high school 5 years,
attended Queen's University (QUEENrS UNIVERSITY), majoring in computer science and minor in the economy.
after returning home in the English translation;
competition experience:
2006, won the Manhunt Male Model Contest in China, the world champion.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Come shake hands Chung Ling

 Chung Ling children from my sister's blog to see her article, I feel so handsome, quite agree. We have also entered the University Sports school, work hard together for several years, but the results so leave. Said sentence be honest, when I left my heart to children have the word Once again, I entered the gate, I felt particularly relaxed mood. Why is this you know? because it was hard for staying in the work, the mood really can not describe how it felt the darkness of this society, between people how could such a complex, perhaps you will come behind you poke a knife. Some people might say that this is the society. But, can you believe it? children in the twenty years I have never had any contact with society, and I never want to over the ten years of my life would be so difficult to deal with the school's amiable. but through this thing, I understand a lot. but also to appreciate from this taste a variety of heart: to see hope, to strive for. and lost. again see the hope and effort to fight, fight, however, or failure. so back and forth N times. The end result: a complete failure! for the first time experienced the taste of despair ~ ~ So I left my alma mater, thirteen years of life.
but I do not have this feeling, and in foreign countries I have my own handy work and education opportunities to continue their schooling. in turn, I am very grateful to all encountered was obstructed in the school, and stayed to work against my voice. so hard without you support Today, I have such feelings. fantastic!
the last word to my sisters children, said: learn real skills, this point is take away someone else, so we are not afraid of where r

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ren crazy logic

 When a person got into dead end, the language and logic becomes incomprehensible, and so let themselves be fooled by their lies, so had to use more intoxicated with their own lies. When some had already entered Mr. This self-deception of the situation, for the people and the livelihood of a self-righteous fury of the hero, but did not dare to face his own mistakes, and demand is the result of the initial causes of the rising price of China's real estate industry into a denunciation.
To facilitate more users than just a blog but misleading to see, I can look back with Mr. and time before and after the debate process, allowing more people to know who is who in the flicker and to divert attention of the.
one cause of arguments
Pen lists seven reasons for housing prices, one important factor is the demand (Note: No one said it was the only condition).
the first time, Mr. article, phenomenon.
clash was the second there is no shortage of arguments phenomenon.
the third battle of the letter is still in short supply around the existence of the phenomenon argue, can be said that at least in the three discussed the phenomenon on the market. in the use of data to prove their point of view, to explain and understand the market situation, how many still have is a kind of rational thinking (although many of the data is wrong).
but since when the President phenomenon in short supply and demand are the reasons for rising prices is to facilitate discussion, and then to give up from start to finish all the data points, use the out of whack.
Second, when I think
If Mr. Pen is a personal struggle, I might not be involved, or more users to take notice. precisely because the data when the President error must come to the wrong conclusion, so I had to use the data in the government work report to prove the data wrong when the President, or not that will make this mistake all the readers of deception.
it is precisely because I pointed out that the President when the data errors, then a husband who no longer dare and I discussed the phenomenon of the data demonstrated in short supply, and demand no longer discuss whether it is one of the reasons housing prices had.
and all of my blog In addition to the time to answer some questions raised in the article, Mr. addition, there is only one theme, that is to use market data to prove there is a serious shortage of the phenomenon, and demand is one of the reasons lead to higher prices. developers have never denied housing prices there are other reasons, including Pen addition to the article cited a variety of factors other than demand and a number of scholars, experts noted that the impact of other factors.
can not be denied for various reasons but in short supply market phenomenon, can not deny the impact of demand on market prices. until recently an article in the market when the President insisted that there is only Mr. doubt when the authenticity of my data, but unfortunately my data from government reports, statistical yearbooks and was responsible, the source and origin of the REICO report. as I said when the suspect, Mr. However, the volume rate of built-up area of 0.43 In the article, when the President has clearly told is 1.5, not 2.5 when the volume of the virtual Mr. rate.
confusion when the logic of Mr. these are clearly reflected in the source and the source has been that when the figures but was considered to be Mr. I prepared and did not clear things. then flicker forced to admit and face up to them on my blog had already made it very clear and distinct issues now, why a husband who do not repent their virtual volume ratio of 2.5 it?
I clearly said in the article, right or wrong Pen data is not important, it is because although the Pen overcharged some of Beijing residential land supply of goods, but even more do not forget some of that market impact Pen shortage exists in the conclusions of the phenomenon. can be when the volume ratio of 2.5, Mr and other data errors must be corrected because, as Mr. Yu Shi is an error in the figures obtained and the market goes against the fact that the phenomenon does not exist in short supply conclusions.
When I ask Mr. do not buy a house? Maybe you call please do not buy a house is just proof of the market, there is a serious shortage, the first not only called for more people to buy a house to ease the shortage of contradictions in order to prevent prices caused by demand up. you do not want to not buy a house is to sell the house and the price movement it? which is not in the market against your own existing demand does not recognize the phenomenon of weapon? say you beat the logic of chaos and his own slap in the face, really wrong that you do not.
Mr. precisely because when the first article that When government data to correct data errors, Mr. and participated in this increasingly divert attention and change the taste of the discussion.
best Mr. please look up your original time, return to discuss the market phenomenon and whether there is in short supply if demand is one of the reasons forcing up housing prices. If you do not want to discuss the real estate market and would like to discuss social justice and moral questions, please go to Sun Liping, a sociologist to discuss this. As every year City party committee was rated as excellent at all levels and Party members, I can proudly tell you, whether individual donors to pay membership dues or public welfare, or poverty are far better than you. You can also tell you that is because I am brave communists come out only to expose your numbers to mislead the people with the wrong face, and the truth will be told to the public, let people judge for yourself who is right.
controversy caused by the data, but also Please use the correct data from a source and source of the data to prove me wrong and prove your point is correct, rather than using the angry calls to prove that you do not purchase their own point of view there is no shortage of errors.
no data anger does not explain the problem in the market, but only with the help of incitement emotional catharsis.
III, who was Deputy Prime Minister's speech at the tampering
Deputy Prime Minister's speech had been published in the open Big media, no one can tamper with. to increase supply is that no one can deny the fact.
when I ask sir, whether the supply of commodity housing market proved inadequate? Even the State Council have proposed to increase supply and reduce the need to alleviate the passive supply and demand, and a husband who refused to admit that the insistence of the market demand does not exist, in the end who is tampering with Deputy Prime Minister's speech, who is the central confrontation Who is the Central chilling, who ignored the plight of the people, you do not have a clear out?
people in the flicker when is it not, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister but was it? While Deputy Prime Minister's speech was not a decree, but the regulation of the State Council to adjust A policy proposition.
whether Mr. when I use the language and way of what kind of attack, regardless of whether the error when the President thought I was a dignified bureau-level cadres (Huayuan Property Co., Ltd. is a section-level units), regardless of Ren past, what kind of speech, they can not change the debate line of sight and sophistry, they can not change the Deputy Prime Minister had proposed to use to increase supply and a reasonable guide to ease the shortage of consumer demand, the phenomenon of the policies introduced.
not cover housing is for the rich, how will the government should be established for the poor Paul Paul's security system to do it? how would there have been proposed by Deputy Prime Minister to distinguish the respective responsibilities of government and the market. The State Council document No. 23 and 18 files which is not to say there are high-income household in the market to buy and lease real estate the way to solve the housing problem? when I do not think Mr. and central singing a different tune. Market competition, these words have been fired many times, in addition to using non-market oriented, , I say what is wrong with it?
time I want to be a theoretical assumption, Mr..
the premise that the real estate business say the market there is a serious shortage, and that demand has led to rising house prices ( One of the reasons).
So why only are asking the Government to increase the market supply of it? In the case of a substantial increase in supply, prices determined by supply and demand theory is not the price will be stable and down? developers not to allow the Government to increase supply and lower prices in the ; profiteering but should be the same as when the President refuses to acknowledge the existence of the phenomenon in short supply, with virtual information to defraud the Government in order to enable the Government to use a more stringent administrative measures to limit investment growth, supply of compressed size, let the market become even more serious shortage of the actual number, Let housing prices rose too fast and then some, so that and the people there is no shortage of man-made phenomenon and only developer out of the illusion of demand. really dead pigs are not afraid of water hot, the market has still not acknowledged the existence of this phenomenon in short supply.
is because I am a communist, is because we have our own conscience, without loss of conscience and social responsibility. It is precisely because we know that non-market factors have caused distortions in supply and demand, it is the distortion of supply and demand caused prices to rise, precisely because of this rising irrationality developers only have to tell people the truth and government markets, requiring the Government to increase market supply and non-market housing affordable housing supply. increase the supply to stabilize prices!
Mr. ordinary houses in the time eyes of the developers does not seem to cover a cold-blooded, it seems that ordinary commodity housing market supply is not increasing, it seems that the increase in supply of Deputy Prime Minister had not used to stabilize housing prices hh
Fourth, perhaps the real estate when the high-tech
Mr. thought the developer cover only Will the building is not designed
a specialized technology and art? domestic and foreign designers who have Which is more than you have a wealth of knowledge and higher technical content you?
What energy-saving buildings , environmental protection, automation, heating, cooling, hot and cold joint, fire, security, landscaping, which is not a high-tech innovation and use. Do you understand foundation bearing and precipitation? Do you know acoustic noise reduction? Do you know What is breathing inside and outside the walls? Do you understand the construction of new building materials? Do you understand the impact of temperature on energy consumption up? hh
reason why many people with the President, as the cost of steel and concrete just calculated from the developer profits, it is precisely the same with a husband who never recognized the development of intellectual property and technology content. why developers would like to invite high-priced foreign masters, and give up low-cost domestic guru? (which is to pay the cost.) Why developers should strive to visit and study the design of the essence of others. It is because of China's real estate only to the prosperity of China's building materials industry, so that China's solar energy and air conditioning technology has a place in the world, so start out of the new building materials in China country has!
because of the housing and construction in the past the technical content and low construction levels, when the President appeared before the referenced building life cycle I say short-lived problem. here to make it clear that, three decades paid before the land transfer has not been established in China under the real estate market, it is because the planned economy, it is because non-market, precisely because of the low standards of welfare housing, the average of buildings in China has caused a short-lived history and the status quo.
also to overcome and avoid precisely because of this short-lived architectural history, it must be market-oriented high-tech way to build a new building, but also because of the construction quality and construction standards, cost of natural growth is part of the growth in house prices.
can criticize the President when people engage in real estate has a separate low-tech, but can not tell the truth because the angry youth rather than to negate the entire industry, the technology content of the entire industry. especially the real estate industry is most related industries, the production chain, one of the longest, but can not use the chain when the high-tech words to strangle Mr.
do not know when real estate is also Mr. important application of high technology and the creation of areas, which can be forgiven. but in this heading, when I really do not see what Mr. Real Estate is not a high-tech industry to prove. Maybe when the President would like to use high-tech the word to display your own knowledge and sense of humor, but just as Mr. When the letter to Pen, like the question difference, do not know who the After the land transfer would rather stay in a relocation from the residents do not achieve the purpose of hoarding land and would not recover the funds for product development and profit while the point!
This may take the pen of the journalist is a high-tech it!
V, the developer is the courage to face the high prices
developers because of the high prices will have continued to compete with the high price of land, precisely because developers fear no destruction of excessive growth in house prices in the market order was loudly called for the Government to increase supply, loudly tell the people demand in the promotion of housing prices, I hope the Government to stabilize housing prices by increasing supply, not the compressed supply to curb price growth. When I ask what is wrong with this, Mr. ?
Mr. Yi Xianrong the same time are found in the use of light through a black community that this area was to service three rooms are vacant does not exist to prove the market shortage. then ask when the first President, in short supply is the developer of supply and demand relationship between buyers or buyers who buy homes after that the use of relationship do?
developers and buyers who have no right to interfere with the right to choose, develop housing products is provided only by law for public sale, there is no legal authority to purchase real estate developers who want to review the qualifications and use after purchase. So buyers who are owner-occupied, investment, consumer , is letting nothing to do with the developers. buyers when the decoration and how to use is the purchase of their rights. is that buyers who spend the money, wealth is the buyers who, why should not vacant vacant, how to use The problem always push to the market and the developers do? do not know when developers are not smart enough or smart enough, Mr.?
will be placed in the hands of developers of real estate sales cycle, which is supply. on the purchase Housing is one pocket of demand and consumption (not to analyze what needs, have completed the process of real estate transactions), have occurred in the transfer of property rights. When the developer shortage that exists in the market phenomenon, it is in expression The property rights trading, commodity supply and demand among the poor nature of conversion.
figures can be shown that the completion of volume decline, the decline in the stock room, sales growth, sales volume greater than the supply amount of contrast and so on. The Although developers are not able to transfer of property rights but has not used the house again as the market supply. When the buyers were paying back the principal has entered the pockets of developers after the developers, this shortage or something of the illusion of it? Sell out of the house is not the developers need to use the tube and can control the thing!
when the President might want to note is that use of this without buying the house in case of a false market demand (let's not to discuss the authenticity of this demand and is really empty). But for developers, and the government, are less than the purchase of a supply shortage. when the President had not yet learned about from the property and commodity trading point of view of supply and demand, but the use of proof of transaction supply and demand situation before trading!
and when the developers would prefer to call upon the Government to increase supply to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand caused by rising house prices, when a husband who is in desperate prevent developers will tell the people of this truth, still insist there is no real market demand in a mistaken view. Do have to let developers and the government to admit its mistake to you, loudly chanting the market demand does not exist in contradiction Government and the developers not to increase supply, the market has more gains in the house can not sell you?
The irony is that if China can not sell a house and a lot more gains have been left vacant, but prices will rise again and again so if you want to reduce the supply and demand increases, prices will drop instead? If food is really good grain harvest but a higher purchase price, but prices decline in food production theory can be established, it can be obtained when the President about Nobel Mr. when learning, just tell the people living to the house!
Also, please note that when Chinese President ordinary commercial housing and luxury apartments distinguish between two criteria: First, an area of 144 square meters (or 120 square meters + / -20 %) within; Second, the price is equivalent to twice the local average price. and then a standard if prices rise then the original may not be generic, ordinary houses, and vice versa if the reduction is twice the difference between the original may also change the. Please believe no matter what are the means to increase the supply of commercial housing developers to produce more, produce more affordable housing in the government, rather than when the President said supply into service three vacant (if any thing is second-hand housing market ).
six, when I ask Mr.
talk about profits, the Chinese have been in the legal definition of what is profiteering? ask what kind of profit margin is profiteering? profits is calculated according to what the standard? Will real estate profits means that the whole industry or a single project? Will corporate income tax and land tax for that? does business according to law, what is the legitimate profits after taxes? does not form a monopoly industry profits, how can it?
Mr. Time Many Internet users love to use the rich style of criminal cases instead of real estate industry as a whole situation. We recognize that any industry has among the scum of this illegal, but can not a few legal sanctions should be representative of an industry or a criminal industry. at least the developer did not say a few journalists in the scum of the industry are bad people to prove it!
Chinese listed companies, there are many real estate companies, Hong Kong, the U.S. stock market, there are many real estate companies. the most simple approach is publicly listed companies in these data to be analyzed and compared, you can not listen to others and myself understand 忽悠 Chinese real estate industry and level of profitability.
anyone can say that there is no representation of Huayuan , then the best in the business of listed companies, famous brands, such as China Vanke, such as whether the company representative Qixia it. the national 2004 economic census data online is public, but no one believed, while a so-called experts and scholars say they believe was fascinated, not that day you see his eyes open?
is because I am a Communist and Beijing CPPCC members, I set aside funds for scientific research, please specialized professional team and personnel made a profit on the situation of China's real estate special report (above, when the President has been informed of), and the report submitted to the Ministry of Construction, State Office, the Office and Research Center of State Council, also published in the online and tell the authorities. < br> Unfortunately, when the President does not want to know the truth, do not want to see those who have the correct number of studies, just let me contrary to the facts and research findings when the President to admit to follow a I can not answer questions, but also simply no data to explain the whole situation of the industry, but also do not want to know that I already submitted the relevant departments will study the report, but just want to pull me or push me into the water, and contrary to the facts and When conscience touted Mr. want me to cry on behalf of the real estate industry profits.
illegal business is not a market that should be discussed, whether it was illegal land use, planning law and tax law, or illegal sales are legal should be dealt with range. not a real estate trade associations to encourage, support and endorse the illegal business, would not the case with the illegal business case to do when the market analysis.
so Mr. when the court if there is concrete evidence should be reported to the criminal behavior of developers, both Your rights as Chinese citizens are also your duty. but please do not use and audit it?
If the richest man in China when Mr. situation should know that the majority of the richest man in the ranks (either Forbes or Hoogewerf) are listed according to the projected value of the stock. The richest man Some listed companies subject to U.S. law and Chinese law, dual jurisdiction, some by the Hong Kong or Singapore law and the laws of China, and some are listed by the Chinese laws, the laws of these countries does not audit and audit these companies requirements? no listed companies asked the SEC rules and penalties? If a husband who do not understand even this basic information what is also claimed a study of China's richest, boast China's market research?
when Mr. In addition to anger has been forgotten about the text than the rigor and logic, let a special person to do paperwork can even shouted slogans without any basis in fact languages, so the lack of respect for the work points to the text of the bar. If the President when at least respect the fact that even this face can not, and are free to the use of No one will discuss with you the problem. when the President is no longer their own comments as an editor of the news media but as a Wenpi to look at ourselves.
had even been sentenced to one sentence of the richest man in Shanghai Zhou Zhengyi's Hong Kong-listed companies is not without its audit and audit accounts. Zhou Zhengyi has been no published data for in real estate profits. when resident Shanghai, Mr. and natural is more qualified than I to comment, and I can only release information that has been in the real estate industry, Zhou Zhengyi was not a success, and I this is media as the real estate industry's biggest names before being arrested in their size and performance can only be can only be on the sideline that Zhou Zhengyi, real estate, not not get the hand of the completed in Shanghai or China how much square meters of construction? comparison shows that, Mr Liu, Huang and so was included in the real estate business people, and how much profit comes from the real estate it?
could have been a clearly and publicly listed companies can be considered clear enough to do the accounts, but there are huge profits in order to prove property (real estate brand I never said a single project or a small profit, but not industry profits), Mr. Yu Shishi to think that all the richest, or the accounts of all the developers are no audits, no charge or not to accept audit's. What Mr. richest man in China when there are several among the non-listed companies, private accounts and financial situation? and There are several non-listed companies do not audit and audit the accounts of it? not to mention the collusion and corruption, discontent, in fact, this is a hostile world are common to all countries, consensus problem, not unique to China, or only in the real estate industry problems, there is no need to expand when the President of the problem of collusion becomes an important factor in housing prices.
Chinese history are distribution of raw material supply is planned, and only when the non-public economy and market economy reforms, the allocation of resources only from a pure power into money, power, became a kind of corruption, collusion.
only early real estate development allow the state capital investment. land transfer system is not, so the state-owned enterprises from a large number of benefits for the land by the government executive order into the city's infrastructure or other public welfare undertakings. In the , but it does not and did not force this power into money.
to implement the land transfer system in China began after the possibility of trading power for money, especially in the housing reform 98 years after the formation of a market but also have the right to The emergence of money transactions. this country began in July 2002 auction and the implementation of the land system is the allocation of resources to address land issues in trading power for money. We have never denied that the distribution of land resources had been collusion between the Government is now trading power for money, but can not use the minority to deny the phenomenon of collusion between an industry and a development of the industry.
distribution of the Chinese economy from a planned conversion to a market allocation process, there are still a lot of resource allocation in a monopoly Under the conditions, so as long as the distribution of power in the approval system exists, such collusion may have traded power for money, so the only specifically mentioned Vice Premier Wu Yi was to reduce the reform of administrative examination and approval projects.
but the market is not the only with the real estate industry such collusion, it is not in the real estate industry is the most serious, and real estate industry is the first open system and limit the implementation of land collusion trading power for money.
ask the nearest major medical case is that a large number of pharmaceutical industry collusion it? Will coal production safety management collusion in the number of exposure it? I ask, how much publicity in the collusion cases? Will exposure cases across the country have been dealing with the traffic Director, the Secretary for more land or Construction Committee Office of the Secretary, or more? national state-owned assets, SASAC, the industry is monopolistic collusion protection is it? various industries restrictive conditions on the non-public economy, whether it is between officials and businessmen colluded with it? whether bank credit has a lot of collusion it? local government offers to investors (including foreign) whether it is collusion?
If you are interested and time, over the years when the President can be exposure of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission Statistics and analysis to be the case, you will find real estate in the collusion of the corrupt, far lower than many other industries. when the President can deal with the case from the Shanghai social security number of the cadres and see the collusion of real estate did not driven by rising house prices excessively.
The Huayuan the state-owned enterprises, I have had a business in the online public a variety of situations, including some users asked donations. At the same time can tell when the President, the audit system of state-owned enterprises can not be charged on account of huge amount of bribes, more importantly, managers of state-owned assets and personal commitment to benefit the special case of criminal risk managers of state-owned enterprises will lose momentum bribery (in addition to such bribery is for personal promotion outside earnings) so no need to use commercial bribery Huayuan way for profitable state-owned assets and personal risk.
We do not rule out the state-owned assets, there will be similar to the problem of integration between officials and businessmen. because the government is a shareholder right to participate in the company's decision-making, and the right to collect revenue or mandatory prescriptive requirements of corporate commitment to public welfare. If Huayuan, Beijing Metro Line assumed the investment and demolition work, the money advanced by the company, in theory, subway space station construction after the land for construction should be given Huayuan do to recover the cost of demolition of the advance, which is also called collusion? Now Huayuan and interest in the payment of costs, but does not determine the ownership of scattered sites.
state the special nature of business connected with the Government on issues and not just with a yuan subsidy phenomenon? Beijing Tianhong companies state-owned enterprises to undertake the construction of affordable housing and the loss of state-owned enterprises do not have to foot the bill by the government, give massive subsidies do?
important is whether collusion becomes a personal between the money, and the formation of the public wealth to private wealth transfer. If one of the officials and businessmen to promote China's economic development or social stability or the public to pay the supply, it will continue to exist, only the trading power for money from the public to the transformation is harmful private.
when China and the public enterprises without the approval of,UGG boots cheap, the problem of collusion in order to be digested.
hate this whole society collusion trading power for money, including developers, interest groups included. but not being there with all sectors of the collusion between the individual and the minority and denied the phenomenon of an industry or an industry. If it is an ordinary Internet users to make such comments is not surprising, but a full-time news media comments editor do not do any analysis of the blinders of the issue of this argument, we can not but make people question your level and ability, and doubt your motives and intentions of the.
Maybe you just because of the controversy in the data failed, had to use other means to divert attention and cover up their mistakes in the data, collusion may be money, Huagongweisi and corruption, but will not cause prices to rise, this is not high prices the driving factor.
eight housing market and the level of social security
the number of people involved not only affordable housing issues, housing, social security depends on the ability of the government. If the government is able to protect the most middle-income families with housing rights, such as low-rent housing, subsidized paste rent, affordable housing, etc., then the high prices to only with the high-income families relevant. If the Chinese middle and high income is a minority, as long as the government guarantees Most of the housing rights group, to not be social instability, it will not be broken the goal to build a harmonious society.
high prices will affect China's urbanization process, but in the current stage of economic development, The city is China's economy able to withstand the over-development in the urbanization process? form of high prices adjust the size of the urban population and urban barriers, but also become the industrial structure adjustment and personnel weapons, as the regulator of public resource allocation. Manhattan , Tokyo, Bombay, London, Hong Kong Island, New ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, the exclusive exposure of 300 new employees encounter unfair treatment (b)

 Two words: pumch-hospital planning recommendations - I have to ask Concorde, what am I?
* Post topic: I have to ask Concorde, what am I?
* Posted by: belly fat
I have to ask Concorde, what am I?
I do not want to do, just want to know, What kind of Union in the end I? So I asked the director.
I will send this letter to the following Admin Office mailbox, accounting computerization of mail, will also print directly to the Union's leadership, not for anything else, just want to know exactly how to look at their Concord mm
respected Beijing Concord Hospital, secretary:
Please forgive me for using that title, rather than more conventional in August 2005, after investment resume, the first instance, interviews, and get my first formal job and become a member of Beijing Union Medical College Hospital. At that time, my teachers and classmates, relatives and friends were happy for me, I There is a sense of pride in himself, all this because I entered a long history in the medical profession has a tradition of very distinguished hospitals mmPUMCH.
education in the hospital, I was told a lot about all aspects of Concorde, but my impression most was the following two things:
First Union is to emphasize the spirit of devotion. clinicians must devote every effort to services for patients, other staff must devote every effort to clinical staff services;
the second year, staff to implement new admission of a new approach, which is the trend of personnel reform, but not all of us Concord stigma, so you should be bold to learn, to practice, to talent.
then, I started in Concord work, experienced the frustration and pain of looking for work, I am well aware of the job hard to come by, I treasure this job opportunity, at work I always do my best for the patients who for other services Concord I can confidently say that this year's work, my own position is qualified, better than anyone else worse. But at the same time, I get paid and people are so depressed, but I do not Therefore the slack, but more hard work. I know, I am in trial period, strictly speaking, can not be considered a member of Concord. No quarter award, fee only half of the holidays, the workers can not make an appointment No. No. can not borrow medical records, I have suffered in silence. because this is reform, someone paid the price. because of the Concorde's trust because of the love of this hospital, in the case of unequal wages, I am still optimistic, and strive to work, seriously really had in the first year, though depressed, although Biequ, but the experience of hospital education, I always order a Concord man and formal workers, even though my file is not here, although I still can not enjoy the work of numbers corresponding rights, but in my heart, I have identified themselves as wishful. Anniversary, the festival, as people of all Concord, Concord Hospital to each employee bonuses. that such a move reflects the hospital workers caring for each Union and the recognition of the work for you. However, the new approach as a new Concord people. information to us in the end what is it? can be said that this move deeply hurt me, I think, also hurt these young men admitted to hospital last year, the hospital network's forum, we vent their grievances However, the absence of normal channels, there is no way the voices of all the top leadership to reflect faithfully.
now, I can identify, this matter was aroused great dissatisfaction all because of the significance of Anniversary for the Concord people. This There should be a festival of all the Union people, though we only worked for a year, though our strength is limited, but after all we are to make a due contribution to the Union, after all, we have also proud of the students, friends said, I am a Union man. But this to us and told us how to feel at ease, told us to look at our hospital in this respect. sad, is greater than disheartened. I just want to ask, after the new new way, is not no more ; Concord man hospitals are fundamentally not think so too. Furthermore, the trial period ends, we in the end the workers regarded Concord? on the road to reform, the reform we are the most direct stakeholders, but I sad to see, we are group of ruling out, in relation to the interests of our policy is introduced, our voices never to be heard, let alone respect. Is opportunity, from our beginning, the reform of personnel system related to the Union's future, can not care, and we, are still really love the experience so Concord, but we also want to love our Union.
a self-righteous ; the P head work
belly brother
to emphasize, we do not know the circumstances be admitted if the reform
planned before we reform, why not interview with us to make it clear when
If you are enrolled before we decided to reform, is not we should be seeking advice? unilaterally to deal with it is not unreasonable? patients have the right to know right to choose, we all should have the right to know the right to choose it.
to sign labor contracts when we came to understand the true situation. is not belong to cheat?
there is P head work , then we change the method signature

fear of a bird is reasonable now that we put forward our views, I hope the leadership to stand on the first point of P
We can also consider ways to solve the problem through legal , labor law is law!
medical disputes disputes, labor disputes not dispute the?
and effectiveness of personnel reform that is not too unprofessional.
Honestly, Concord is an old sign problems in the handling of hospital management has long been thrown behind, and those who do not professional leadership and departments, the class was long overdue so that they
belly fat
upstairs, I could never to impose on others their own ideas, but I want to say these words. So I said. I do not intend to provoke No. P workers and hospital staff the opposition, but hope that the hospital can give us an identity, even if it is Tell me specifically, you are not a Union man. So, I know, how can I do next! this unclear situation will allow me to know what to do, let me languish in the work force center. So, I do not want the hospital another vague, is to please respect us not, then I can not hot face to cold ass.
fat brother
say imposed, that is forced upon us by the hospital to the idea P your thoughts first
reasonable to represent the majority, this is not a confrontation problem is the issue of fairness N
we are highly qualified people in higher education, none of us will not be vexatious, not all right looking thing, but not that we should be submissive, they can not protect their own interests would be altogether Chu Laihun Rights
We do not reasonably reflect the situation of the channel to solve the problem openly!
Besides, you really can represent themselves Why? represents only he can solve a problem? issues reflect up is everyone's problem is related to everyone's interests.
questions to rationalize, not emotional ah fat brother, they do not tell you the feelings of
Zi Yan
Anniversary want to send money?! that I do not know, if true, is good news!
I think the hospital should have the appropriate conditions for the release of it. Although I am on the how the specific treatment of workers is not yet clear, but feel better to write about the leaders of the written text of the thing, too, by e-mail does not seem good.
addition, this year has added enough, do not understand what is meant

If Qi hospital in awkward, certainly will not do such a dubious thing!!
man child, is the P head? If a It usually was used to it
ravaged Hong
fat brother:! This is our voice!!!
ago read an article
Huawei has a young staff into the After the job in January, writing a piece on the problems of Huawei and improved methods for articles and to look after the Ren Ren
, only faint words No, immediately dismissed > It looks both crazy
top fat brother!
belly fat
such a letter if any, not only in the actual performance of employees to dismiss workers, only show that Huawei But this, either for granted. On the other hand, young people dead If I had the face of injustice, and even did not dare express his feelings, he never even was young, I always think so. If young people are made The Zaozao, well-founded, not to mention a month later, write down all day after that, there are no harm, as long as the courage to be responsible for their own discourse, dismissed what. different ways, do not phase plan!
seen Infernal Affairs, right, P is the half of the workers counted Concord, Concord is not half, from the money issued Anniversary know. So it is inevitable that the most painful.
belly fat
Last night's forum, Lee Court holding my letter, I see it. so I did not say anything to appease the attitude of Personnel, and Lu Shuji said, on the Anniversary of the prize money, started her felt wrong, but because before already, will the case. At the time, I really thought it was interesting that he felt wrong, the last because of a trumped-up set, so frustrated over a hot-blooded youth, What kind of set the. on the discussion, I feel on the autofans brother short message, all asked me about the letter. Here, I tell you, I will not act lightly, but once I decided that I would do it. This is not to worry. In the Concorde of the day, I would think one day, However, such thinking may be considered in another space continued. Union do not love me, I still love his.

rainbow after the rain I tell you is: Union of migrant workers. when I was trick is recruited by a formal work, the results six months after the trial period is a new way to get new people and so on. to put 05 new people are nothing P license a month we It took a few hundred dollars, not to the insurance, no food subsidies, the most depressing their own money paying the money to the meal card charge charge charge 100 200 20 Button 40 Button justice lie ah ...... finally boil a year and a half to turn the results that gave a K card, what benefits do not, do not even let into the union, but at the time we are working under the premise in a speech to the Concord ah work. A reference to These hey! really unable to speak out ......< br> Three words: pumch-hospital planning proposals-p staff attention
* post topic: p staff attention
* Posted by: shoebox
p staff attention
11 months of labor wage deduction addition of an article on insurance, wages than talent more than the insurance on the article, go to the Personnel Office to ask, what loss is fees, services of a third reportedly reduced if added, is what the hell, ah, are there any p workers know that to be so engaged, then, after the deduction do not want to how how deduction, is not to find the hospital about collective On ah, completely unreasonable, like how to buckle on how to buckle, then buckle half in two days, and then to two-thirds of what it is good ah
article many months without paychecks the
looking yard to talk? Do not say you do not know how the leadership will respond to your
brother, it appears that unless the leaders singled out to find, not the other way so that, to you concerning
the interests of all the P prefix, you will not put off what it
wonton noodle
loss of fees ah? hospital should explain it!
Personnel saying after every month, so buckle?
unified registration, support conversations. Last conversation is really nonsense, Kazakhstan, to present our wages than in their 90's???? They hit better than the price it??? Zebu income than they do???
other people are too angry, the hospital simply go too far, we prefix all P workers should unite, to the hospital on that point, clear response to the authorities. We must unite for our vital interests!
just to get pay slips, others 1xxxx, I 1xxx, an order of magnitude difference
voter cards just to get people's deputies, not to abstain, only choose liuqian
True to explode
p prefix we do not have extreme personal re-use is a problem how to unite ah
support landlord, we should unite and take a look at how to organize, with the application, looking for homes party talks, not to find the higher level, and then not, and quit.
to ask the Personnel Office and was told not to answer now, to be discussed next week after the House of Lords to answer. do not understand why there is no deducting money before the first official statement.
inquire about the results is so private. the state must hire new employees for each unit to give new employees on the full insurance, the ratio requirement is
1 .
individuals pay the basic old-age insurance: salary base x 8%
companies to pay: salary base x 19%
2. health insurance
(1) of the basic medical insurance: (where 2.8 % into individual accounts)
individuals pay: salary base x 2%
companies to pay: salary base x 9.8%
(2) large medical expenses mutual funds:
individual pay: 3 companies to pay 3 yuan: salary base x 1%
individuals pay unemployment insurance: salary base pay x 0.5%
business: salary base x 1.5%
5 .
personal housing accumulation fund to pay: salary base x 8%
companies to pay: salary base x 8%
now the hospital should be prepared to pay most of the units we personally paid entirely by , looked at the ratio of the above may be in addition to housing fund, and the rest paid by us all. We can show concern for the interpretation of the Personnel next week.
If this is indeed the case, the first national policy on the contrary, State's intention is to force employers protect the legitimate rights and interests, while the capacity to take care of employees, stipulates that the payment of such proportion. you can go to find out, from the private enterprises, foreign invested enterprises to the state-owned enterprises, to institutions, not to listen to said all completely paid for by the individual workers. Second, enterprises in the case of failure interruption insurance, this time only by the individual to renew in order to ensure the continuity of 15 years. If the insurance money entirely out of individual employees, then I can the right not to participate in the insurance, the state's policy is for the employer, does not require every employee must be on their own insurance. Third, the provisions of the labor contract, such a deduction is unreasonable.
we can access about labor law one gold and three insurance regulations.
hospital financial constraints, we can understand, can also reduce the corresponding remuneration of hardship. can not understand why that is always our commitment to a mere 300 people.
that woman < br> Also take part together with brothers and sisters K
card today, I also ask the staff to explain the source to my upstairs you almost almost a month to the insurance deduction 1 *** What is the level of diversity Insurance
and Personnel said the hospital only to let the insurance pay wages this part responsible for their own bonus money deduction for this part of the liquidity of the hospital
as I have a friend left the Union to mobilize the insurance transfer orders deducted each month when the hospital found that the insurance money they've not even go into the Personnel Department's interpretation of the insurance which is you can not see this part of the money, so I am old
that also saw the money damn fucking matter ah
deducting money the Treasury is also the teacher said he received a list of P and K above, the Director of Personnel deducting money has a few words following the agreement is signed by Director of Finance on the TMD without
a formal document to be deducted unclear if the people so much money
not what they were held every month after the deduction of all income is 34.5% (including meals and night make up including costs)
So next week, the Personnel Office to see how to let a reasonable explanation if the hospital can not give a satisfactory reply we only use legal means to recover
we should get some tea
TMD School leadership is a group of silly X!
speak with them not as happy fart it.
is of no use to talk to them, and finally climbed to that position, do not care Dixia Ren's life and death.
I have not seen such a shameless units, than the capitalists also black.
Zhibu Ding large hole in which they have not filled on, and look for our crop.
the responsibility of the hospital why should our personal commitment to A>?
What is this ah ????< br> Also, the so-called medical insurance deduction every month hospital we did not even cross over to Afghanistan?!
say is not clear how what?
I now can be considered to understand the word: dark. Also, more than silly.
wonton noodle
support all upstairs!
too outrageous a!
I tell workers in 2005 who came in P: p 2006 came from the staff there from January prize (600 yuan), we first three months of 2005, one point is not money!!
hospital reform reform it, couples certainly lose out, but not too much ah! chilling the hh
what is being said does not reply, simply is stalling tactics.
we should take the proper legal means to protect their own interests!
employees were called p (and K) together ah!
far as I know, 05 P-prefix admission, 1 / 3 more brothers and sisters of the bonus part of the department which gave the filled out by , nothing different with the older workers, those sections where the P prefix down fairly kind, but more than ten thousand a year short of housing subsidies, as well as quarterly prize holiday charges, etc., then the black heart of the Personnel Department to impose a number of exorbitant taxes and levies, this year, two or three million to less revenue. Most of the rest of the prefix P are subject to limits 1100,1200,1600, we can calculate the ah, the annual income may be only about 04 years with the department admitted less than 50% of workers.
918P prefix when the General Assembly, a president once said, if the promotion of intermediate grade, the hospital will be personnel from the Ministry of Health, Center back the file, and in the treatment of non-discrimination, in fact, He is a serious 忽悠 we had.
closing dinner was when I asked a Director and was told that a president has said there is no interoperability at all, but also jokes that the personnel do not understand a president.
Who says Dean will not be president because of Bluff
忽悠, we might have some hope we prefix P a few years, so now everyone is restrained emotion.
Obviously, if we do not unite for then our situation will never change your friends.

If the woman does not give a reasonable explanation we let the collective strike three hundred people in the corner of Union which does not hang
When the eye to fraud at the hospital informed the media to see how things ended
we should come together now to actively fight for their deserved post
want to see what people can Huxiangzhuangao P and K
around longer mercy of others to do the piece in accordance with the proportion of
I figured that part of the hospital should pay the insurance, we are at the head of the deduction. It is against the law, enterprises should follow the state regulations to each employees on the three risk, and a portion of the funds.
the hospital without consultation with us, in our knowledge of the situation, he should be deducted to pay privately that part of the money, this is the first fraud, and violation of state regulations explicitly . If we remain silent in this go beyond may also intensified. Therefore, to unite it, to the rights we deserve to!!!
the latest news, said yesterday that the hospital denied the Department of Personnel Director of practice, we said to the income deduction of a Director of Personnel only unilateral list to the Treasury wrote a name with her elderly to buckle. but hospital sources said yesterday they have changed their mind, and to support the person's practice. may have to buckle down has been. We think, if so, how to maintain a normal life, this illegal practice must be collective struggle. proposes a formal interpretation of the hospital, we would like to sections where Director of Complaints, the predicament that we strive for maximum support, while we make the relevant pay slips, the contract is ready, the official explanation in the hospital, we appeal to the Office of the collective to the hospital, if not resolved, ready to labor and social security Ministry of Health and Medical related departments to reflect, in short, this continues, you can deduct your one-third of today, tomorrow you can find one-half of nominal deduction, we can imagine the tragic ending.
barefoot matter
safeguard the interests of trade union duties, you can trade unions to reflect, maybe ......< br> dancingmoo
angry !!!!!! Why do that to our employees prefix P is simply bully! We must unite to fight for our legitimate rights and interests of !!!!< br> children
that is not the strings of the caterpiller!
to ask, K is valid and plates?
Still, the hospital deducting money, money making is too much! if you really want to do this, then it really can not stay in place, little money, live and tired! also quit as soon as possible! But be sure to quit before you get back we deserve!!! whatever means, legal action, if necessary, to find the media!
I wonder, how someone else has bought a health insurance card , and we do not delay send the original simply did not tell us on the security ah! too!!
today asked the Department of Personnel, the explanation given is, but also to communicate about the first, and subjects Director , then give us an answer, do not know what sleeve and sell drugs.
P staff attention,, director of Personnel may need to start from, and ask all of you and your director of communications Well, in case there are new tricks, landlord work hard, we strongly support you! people will remember your credit's!!
Personnel said the woman
we will be part of the money supply did not say specifically how much hope We do not just look in the meeting this month, the comfort of these money be a serious mistake will be deducted every month after it is destined not supply this month that part of the money you do not resist the more there is no chance after Therefore, we must work together to take back their own
deserve strong support, Personnel must take our full return on the money deducted to you, or else we would be deducted every month after, we must think about the most important thing at this time united, we the heart to be homogeneous, so that it can power.
latest news, the hospital tomorrow and the department Personnel Officer to discuss the treatment of workers P problem, we have to look at.
P sources were the first words, the outcome of the results did not
.'ll have to say next!
director of finish will not have to discuss over it? in the end is what results!? does it mean that those of us who are so poor P prefix salaries cut down???
is simply no justice ah!!
Dial Personnel Department, they said the meeting also to the P head, you may want to buckle
to the second edition if it is not everything, that we do not need to go to the hospital to eat
weights of, or how, and have to decorum things become significant only skin happy?
fart umch
how these two days have not heard of it, the Hospital Personnel in the end give us an answer, we have no further action ?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Health is the most valuable asset

 Dear Colleagues:
Health is the most valuable asset. In recent years, incidents of premature death among white-collar workers have occurred, in order to avoid such tragedies, we should enhance health awareness. To this end we have collected a number of health knowledge, including the office of health, sleep and healthy diet, exercise and health, mental health, etc., for your reference. for our sales and service platform features such as the staff often need to drink socialize, burn the midnight oil, we also provide a common sober approach, staying up late recovery skills, we want to help. wish my colleagues all have a healthy body and mind and abundant energy!
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to make use of liquid crystal displays.
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more than 70 cm from the monitor needs, placement should be slightly lower than the eyes in and make the eye area is exposed to the air to a minimum.
watching the screen after an hour to rest for 5 minutes, looked away, turning the eye, wink.
adjust the screen brightness does not make eye the degree of fatigue. In front of the computer work, the room can not be too dark, not too bright. ideal office environment mm room the same brightness and the brightness of the screen.
as to avoid the screen showing your face, lighting, and object images (all of the lighting will be careful to make eye fatigue), so, to avoid direct exposure to indoor light interference on the screen and the light. source the best computer users from the left or right. If you wear glasses, should be given its own equipped with an anti-reflective coated lenses.
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to 500 grams of black beans, fry and leave to cool, ground into powder. 500 grams of walnuts, fried micro focus to clothing, leave to cool after the pound drunk. to take these two kinds of food each a spoon, into the boiled milk 1 cup honey, 1 spoon after adding in the morning or after breakfast to take them. can enhance the eye muscles, strengthen the regulatory function, improve eye The symptoms of fatigue.
how to prevent the mouse hand (ie wrist syndrome)?
try to avoid a long time in fixed upper extremity, and frequent activities of mechanical working condition, use the mouse or typing, each one hour of work Event body to get up, do some fist, pinch that other actions to relax the fingers.
use a computer, the computer keyboard and mouse on the table height, preferably lower than sitting elbow height, it is a good reduce operating computer and other parts of the wrist tendon sheath damage.
using the mouse, the arm will not suspended, in order to reduce the pressure on the wrist, move the mouse Do not rely on arm strength with the wrist while trying to do, to reduce wrist stress.
Do not be too hard on the keyboard and the mouse buttons, easy to moderate force for good.
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use the mouse with the use of ; pad in the wrist.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jian Gu Bei Lisa works to stay champion and National Chung Hsing Francis

 Roman Heroes Series ZTE star: Bei Lisa Francis
stay and National can be said Gu Bei Lisa sword
stay and Canal West is ; Rome last star, traditional functions, but also towards the final demise of Justinian. should be called after the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire, not the Roman Empire between the two ---- although this distinction is not sharp.
Chapter . background
great empire two points in the third century AD the Roman Empire, due to internal strife and external extrusion great national movement has had a beleaguered times, called the ;, fortunately, the end of this century, Emperor Diocletian out to revive national prestige, stability, internal and external situation, so that the Roman temporarily out of the crisis in nearly a century. In the Great Diocletian reform measures, among them, which was the empire divided into two parts, two of the things that the emperor, , and heir apparent of the meaning of the words of Chinese storytelling, probably called the Two different things such as leaving the Empire lopsided. Rome is a country surrounded by the Mediterranean, something much greater than the distance north and south. relied on the strategic road network within the development, within the British Legion, sometimes within two weeks time for a forced to the Danube front, but things in the Empire unified mobilization of forces between the two lines, for example, to Syria from Britain or Spain, it is very difficult. And the third century and fourth century the Roman Empire first condition of existence, is effectively to defend Empire border, while the Roman emperor it, first, a military commander, told us that the Emperor of China understand different responsibilities. So what divided the two emperors, in the military, are also considered a matter of course.
according to Chinese traditional political concepts, the unified world, the rate of soil Could WANG Chen coast, and the emperor then, the day the country goes for the king goes on, is definitely can not have two, once the two emperors, the state was divided, some To fight to the bitter end, finally reached Hunyuan not unified. In the fourth century Rome, is not the case, things are not mutually exclusive relationship between the Empire, in fact, both places is more interlinked and mutually Austrian aid,UGG boots cheap, and what often appears empire united in a case under the crown. In his later years after retirement Diocletian, the Roman throne various military generals fight, not long before Constantine the Great defeated the other competitors, not only the throne, and is something the Empire common lord, he was in Europe and Asia at the junction of the edge of the Bosphorus, the ancient Greek colonial city on the site of Byzantine Old City, a new Constantinople, as the empire's new capital. Constantine Great is often said to be the first Roman emperor who converted to Christianity, in fact, during the reign of Constantine, Christian compassion, the implementation of the policy of friendship with Christ is there, issued the are some exceptions, however, until his death in the last minute, it officially became a Christian.
behind Constantine, the Roman Empire for a time of relative calm, AD 378, were oppressed by the Goths Hungary immigrants the border and into the uprising the Empire, Gothic cavalry defeated the Roman legions, the year of the Battle of Adrianople, as infantry, cavalry replace the arms as a decisive milestone in the field events. But Rome (plus Byzantine Empire) two thousand years of history has examples of heavy water up the mountain more than once, this time out for Dinghaishenzhen is Tiaoduoxi emperor Tiaoduoxi during the reign of the challenge of defeating the Goths, the reunification of east and west in an imperial crown under the Roman Empire, he is the last two imperial common lord, Tiaoduoxi death, his two sons were both inherited the throne.
when three generations of romantic history has come to In the 4th century and the early 5th century, the great national wave of migration on the Roman world has been impossible to resist. Building will dump, always the first to collapse from within, when Tiaoduoxi Great men have two generals,bailey UGG boots, one of Costa Rica Alaric special people shortly after the death in Tiaoduoxi, Jubing against Rome, but the Vandals Sitilike Western Empire as army chief, loyal to defend their master. Sitilike has repeatedly defeated Alaric Unfortunately, does not reward high-power, alike since ancient times, the West Roman emperor Henuo killed Sitilike stay self-defeating, so no one can restrain the generation of Lawrence of Alaric, becoming the first 7 years the fall of Rome the barbarians Jubing leaders, this occurred in AD 410.
the 5th century AD, the Western Roman Empire precarious, and finally capsized. In this century of cross-flow into the sea, roughly three times: the first stage is Alaric and Sitilike times, to 410, culminating in the fall of Rome, Alaric I died the same year. The second stage is the king of Hungary, Attila, Vandals Gaisalike times, the third king of the Clovis era is the flange and the era of the Italian king

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Green is not environmentally friendly in the end the Japanese

 Japanese in the end there is not environmentally friendly green
Feng Yongfeng
2008   6 Late last month, went to Japan for a few days, time is very short, only in Tokyo and Yamagata Prefecture glance here, a small hole. Knowledge is very shallow, feeling down There are some. some text, simply because to imagine, perhaps, and Japan itself has no relation.
(small items) Why do not the traffic jam
Tokyo Photo Description: Old Japanese universities have a variety of intervention the current situation of publicity.
think about most is: Why not Tokyo traffic jam? Tokyo and surrounding cities, about 4,000 people live in the middle of the house and the house is almost no open space, holding another viaduct viaduct, the city's backbone Road to the much narrower than in Beijing, the curvature of the road more and Shanghai are similar, probably people in Tokyo than in Beijing as a whole, to rich people in Shanghai, the Japanese still want privacy, why do not the traffic jam can be Tokyo?
Later generally understood, there are three reasons, first, the civilian population of the city, an important carrier of the era of democratization, therefore, more and more privileges in the city does not make sense. Second, the underground rail transit (subway, tram want to say) and the ground rail (Shinkansen) is very well developed, almost anywhere in the city, can be very convenient to catch the subway; almost anywhere you want, you can reach the vicinity of the subway; almost all of the Tokyo subway who had a hand circuit diagram, otherwise it is easy to take the wrong car. Third, the city rarely leave room for private cars, including the parking lot small, expensive parking fees, etc.; Therefore, we people have the tendency to sell cars.
then, in turn, think about it, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, these spirit is not universal? is driving private cars be encouraged? are still too many people to the private car as a private space, safe space, comfortable space for the extension?
(small items) products-industrial times require durability and exquisite
China is often sanitation problems as the environmental problems, therefore, a city does not attach importance to environmental protection, it must be unable to solve garbage Second, the waste incineration.
the so-called junk, in fact, a human very expensive, but with the time to be a tear gently to obsolete. Gifts beautifully packaged outside, then do look good, it will not be mistaken for collection of gifts and well-being (of course, occasionally Maidu Chu also the phenomenon of attacks), and these exquisite, over-packaging,UGG boots clearance, enabling the user to open the moment, it has become a social outcast. This is the fate of many items.
some over-abundant material possessions people, even many good things, even the packaging is to not open, it will be abandoned. no matter how good the material, if the significance of the loss of the use, from the beginning, it becomes garbage.
Therefore, the garbage The first layer of meaning, is the full use of the material. a material to be fully utilized, probably to have two, one is durable, and second, multi-functional, or that the combination of art and utility. a thing done durable, long using life expectancy, the lower the likelihood of a waste; a thing if in addition to the practical features to meet human aesthetic features while meeting and often give the art of pleasant surprise, this thing is the possibility of value to large. The Japanese also used a lot of disposable chopsticks, but their outer packaging sets of chopsticks is very beautiful, so that you are having a sudden and devastating feelings of Nature and Cherish; and paper sleeve is in the affirmative reuse, You have just taken out of chopsticks, the boss to the paper cover off the table and gently place into a clean and fresh.
and China on economic development, urbanization, industrialization seemed to kind of mistake, that must be fast food, simplified, crude technology, one-time of, plundered of. China is now really the best period in history, as China hungry for too long, civil rights are suppressed too deep, too much resources plundered citizens miserable, so that when individual rights are relative to the full release capsule began bravely to take property before, it is natural to be hungry, food is not optional things, not choose the source material they simply filled to the stomach, , to plug in his pocket, side of the road, on the ground, will for themselves, their neighbors, have plagued the natural world. Therefore, the durability of Chinese products, refined beauty problem, probably a very important issue of environmental protection era. Japan in this regard, I would like to be able to China has revealed.
(small items) directly affect the eating habits of China's extensive waste separation
is reflected in many aspects, including food, is also universal in extensive areas such as Guangdong, as Good eating shark, snakes and other wildlife, and even cruelty involved. Perhaps, the extensive mode of feeding may be the crux of garbage.
Photo caption: Yamagata organic agriculture is a way to duck rice .
been to spread the Japanese people like garbage in this country has done extremely well, what is divided into a dozen, ah, ah what recovery time point, and what individuals need to pay ah waste disposal, and what waste incineration facilities and residential areas are separated by a wall, ah, what smokers themselves with ashtrays ah, eat, peel back the people their own nuclear ah, in short, some people said to put Japan's environmental well, hesitate to spend a lot of ink and the tongue .
I am always hold considerable suspicion. because I know people are being reckless, and the behavior of logical necessity and people being reckless, impulsive, chaotic conflict with the characteristics of a place. managed again clear, then strict discipline and regulations be obeyed, no matter how the society, there are alcoholics, there are lovelorn, claim whatever the people, in short, people who are willing to abide by in addition to public morality and order in this channel, there is a wild , natural, ready to break the shackles of dogma and the channel. multiple personalities overlap in the human body, in a lot of time is indeed a powerful vision of public order to an individual to depression and well managed, but this does not mean, one will listen and obey like a machine, does not mean good sign of a society is that everyone obey orders, to obey certain habits. It has a fascist, the risk of pan-militarization.
so you can see to the Japanese public space inside the trash can plug anything is, of course, have a classification of street facilities, crowded together plastic and plastic, paper and paper quartet built a stack, the net bag to drink each other hellos, there is no one China, the characteristics of the trash that is clean, or that there is no urine, nose, skin and other leftover food. personally think that perhaps this is the essence of Japan's garbage. because in China, in fact, for those who can separable things, but rather points to solve the matter can not be easy to mix things, the issue object of Chaos.
Chinese people throw garbage on the one hand there is a calm, on the other hand there is also a shame. frankly is think what can be thrown out because the Government arranged in the back, handled properly, is a government thing, you can enjoy accused the government of inaction; shame is generated because of some , leftover watermelon, with a newspaper roll, one fitted with a plastic bag to quickly thrown into the bucket, the outflow of any of their soups; used diapers covered with feces, and broken biscuits, do not want to eat food, mixed together and gently fastened, is readily thrown. consequence of this is to let the garbage man in a very difficult, but also led to the recovery of things can become quite difficult.
This is the middle of difficulty, first, the excessive use of plastic bags the question, the second is crazy, but most of them relatively clean plastic bags, cleaning and after use are divided into the habit of small classes, so give excellent recovery brings the convenience, but the thing to eat I become more agile handling. < br> Photo: City of let them out of nature, some insight began to teach children to grow crops, between man and nature, trying to restore a sense of alienation.
why few Japanese eat garbage, and China Food Waste much? This and a group of brought a sense of crisis atmosphere that was long steeped, refined, perhaps it is easy to become a habit to save. how much how much to eat, If China do refuse, reform must start from the meal, about three outlets, one is the amount of man-eating, and second, Dining System and the third is doing the food exquisite. China is now enough to eat a lot of people have passed the period , we eat a good way to look around, in addition to eating organic food, health food, the food itself is doing the delicate, elegant, artistic, and probably also a viable strategy.
(small items) is Resources imperialism time, many people, probably out of state to do for themselves or capitalist era of high emissions. The defense of the word, of course, quite true, but sometimes, it may not be wholly justified; or, yesterday justified in today's perspective may not be justified. because a new community changes, the old grabbing hold onto the past, and sometimes becomes very shallow.
Japan's forest coverage rate reached 70%, but they are from ten years ago, the state of the dead on the next order, not allowed to cut their own wood. need wood and wood products, a large number are imported from abroad, such as their disposable chopsticks, there is 90% of imports from China, 10% of imports from Southeast Asia. This is the middle, it is naturally related to ; ecological plunder high, almost every cell of every whales to eat exhausted gave the Japanese (the Japanese claim that a high degree of utilization of resources, but also the around the world have left many people blame the handle. As another example, many Japanese people like to say that the Chinese have bought the coal, and then poured into the sea, stored, ready to use later. this area has shown a A shrewd country in crisis, indeed the other hand, shows a country's that this is the product of imperialism, trying a number of products in the high share of the world, to new schemes, other groups to achieve a new world occupation and aggression.
the one hand, Japan is a great number of resources the lack of countries, such as its food self-sufficiency rate of less than 40%, less than 4% of energy self-sufficiency, it is natural, they must use a variety of approaches to the rest of the world to acquire resources. access to resources about the two methods, namely, the use of force seizure, the second is the text force the sale and trading. In the past, Japan accounted for by force of course, want the resources of other countries. Now, that possibility disappeared, the second strategy to become the only strategy.
And this policy of globalization, the light stick, will naturally be to sell their products to world power. all countries, like Japan, there will always face certain lack of resources or lack of resources, therefore, need to Areas of other supplies; Similarly, all countries, like Japan will also have its own resources expertise, therefore, resources for public speaking, it is necessary to use their own resources to supply the deficiency of other countries. damage to more than to fill the gap, it is probably the , to some extent still is human selfishness reflected at the national level.
Japan's phenomenon is caused by too many people instinctively think: is not a country's natural advantage because of its location, careless a wealth of resources such as oil in some countries in Western Asia, but these resources belong to this country really is it? generated when the original earth, do they really mean this, this exclusive resources to this country, so that the other the lack of a country?
think about the natural next is this: Other countries have adopted the form of a relatively fair trade, access to resources of a country the right to use, be considered a kind of resource exploitation? If the operator, in what form can not?
will naturally think about the third question: to boast of thought, good reflection and responsible human beings, in the end rely on the resources of the living, or should be highly developed human beings, such as savings, restrained, intelligent, wise, noble, refined them to live for?
final analysis, the measure of a country depends on its , there is little some of them are also carefully protected for nature conservation, whether mm, human welfare or to national selfishness, in order to remedy this, they tried to rally their comparative advantage as a potential resource, for which Japan obtaining the required funds. In this respect, one only know to enjoy natural resources, exploitation of natural resources, totally dependent on natural resources, a country that only knew reselling resources, violently digging natural resources, through bribery and other corrupt means to escape environmental responsibility of people, probably already behind the companies such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Sony, Panasonic, Canon and other such prices) may also not be too evil; important to have enough health, compelling strengths, which is more than enough valuable things can be supplied to the world; a country lack of natural resources may not matter because each country's most abundant resources are hidden in the body of every human individual, the development of human resources in their own, perhaps another way of environmental protection.
Environmental Protection there are only two choices, one as a small place use of natural resources or exploitation of natural resources as an alternative to value-added; the second is for the use of natural resources, environmental damage resulting from use are great enough to help pay the natural recovery of a country depends on environmental capacity is not available, simply use two indicators to measure, largely on it.
said China is not Japan's problem or not learning in the era of man and nature, or that the era of environmental protection, in a democratic age or type of social ecology inspired age of each individual's positive energy to inspire them, allowing each individual to live in dignity, autonomy, pleasure, cause of environmental protection is probably a prerequisite for the smooth advance or symbiotic conditions.
(small items) Japanese how to observe nature
I took my telescope to Japan, I'll try to see how many species of birds in Japan, especially in cities. At the same time, and I think will be a while Bird lovers in Japan; the telescope, bird watching and bird watchers who are conveniently close together, that he invited us to visit Japan. He is a well-known environmental journalist in Japan, the original Japanese In March, he was 70 years old, retired again; he taught his students had organized a party. Soon after, he was once again Waseda University Rice University and Peking University to build a College of Environmental Sciences, the two sides exchanging scores of students. He has no children, he said he wanted his own house into a Japanese environment, environmental organizations, journalists and civil exchange centers. < br> the original first Emperor of Japan's the last does not support the original automotive industry, Toyota has written many articles criticizing; later Toyota introduced the eco-friendly Prius hybrid car, he bought a car; but he can not drive, to drive the heavy falls on his wife body. Every time I raise my binoculars, his wife would come over for observation, while quickly identify what kind of bird just in front of the lens.
to interview with Japan's Yamagata Prefecture organic agriculture are environmental organizations, one international in charge of the Asian branch of BirdLife, she just took a few of the jointly developed with the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society birding-oriented teaching in primary and secondary students, by the way gave me a set. in the high-cho, Yamagata Prefecture visited the model area of organic agriculture When Ms. Watanabe and one other woman woman gave us a sumptuous dinner and unique, she is also a bird watcher, look at my chest as she hung the telescope, the carrying tray towards me happy laughed for a long time; Because of language barriers, and translation and busy,UGG boots, but I know what she meant, she said it was dark, tomorrow morning and you go, but it does not matter, because the bird-watching this event, our future there will be more opportunities for exchange.
night lived in Yamagata Prefecture, it is Firefly began to everyone in the organization to see fireflies weekend, it would have for the annual event, worried about the situation is not good this year, Firefly, they observed the first day also went to the location of the first visit for a bit; did not see fireflies, so she had some worry. but she's worried about is uncalled for, such as the Firefly will be about and to, because the evening, we in the night sky to see the bits and pieces of fireflies in the wind. eleven p.m., and we still chat room, and suddenly, the wife of former President just rushed in, excited to go outside to take everyone to see fireflies. Every time that they have uttered a marvel.
So I asked the original Gang, Firefly in Japan in the end what it means ? the original Gang said Japan's fireflies into two factions, one of the original clan, the first level family home. The two families is the confrontation between the Japanese forces during the Edo period. The two families have a lot of warriors, and warriors are always fighting each other, and finally one day, fireflies began to change his attitude, that we stop fighting, we began to breed it. Therefore, the fireflies also hinted that the Japanese samurai of the soul. However, intercourse is short, only one day, fighting is frequent, most of the time in the swords and guns in each other, plot calculation. Firefly goes by, quiet tour of the state, but also brings a sense of life and uncertain sense of nothingness, so enjoy the fireflies, in Japan is a very deep-rooted tradition.
gave us translate Dong Zhenhua, professor of the original just a doctoral student in his original study Japanese at the Beijing International Studies University, and later to the work of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and then later to Japan University of Tokyo, Keio University, Waseda University study. He said that the Japanese like to observe nature is indeed a nation, Japan will have more than one million members of bird-watching; each spring, the Japanese have to see cherry blossoms, we sit cherry trees, cherry and so open, to see cherry blossoms float in the air, such as cherry decline; in May, when the Japanese will go to the riverside to see iris flower, iris flowers have many colors, all chasing to see. many women in Japan special chores at home, but they were not idle, often drove together, went to see what fireflies.
course, Japan still has many problems of environmental protection, especially in civil protection activities, do not necessarily easier than the Chinese and smooth. Also, you walk in Japan, you will find that although Japan's forest protection was good, but the proportion of natural forest in the forest, not too high, while the holdings of natural forests, probably is a measure of a country's level of environmental protection the most accurate signs.
(small items) The environment needs public intellectuals
Yamagata reason we went to an interview with organic agriculture, because a poet.
1973, the high-cho, Yamagata Prefecture, a young Kanji Star poet, felt a terrible problem: the rapid industrialization of Japan swept the agriculture and rural areas, agriculture is the land for industrial mm all the way were in accordance with the industrial business group controlled by several, simultaneous production of a Class of high quality agricultural products; farmers are becoming migrant workers mm they are either locally as sensitive heart that this is a problem, so he started the home 41 young people began to run from the to maintain their health and activity, to protect the village's natural, being reckless, random, harmony, mutual love of semi characteristics of human society.
organic agriculture is difficult, because they do not use pesticides and fertilizers, the productivity of the land itself, the crop predators do to their own resistance to low; fertilizer and agriculture also becomes convenient and easy to agriculture, and for much helpful to reduce heavy labor, and organic agriculture have a chance to get back to heavy manual labor of farmers. And Japan's Agriculture Ministry was not like they test and adhere to, because at that time the government is trying to agricultural industrialization, to produce more agricultural products.
Kanji star status to help the poet to his busy, as he poetry circles, quite well-known in Tokyo, so, in their village production, and found the city's docking consumer households, those people who include environmental groups, but also enlightened people of the cultural sector, it is these consumer households docking They help their busy, so their products can be sold with sufficient profit.
1974, the Japanese, another famous writer, a Gizo and son, wrote a book called Kanji Star home as the prototype, they insist on writing the story of organic agriculture and social experience. This book was a great influence on Japanese society, because this book is the first serialized in the newspaper. newspapers came out, the original Gang such a sensitive environment correspondent, reports began to track the trajectory of development of organic agriculture in Japan, has been tracking, research up to now refused to let go. Although Japan's organic agriculture, has accounted for about 50% of Japanese agriculture.
1974 years Japan has a delegation to visit China, members have a name in the village, is the , the star wide governance also came to visit China, when his identity is capacity one of the first of the Charter, is to emphasize the conservation and protection of traditional culture.
thirty years, organic agriculture can be developed in Japan to its current size, there is another person also plays a very important role. Star wide governance began dead set to do organic farming, so that carrier of culture, let the logic of the agriculture is still a good time when literature, a man looked at the cold side, the man named Ryoichi Kikuchi, is a chemical expert. He looked at the forty-one concern of young people, because he found that organic agriculture to the elderly, women had to dry a lot of hard work may be avoided, but he is a feminist, he believed that women should not be so abused. So he invented a low-toxicity pesticides, only need to play one of these pesticides, and weed removal, enhance disease resistance of crops are good. Therefore, organic agriculture in Japan, there are two types, one is pure, its production out of rice, 60 kg of Sell ¥ 36,000, only played once Ryoichi Kikuchi invented that type of pesticides, 60 kg of rice can be sold at 26,000 yen, rather than organic farming of rice, can sell about 16,000 yen. His invention so many people, it is easy to participate in the organic agriculture into.
China, many intellectuals, seems to lack the spirit of realism, the lack of the spirit of field research, lack of participation in the spirit of the times, the lack of the spirit of the public to solve problems, regardless of in rural or urban, whether temporarily or in the local settlement, always with the times themselves deeply with the community, and events to isolate, for fear that the trend of the water droplets contaminated with the fear involved in any of an era whirlpool, fear of becoming parties to and participants in any event. not related with their participation, and what does not even dare to participate; see the beautiful phenomenon can not participate, see the injustice of the phenomenon did not dare to intervene. In short, Clean living, away from the era, cut off from nature, seems to be our intellectuals do not rid the body of a gene.
sometimes think this is very strange, because the universities are public, the Institute is the public, The library is public, academic publications is a public, social out so much money to support public utilities in order to gather knowledge and wisdom so that some have the right and ability to use these public resources for those who expect nothing more than these people able to The University has a tradition of participation in public events.
Xu Gang, written by well-known environmental writer, showed a strong concern? not the courage to become advocates and leaders of the revolution? the contrary, intellectuals. Few intellectuals willing to speak for the damage to the environment, few intellectuals willing to damage people around, very few are willing to go all the way intellectuals involved in the natural public welfare and social welfare services. that does not participation is also not possible because both the knowledge or the personal moral conscience, it may not pass the test, but in much, too troublesome, and then participate more, are also worried by the implicate, and next to the greenhouse can be so much rest, a hotbed of so soft can sleep, there are so many in speaking soft words can be good enough, there are so many can sip warm water, there are so many gentle town for fantasy, he of the of the two compared Yes, nature is indifferent manner, Geshandaniu, every curtain blind date, nowhere near enough to settle down for the count on the good.
intellectual the need for them to speak out, they do not speak out, or ill, do evil, holding a sign expert, but ignorant of the man of conscience, say should not say, do things hard to evaluate.