Monday, October 25, 2010

First, how to live lives of worship

 Referred to three things:

first person to meet the Lord the most obvious evidence is that we changed

we change to meet the Lord in them. When we read the Bible, praying, singing into to

meet the Lord. Because our God is a living God; our God in our quiet them, we have a

clear sense of normal, we have a wide open mind, when we come to God, we will find that

God is waiting to speak to us. So a person to meet the Lord, the most obvious evidence

is that we changed.

Second, receive the word of God

in the second there, we have groups that worship, the most important thing is before

God, God commands us to listen to the words. We group together to worship, pray, wait,

receive, there is one very important thing - is the word of God 』『 receive.

we collectively receive the Word of God, although we also worship them meet personal

God, but God of our collective thoughts together, met with God, God will be

particularly through the gift of the prophet, in our gathering them to speak to us. Let

us be a blessed community, together we receive His guidance.

Third, we share a worship 』『 groups, the most primitive, the simplest form of

last, we mentioned the most original worship is a simple prayer. When we got together,

we wait, pray, put together what we want before God calls, he cries, God according to

His promise in the Bible, the achievements in our midst.

these years, I attended church every week prayer meeting, we were in prayer, to the

church thing, personal needs, before God, we have a prayer need, we have seen Many sick

people healed; we see more sad, there are people who have the burden of the release.

Our prayers will be among the very, very much to experience God's grace.

have a prayer meeting in which, I followed the usual, many people continue to Church of

St. pray, I suddenly realized that one thing we pray for those who are those objects

They can also come to the prayer meeting it?

I think that the paralytic, there is no way a person when he came before God, when four

men took him to God, there are four men carried him to the paralytic in front of the

four individual is a prayer of people! The four are love!

will be there when we pray together, pray for many things, there is not possible, we

need to be invited to pray for the people who need to have the grace of God who was

also with us Church of the praying together will it?

when we think so, you will find, not only to the needs of the Church, to individual

needs, prayer before God, we also found that when people in need before God, This was

the grace, he also came with us to enjoy the grace of God to come and worship God. Not

just pray for others, but also for their prayers, it is not better?

Therefore, when we gathered together here,Discount UGG boots, I also call upon all of

our viewers, to experience God in prayer. In the group which came together in prayer

before God to experience Him.

Second, today's topic: how to live life after worship?

Today we focus on the individual to worship or body worship, our life should be how to

change? When our personal worship, when we worship groups, we have that the individual

is not some normal performance can be raised come from?

Acts the second chapter ten to the forty-seventh section: 『And with many other words

did he testify and exhort, saying: Save yourselves from this untoward generation. So

who received his word were baptized. That day, added unto them about three thousand

people, all devoted themselves to the apostles learned, each handover, the breaking of

bread and to prayer. And they were all afraid, by the apostles of the many wonders and

signs. Who believe in a all things common. And sold their family business, according to

his need of, to every man. Every day they mind, and continued to meet in the house?,

And breaking bread at home, with glad and sincere hearts rice. Praise God, and all the

people. Lord saved people every day added to them. 』

This is what we read Acts of the Apostles; when they early church, meeting with them

after the scene. This Bible is a description of the early church after worship with the

situation. Many people think that a situation like this is just a historical record,

that only the early church to be so. In fact, if we summarize a little, you will find a

church that life is very real life. A life like this church is a not only was that,

even after two thousand years the modern, we can still teach them, to experience a life

like this.

this section, we can see that both the personal worship Ye Hao, whether individuals

participate in group worship worth mentioning that when we attended the meeting, we

will become a how to people? His attitude to life, how will adjustments? This is what

we want to share with you today - the 『how to live life after worship? 』

Accurate to say that when a person meets God, when a normal relationship between man

and God, when a group of people took part in the worship, he changed the whole person,

he should have some adjustments. Godly life, not the birth of the life we thought and

purity of life. Many people think that a godly life, he looked straight ahead, do not

travel with others, like all day reading the Bible, praying them.

If we read the Bible, we find that not the case; a godly life is completely living in

the contemporary. His dealings with other people, he is still in life, successfully or

not successfully met the environment, he has tears, laughter, despair, a despair, a

happy, there are problems, there is joy, but he is not were often weak. He is not

without weakness, he is not without difficulties, but he will come out of them in this.

This is the first generation we see the church life should be.

early church in this passage we see performance like this, if we sum up the performance

of life can have four, we can put forward:

first, from above , the apostles received the lesson is:

』『 receive an apostle had learned to worship, you should show some life. That is one

lesson received the apostles, after which he can live a life style after worship.

Acts the second chapter twelve are devoted themselves to the apostles 『』 lessons.

other words, were from the Bible, understand the words of God to give us and him live

out. Experience from the Bible which God gave us, and put his life out. This is a

godly, a normal performance. Bible is not for knowledge, reading the Bible is from God

knows how God is a God, reading the Bible is not simply want the knowledge about God

only, in fact, reading the Bible to understand God more personal to us, or all of us to


So a person to worship God, a disciple of Christ, when the worship of God, when he,

after which he will be a performance, that he received lessons from the apostles to

understand God in our own guidance. God through the apostles, prophets, speakers told

us that we can live our lives.

Bible is not for knowledge, reading the Bible but are willing to come to a deeper

understanding of God. Important is not whether we have the biblical knowledge of

education, it is important but if we experience God in our lives, we can verify that we

can actually get the help.

Education is focusing on aspects of knowledge, by training on the line in terms of

emphasis. We judge how a person is not really worship God? Word of God is to see his

reaction. If a disrespect to the people worship, the response of the Word of God for

other people reading the Bible, is for others to understand the Bible and the Bible

used in someone else's body. The Bible used in other people, and as a criticism.

a real person in worship, after reading what performance? A true worship, he read the

Bible for themselves the. God had given him receive him, he came to live out.

a person does not worship God, or that he had not met God's people, then he read the

Bible would be his difficulties. His reading of the Bible will become his predicament,

he will bring to criticize others, he will bring lessons to others, he is hearing for

others to hear. Sometimes we listen

Road, will criticize the speaker about a good or bad, of course, talking is good

speaker is worth us thinking. But more often, when one speaker talked about it really

that good, he did not want the word of God have an effect on him.

Therefore, if a person can not receive from the lessons of the Apostles, he is not to

worship God, he is to read a book, the book called the Bible. He is to read a book,

this book is no different with the other books, this book is like him as a knowledge to

use it. If a person is not really to worship God, then he attended the Sunday worship,

he is to attend a religious ceremony. People will always worship God in worship, the

God to see large and small self. A person is not to worship God after attending the

party, he will find a way to settle down, he found in the religious form, the ceremony

of which he should have looked.

so a man of God worship worship with a disrespectful person, after he finished a

drastic worship; a worship God, and he often comes to mind is how to help others deeper

How to become a deeper blessing to others. But one is not to worship God, to worship

when he finished, but not like this result.

So after life after worship, the first thing is that he can be brought on by the

apostles from the lessons.

Second, there is a performance that would like to worship God

deeper after a worship how people should have kind of performance? Acts the second

chapter seventeen:

『praise God, and everyone's favorite

mentioned here』 『』 praise God, a person whether it is personal worship of God, or

among the parties, met God, touched by God, he has a performance that would like a

deeper worship of God.

This is a very curious thing, this is a very real thing; When a person truly worship

God, he will want to worship God,UGG bailey button, he will think of encounter with

God, he would God would like to be touched, he looked forward to another opportunity to

meet with God, and he hope to understand God's love, God's gentle.

all the grace of God in him, he can be manifested, but also increasingly want to know

more about God's mercy, God's wonderful; as a rich man want to be more rich, a rich

man, he 'd like to have more money. Enjoy great importance on a spiritual person, he

would pay more attention to his spiritual enjoyment.

last August I'm going to Italy to preach, fly's sake, can be via Amsterdam or Paris. I

passed some understanding, I decided to go from Paris to Italy. Why should I go to

Paris? Because in that year in Paris has a very special exhibition is Picasso


Picasso is famous because of his famous paintings. Lot of people like Picasso's

paintings, although not easy to understand, but he is a generation of masters, many

people liked his paintings shown, we did like his paintings. But we also know that not

only his famous painting, he is a famous sculpture.

year so when I go to Italy to preach, I have the opportunity through, I want to say is

the result of Paris? Or after Amsterdam it? I decided to go to Paris. When I go to

Paris later that day, I found a chance to see Picasso's sculpture exhibition, looking

at the time, I was very surprised! He made sculptures out of that more interesting than

his paintings. When you look at his sculpture, you the man is simply attracted by his


Why do I spend this time? Why am I willing to spend this money? Because I like the

spirit of enjoyment. You ask a man like to eat, as long as he has good food there, he

went there to run. You see a person like art is so, is such a rich man, a man of

worship as well.

when he met the real God, when he learned how God is kind of a time, he seemed more

willing to face God, to worship Him, to glorify Him, to befriend him, to experience

Him. This is an awareness of God's people a normal performance. So when we worship God,

then, there is a clear evidence that we want to worship Him deeper.

Once I receive before I worship in preaching, in the worship of them, I suddenly felt

deeply the love of God in me, I found God with me, even if the venue a few hundred

individuals, But I find that God is with me. Look how happy I am through to that thing!

I know that day to preach, I just like God said: .

a worship of the man who had a normal response to the second is that he will offer more

worship and praise.

Third, he is willing to share a

how worship should be like after the performance? People who worship a god to worship

God, he has a performance, he is willing to share, the grace of God he is willing to

share with other people.

Acts Chapter II forty-two, They have devoted themselves to the apostles of the lesson,

each transition, the breaking of bread and to prayer. And they were all afraid, by the

apostles of the many wonders and signs. Who believe in a all things common. And sold

their family business, everyone according to each one required for the sub. Every day

they mind, and continued to meet in the house?, And breaking bread at home, with glad

and sincere hearts rice. 』This is demonstrated by the early church the third thing.

is also an experience of God, is a worship to God after a normal reaction. React? Is a

worship of the people will certainly feel very, very big God! God must feel incredibly

wonderful! Will feel the grace of God in us is so rich! So we are willing to share with

others. Was not a communist society, but they are communist.

what is called communism it? Is to all my out, so you have to share. If you are willing

to take it out with us all to use. Everyone to share, this is a beautiful thing. We can

see that when a person truly worship God, and when a person truly experienced God, he

has a willingness to share inner feelings. We see from the Bible here, when a person

experienced God, he is willing to put all his money, material, experience, talent,

time, and others to share.

finished when you worship,UGG boots clearance, you find that your people to become

smaller and smaller, you see yourself getting smaller and smaller, you see someone more

important. You see people, not only is important in your eyes, you find him before God,

is pleasing to God. The heart of God within you, you then ever more valuable.

So when a person truly worship God, he would have experienced one thing; he would want

all of his share with others. When a person and share with others, he knew he was

growing up, and that he has experienced God. Be sure to remember one thing, the

Christian faith gives us is not cultivation, but life changes.

life change is change from the inside out, a person's training is done from the outside

into the. Do you know to go inside from the outside are two different things out there

live; go out to do, is when you make out when, in fact, your heart is not very happy,

not very like, not very happy, your heart is not willing to be so ; But you have to do

is training.

but a person's life, he experienced God is so rich, so great God, others are so

important in your life which you can put yourself to getting out. This is a judgment.

we judge a person is not truly know God, how to judge him? He and others on how to

share, he and others sharing from the heart, willing to share more out of their own.

This is a very conclusive evidence that he is a fantastic experience God God,

the fourth, his Foreign willing to spread out the truth of the gospel

experienced when a person of God rich later, when a person is to worship God,

experience, after a fourth thing is that he is willing to truth of the gospel of

external spread out. He is willing to spread out the truth of the gospel. How the Bible


Acts the second chapter seventeen, 『praise God, and all the people. Lord saved people

every day added to them. 』

So a person to worship God, how he had a kind of worship after life? Is his willingness

to spread the gospel of external truth.

Once, I went to 700 Club, host Koushao En asked me a question, he said: tertiary

institutions to teach the book so many years, why did you quit the job, to be a

preacher man? Why are you willing to put others appears to be a very good work, is a

good career, a respected work down, do a general look like a very weird career, as a

preacher to do? I read in high school, I experienced one thing. At that time I was high

one time, I am a Christian, but I'm not sure God's grace in my body has completely come

to me.

party at that time among the high school, I found one thing, when I meet them when a

speaker asked: ? really love me? Do you really want to come to me? like me like a

person, although on the surface, people say I am a good boy, people say I am a good

student, but I knew that I'm out is a person, a person inside of me. I do not know

people like this, people will look at is good, God is watching how people like? One

thing God loves me all the grace of God willing to come to me. He is not the look I was

not a good man, but look at me are willing to accept God's grace. That time, I

experienced very profound, I deeply know that people like me, and I know in my days to

come inside, I inevitably have many failures, weak,cheap UGG boots, and I believe I

will not be a good people, but the love of God came to me and let me know things like

this, He loves me! Not because I'm kind of man has changed, this is a very curious

thing. I can not believe it!

party in that time, when I said to God, that time I was sixteen, seventeen, and I said

to God: God, I not only believe you, accept you, and I want to spread your name in my

entire life. so many people like me like to you can experience. grace.

I before God, pray to God, I often learn to take a gospel way. I finish college,

graduate school, in the Legislative Yuan to work teaching at the university, but

deeper, and I know one thing, that is, to come upon the truth of the Gospel of God to


an experienced man of God, he must be willing to preach the gospel, the truth, you are

willing to experience God's abundant it? After a worship, he will obey God, he would

wish to share lessons he is willing to receive the Apostles, he was willing to preach

the gospel truth. 

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