Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Taiwan is how to deal with nuclear waste

 Taiwan model of nuclear waste disposal and problems
[Abstract]: the voice of Taiwan's anti-nuclear movement has never stopped. In the issue of transparency. But people resistance and opposition, so that Taiwan's
m a focus by the media in 2007 held in Taiwan, Phalaenopsis Orchid Island is named because it is abundant, is located in the Pacific Ocean southeast of Taiwan from the membership of the Taitung County 49 sea miles, relying on external transport ships and aircraft. nearly 4,000 people here, the Tao aborigines, due to its location tropical, festive, the Tao will be topless men, wearing only a thong, driving canoe chase flying fish in the Pacific. mysterious customs and primitive style, to Orchid Island known as br> 1970 years, the energy shortage in the construction of Taiwan's first nuclear power plant. to the end of the 1970s, built a total of three nuclear power plants, and begin construction of the neck and neck, accounting for the Taiwan Power supply 1 / 3, and therefore Taiwan has become the second largest in Asia after Japan in nuclear power generation.
to deal with nuclear waste, and Taiwan, history, language schools, as well as steel and concrete buildings, health centers, airports, Tao disappearing traditional buildings.
island of Taiwan at this time, along with the civil anti-authoritarian political movement escalating anti-pollution movement after another, Lukang residents against DuPont, Kaohsiung, five light anti-hh numerous potential anti-pollution campaign surging behind the current worries and dissatisfaction with society. especially the nuclear power industry development and post-processing of nuclear waste, have caused several large scale wave of popular protest, while the DPP is the dealing with issues such as more open and transparent, science and respect for public opinion, ; storm
1972 年 12 29, a group of marine research experts to Taiwan Orchid Island, south-east of the Pacific Islands study. Orchid is the first New Year in Taiwan to see the sunrise, but these experts are not to welcome the New Year dawn m Not long ago, Taiwan's waste handled by the Taiwan Power Company; another part, such as hospitals, academic and research institutions and low-level radioactive waste generated by the authorities set up a a ban on the international community to After a few years, , the group decided the goal areas Lanyu Island storage site. The Group believes that the goal area within 5 km of people live together without Lanyu villages, plus the area on three sides by mountains, facing the sea, has excellent natural barrier can ensure that the public does not suffer from the effects of radiation.
1974 年 9 17, Orchid Island storage site construction works began, while the construction of a dedicated maritime transport of nuclear waste transport wharf, by the May the same year the first batch of 10,008 barrels of nuclear waste by sea transport, on the Tao aborigines always thought it was only in building factories, local residents found into the would Orchid Island Youth Association launched the Island youth protests are hundreds of the island of Taiwan's Orchid Island youth to study and work to protest delivered to the person in charge of two units. this, this anti-nuclear movement extends to the island of Taiwan.
at this time in Taiwan, Chiang Ching-kuo passed away shortly before death announced the termination of Period of Communist Rebellion, the lifting of censorship of political parties, so that Taiwan's political development towards a pluralistic society, and the Taiwan anti-nuclear movement has entered a golden age, and affect the process of democratic politics in Taiwan.
the rapid rise of anti-nuclear movement, with the former Soviet Union's Chernobyl nuclear accident impact of the construction of nuclear power plants by civil protest. particularly after the establishment of the DPP to increase nuclear generating units written party platform, and the the biggest bottleneck, especially in indigenous areas of Orchid Island, to get more sympathy. and other environmental events like the island, Orchid Island, also formed a strong protest organizations are grassroots organizations, mainly members of the local residents. Orchid Island were apparently more united, and outside forces for decades to have a strong involvement of the indigenous people of the demands: one is against building more nuclear waste site, and the second is the move away from the original timetable of nuclear waste must comply with commitments.
in their protests, in 1996, Taiwan Power Company to stop the shipment of nuclear waste on Orchid Island , temporary in the the construction of ports; the same time grants to residents; land is no longer free to use, the Government regularly grants of land rent; island residential electricity free of charge.
2002, the , but limited to the technical conditions and other nuclear waste site has not been built 1996 years ago, the Taiwan authorities will be able to store nuclear waste on Orchid Island, away, Orchid Island, the outbreak of the second At that time, Aboriginal foreign and domestic final disposal of low-level radioactive waste site search did not go well, recognizing the short term can not be moved out of nuclear waste on Orchid Island. Finally Lin Yifu had to make a public apology and promised before the migration, strengthen the island's nuclear waste on Orchid Island Field Maintenance and maintenance operations.
Democratic Progressive Party came to power has been directed against the Kuomintang: ; legislators, Progressive Party boycotted, drag it commenced in 1999. Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian was elected, in order to fulfill election promises, according to their party platform provides for a heavy decision: to stop a fourth under construction nuclear power plants. < br> construction, but Taiwan has had a profound political and economic influence.
The focus is the , in the first nuclear power plant shortly after the operation, and Taiwan, In 2002, the Taiwan authorities will also be upgraded to the law and regulations, developed a , 1980, to oversee the operation of nuclear waste in Taiwan, Taiwan Authority. , the Taiwan authorities for the first time land transport of nuclear waste. This waste is approved by research institutions, Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, pool nuclear reactor used fuel to be transported to the Nuclear Energy Research, Longtan, Taoyuan County, for further processing. Although the distance is only 40 km, But the Taiwan authorities caution. limited to the number and capacity of the truck, the land, only the delivery of two fuel assemblies per day, until January 22 next year until all the delivery end.
Taiwan group responsible for the delivery of health physics, Tsinghua University , transport of nuclear waste from the Nuclear Energy Institute is responsible for protecting me, guiding police protection along the way, before and after delivery of a detailed decontamination and inspection rules were: the outer surface transportation conveyances the maximum radiation dose rate, no larger than 2mSv / h (micro-West / h); 2 meters away from the outer surface, not more than 0.1mSv / h; the driver's seat and passenger seat, not more than 0.02mSv / h.
how does this value ? to radiation will be big point, and if the fly, such as a trip from Taipei to Kaohsiung, a dose of 0.48 micro-West. that this tour of nuclear waste transport truck driver suffered radiation dose than an hour standing in Ali Peak Tourist even smaller.
after the completion of the storage site on Orchid Island, 19 May 1982, the Taiwan authorities first shipment of nuclear waste at sea.
the delivery was not conducted in secret, Taiwan's major media have made a public report . transport ship transporting only waste from Taiwan Power Company-owned wharf (Mingguang, Orchid Island, the three terminal gantry and nuclear), the first approved waste shipping company owned by the Taiwan Hang Seng Power Company created a special nuclear waste transport ship barrel. hull and double hull has taken radiation shielding design, communications mining multiple systems, and the other equipped with satellite navigation. special container length 4.68 m, width 3.28 meters, 2.12 meters high. to wall and cover thickness of 3.8 cm, bottom 2.5 cm thick, each special waste containers can be loaded 48 barrels, divided into upper and lower levels. bottom and the middle baffle piers are welded to the fixed conical steel drums and steel drums to avoid high elastic rubber adhesive during transport and deformed by the collision and paint stripping.
after the discharge of nuclear waste on Orchid Island arrive, then sent to Orchid Island storage site established procedure room, and open the waste container out of each barrel, and the implementation of a barrel surface Pollution check, to see whether the damaged barrels of waste, leakage, and there is no pollution violations crack occurrence and detection of radiation dose rate compliance. The waste sorting and filing after the barrels were sent to reinforce the cement storage trenches to 8-barrel three layers stacked on each floor. reinforced cement storage trench to two as a group, each block 4.5 meters high, which buried 3 meters underground, while the height of a barrel of waste barrels from 88.2 to 89.2 cm, so the 3-layer The total accumulation of waste barrel not more than 3 meters high, which is below the ground. within the piling of waste in the storage trenches completed, the system checks for drainage, and covered to prevent rain water penetrated the oil felt, and then stamped with seals. Seal detector after the storage surface, and finally to the motion tracking, instrument placement, and the establishment of warning signs and location identification. storage to this work is completed.
addition to the hardware, facilities, transportation routes, staff also detailed planning. In order to avoid frequent and vehicles during the day time, is conducive to grasp the situation and increase the safety of shipping, delivery time is usually midnight to 5 am. The delivery of nuclear fuel by the members of the group as professionals, fleet drivers in addition the need for technical quality of the professional drivers, should also advance radiation protection through training, the team of experienced drivers from the command to cope with the occurrence of sudden emergencies.
because the process of lifting and transportation , it is difficult to avoid staff and the general population along the transportation routes cause a little extra radiation, so before each delivery will participate in the delivery process for staff and residents along the way, for normal and accident conditions of the radiation dose assessment to ensure that staff and the safety of residents along the way. the complex assessment procedures include distance, the highway, ; Atomic Energy Council, long-term parking for boats can not. Therefore, can be, Taiwan Power Company, established in April, the time of construction has been taken into account, tied for the power generation part of the system. With the operation of nuclear power plants, personnel protective clothing required for maintenance, replacement down the waste materials, nuclear waste are all dry, commonly used method is to load the standard barrels of waste stored, transported to the storage site.
order to reduce the waste storage space, the Taiwan authorities in 1983 began to send researchers to Europe learn, learning to reduce the volume of nuclear waste technologies and methods.
1985, the U.S. nuclear power station was commissioned by the public search Perth (EBASCO), Bechtel (BECTHE) submit a comprehensive report on the combustible part of the proposed nuclear waste incineration, non-combustible part of the deal by high pressure compressor. After several years of research, 1990 incinerator equipped with the high pressure compressor successfully completed the same year, a series of anti-nuclear case to the Taiwan authorities also threw out a question: Taiwan continue to build nuclear power plants, nuclear waste place for research should be done as to protect Taiwan from nuclear waste contamination of land? carried out in order to minimize controversy?
crisis gave birth to maturity of Taiwan's who gets the can be > Location of work carried out in several steps. the Government must first set up site selection team, the number of 20 people, representatives of relevant institutions and experts from the academics, experts, the proportion of not less than three-fifths. Next, according to experts certain criteria, including the site's geology, chemistry, groundwater and other natural conditions, high population density areas excluded or allowed the development of other legal areas (such as nature reserves), the set of Group, local counties and cities can meet the above conditions, the place to introduce ourselves.
set of potential sites, the selection of the at least two, reported open selection report, all the local authorities, individuals or bodies corporate may, within one month ; local referendum, Taipower must sign the agreement expressly provides a large m was the ratio of gold back seat to the total amount of the site's Sichengyishang, rural counties adjacent to the availability of at least two into.
environmental protection department also publishes an annual facilities, the environment and Lanyu. the 2009 Annual Report, for example, only the Lanyu environmental monitoring, were analyzed within one year 593, the scope of monitoring includes direct radiation environment, plants, water, land biology, marine biology and evaluate the results of environmental monitoring, assessment of radiation doses received by the public whether the regulations the following dose limits.
addition to environmental monitoring report, it will also release detailed analysis of the total number of this group, various doses of the standard.
regulatory environmental monitoring report released after the release of Taiwan Power Company's ;. This report will detail waste disposal, maintenance, radiation protection, personnel training and so on. reception and even the annual amount of waste incinerators, the amount of diesel consumed will be released one by one.
Taipower nuclear power plant owned by the regulatory authorities of the Taiwan Power Company's quarterly report on the br> In addition to the regulatory authorities and environmental protection departments, local cities and counties where nuclear power plants have strict control measures .2007, Taipei County, Taiwan Power Company staged the attack and defense with good play. Although the penalties for the year 2006, Taipei County, Taiwan Power Company nuclear First, second and fourth nuclear power plant nuclear accumulated a fine of nearly 23 billion New Taiwan dollars by Taiwan, First, Plant inspection prosecution. The previous approval or rejection decision. According to reports, the Taipei County Environmental Protection Agency officials can only enter each day to the nuclear one, Plant guard, power plant personnel in order to up to this end, the effectiveness of non-destructive opening penalty and an aggravating day, four tickets to open 600 million New Taiwan dollars, until the improvement so far.
2003, the Weng Baoshan edited by renowned scholars in Taiwan, Nuclear fear substance. This means that unless the nuclear energy, nuclear waste experts
Taiwan famous Baoshan Weng is expected around 2030, Taiwan will have the ability to the final disposal of nuclear waste (ie, fully processed, do not take up storage space). At present, Taiwan, the process for the disposal of nuclear waste: the used nuclear fuel management, first with the factory fuel tank storage, the radiation and heat after adequate decay; then move to interim dry storage facility, after a period of about 50 years of interim storage; and then to final disposal.
April 28, 2010, Beijing will hold cross-strait seminar of nuclear waste treatment technologies. make arrangements for the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association seminar co-director of the International Dragon Shigeo the technology development and application of a lot of experience on the mainland need learn from.
Although the volume reduction centers play an important role in Taiwan's nuclear waste volume reduction technology has been a leader, but because of Orchid Island storage site have to stop using nuclear power plants in Taiwan in 1996, the nuclear waste produced by nuclear power plant are temporary, to find a new storage site has been imminent.
2010 年 1 month, was postponed for a long time into the commissioning phase of the fourth nuclear plant If the test run goes well, will be Dec. 15 this year, fueling the fastest end of next year to formally operate. as the , company and the Russian Science Center (KI) signed a letter of intent. The two sides agreed to first conduct a pilot-type program, that is, first delivery of approximately 5,000 barrels of waste resins, insulation materials, such as low-level radioactive waste to Russia, waste treatment and disposal, to be successful, the two parties Taiwan Power Company to negotiate delivery to Russia and a large number of low-level radioactive waste disposal and other cooperative matters.
view of the complicated cross-strait relations, Russian President Boris Yeltsin when he was approved: KI can not signing with the Taiwan government organizations. So designated by the agency and Taiwan KI Power Company signed. However, because of Russia's domestic environmental groups to protest, together with Russia's new environmental laws revised limitations, and ultimately enter the Taiwan Power Company was unable to obtain permission.
nuclear energy, according to the Taiwan Power Company said the back-end operations at the relevant report, 1997 years, the Taiwan Power Company and the North Korean government has signed international business organizations, scheduled delivery of 6 million barrels of Taiwan Power Company North Korea is using nuclear waste to nuclear waste disposal in the final disposal. contract signed, the North Korean government has been the issuance of import licenses. But The Taiwan Power Company is one of us hinder m further review, North Korea said that although construction of disposal facilities have been conducted, but because
2000, the Taiwan Power Company and was then spread the news of North Korean cooperation, but in the end because of South Korea and the United States to intervene, let the matter rest. This year, Russia agreed to address the lower house from Taiwan, Spain, Switzerland and other countries and the area of nuclear waste, but environmental groups launched protests in Russia, and Taiwan nuclear waste ; system to resolve the nuclear waste problem as the only way.
early as 2002, the Taiwan Power Company on the design of nuclear back-end operations in a nuclear waste disposal program. Under the program, around 2015, the interim storage can be determined . This program details to the site, environmental investigation and environmental impact assessment, construction, land acquisition, construction permit and license application and review the relevant application for issuance of operating licenses and other steps. Taiwan's democratization, these steps one less in Taipower's plan, only the environmental investigation and environmental impact assessment, will need 26 months to obtain the land required for 6 months, the whole process takes about 10 years.
2006, at the pollution site implementation of the Ordinance, Taiwan authorities put forward the regulations, Orchid Island nuclear waste must be migrated). so-called years, the decommissioning of nuclear waste on Orchid Island and recovery plan to be 4 years, consuming a total of 18 years. That is to about 2024, Orchid Island, will become a 5544 , civil opposition big county government immediately took a smart move, bulletin East Kyrgyzstan Island as a ; the relevant laws and regulations, the final site must be a second election, not only separate announcement Daren Township, Taitung. So back to the origin equal job site, you must invite experts and scholars to form a committee to start a new round of assessment tasks, select Another candidate address. As to when to complete re-assessment? remains unpredictable. The only remaining East Daren Township, there are also enormous controversy, because the township is the indigenous region, environmentalists and legal scholars believe that, if not After the local Aborigines would agree, is a violation of siting of the East Daren Township, has the voice of opposition and support. the support is that the compensation Taipower will bring huge economic effects to local residents. Most analysts believe that the residents of the East Daren Township Economy poor place to get economic benefits, and ultimately will accept nuclear waste. Critics say the economic incentives that include a place. As in the past 30 years of progress and mistakes, this will involve social efficiency, fairness and ethical problems of nuclear waste, Taiwan still trying to test.

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