Thursday, March 3, 2011

Comic script

 A shooting script (story board) drawing requirements:
1, fully reflect the director's creative intent, creative thinking, and writing style.
2, sub-camera use must be smooth and natural.
3, the screen image to be simple and easy to understand . (sub-director of the lens was designed to cut the basic intent and clear about the story and image. does not require too much detail. the details too much but will affect the overall understanding.
4, the connection points between the lens to be clear. (generally do not show connection points of the lens, only sub-lens serial number change, and its connections to switch, for integration into the dissolution. points should be clearly marked on the lens the script.)
5, dialogue and sound effects to be clearly identified. ( dialogue and sound effects must be clearly marked, and should identify appropriate points in the screen shot below.)
issues on the lens.
mirror distance: long-term role in reaching the main emphasis on the scene.
panoramic view of the role of figures show the relative action status. (whole body figure can be seen)
middle ground effect with the general character vision, it is not near the scene look far. (characters above the knee)
of facial close-range effect can see. ( take the upper body or other parts of the figure)
enlarge the role of the characters close-up face, a local body or object. (prominent local)
camera angles:
characterized as flat as the flat line or the main characters in the picture head or upper part. (the point of giving plain and natural sense)
overlooking the screen in the character feature is on top of the head or body above the level and movement is relatively clear, but the expression is not easy to see.
Look up features the characters in the picture point of view the main body of the lower half of the waist or below. image appeared tall, but it can also generate the main image of the deformation characteristics.
mixed use through the flat, vertical, looking up the combination to achieve the desired effect.
animation camera movement:
depth sports, including pulling the lens, push the lens, with lens.
parallel motion panning.
basic narrative lens animation methods:
along Syria, happened by to tell stories in chronological order.
interleaved, interleaved in the middle.
flashback, first there is a suspense, during the narration.
4, case
: Panorama, the moon in the sky, (lens, wave, and suddenly) appear barbed wire
Lens 2: (stack of) large panorama, overlooking all the sheds of the bird's eye view, (lens, wave to the ground, stop) screen on the right, a guard holding a dog dressed people walking the face.
Lens 3: recently, in advance of the dog, it wicked look in his. (motion picture with a painting from right to left)
Lens 4: close-up, a lock In the flashlight's illumination, the guard's hands, hold, draw people out.
Lens 5: close-up, the foot through the screen (camera zoom into panorama)
fourth section comic script writing General procedures and the possible format
about now, we have identified several issues: the creation of comic script its own laws to comply with comics; comic script is actually a special kind of film scripts; comic script writing should be expected in the effect as a reference picture; comic script writing can follow a certain routine; China's development can not take the Japanese comic book script of the old; Chinese culture and world culture should not be denied the essential difference.
Now, we can try to make question: comic script and format of the creative process like? that the nature of the physical form of the spirit of the script has no effect? or the nature of comic spirit of the script has no effect on the physical form?
to this question answer, in fact, may not take a long time thinking and discrimination are deep, clear, comic script form and the film script is very similar to the form can be borrowed. Up to now, we know the form of comic script In essence, it is only one, but if further broken down, it will get some practice at different levels, if these practices as a continuous adaptation process, we get to be a comic script writing process in general may mm This procedure is carried out in the minds mm and a random selection from a practice would be possible format comic script.
First of all, is undoubtedly the most common literature, the script form. complete with text written in clear account the characteristics of people, time and place, the whole incident, the next scene or shot that is in accordance with the account of behavior and dialogue. This form is the most easy to do, which is the foundation of all attempts mm of course, was purely in the form of completion of writing fiction script, but the result is still another adaptation, the middle of misunderstanding and differences inevitably.
Second, the above form, evolve, adding comic scenes to understand. described in the text on the screen to add the atmosphere at the request of the lens treatment If the requirements of sub-frame size and so on.
Again, if the script and the art of hand closely, the script can also add characters and scenes such as the initial settings screen instructions mm, but unless you have decided to use his painting hand, Otherwise, at least, is making a vain effort.
Finally, if your lens itself has a strong sense of the script might have turned into the form mm screen like a TV commercial script, like the picture, not to screen sub-frame, only the same to illustrate the size of the lens cells. This script must be note that, where the lens does not represent the final creation of the lens, the author should not be limited sense of the script mm lens, after all, not a painting of the hand of the script, I even hand painted Writing your own scripts to write the script should also be aware of the cartoons themselves and their own or were divided. This is actually the last line comic script, and then became a step forward in the draft of this proposal should try to comics experience of the script writing stage, and not the beginning stages of entering the draft specification mm without the prior script, draft prone to unnecessary vulnerabilities, but also for comic timing, liquidity and lack of continuity, especially easy to grasp .
such inference drawn five: the creation of comic script form of literature from the initial draft of the script to the final points close to the lens (not the screen grid points) play in any form. its application should be considered with the painting of the hands of the script be selected among the forms of cooperation. In general the text in the form of hand-painted script to play a bigger room, painting in the form of scripts for the creator of the very close cooperation. (Corollary e)
general form as a comic script actually to stop here, no need to waste more energy on this, if you want more in-depth discussion, we might consider some specific script in the actual creation of the procedure.
the creation of the script if the sub-steps, we can get the following three parts: the story themes, characters, environment settings, and a shooting style and plot. As the length of the length of the different comic book, the use of these three parts were divided.
most beginners or those half-baked need is a few short elaborate, to exercise of the art technology, and as a stepping stone Press. As hard to shape the character of short, so make the most important short script should be done is the style, theme and plot, then People around the theme settings and scene props, the final draw for a shooting script. This one, the story is the key theme of the focus, short .8 conception is the most important page in general can only accommodate a short dot plot, and around start a center, or even no plot, then of course a very important subject to short .20-60 page may be more complex circumstances, it may have nothing, but there will be a climax (or compare the part turned a deaf ear) This is the focus of the whole chapter, subject to the performance of the story here. generally the burden of such a climax in the form of shaking will be made more attractive, of course, naturally, however, can be straightforward and to the specific effect of mm This is an essay, here would not have studied in detail. It is noteworthy that, in the short script, characters and events are in a subordinate position, mm It is important to have a good deal if not, then, in violation of this principle will be not easy to achieve the purpose of creation and effect.
writing the script if the plot as a focus, in order to tell a story, create a character, describe a world, it would need at least a medium-length to accommodate. medium-length story of the Creation is still a very important topic But at the same time, you can choose one theme and plot focus. This is because 60-200-page work can show the rich and delicate circumstances, create an even more complete characters, describe a complete world, which included more than one theme will be. So the creation of medium-length script should complete the outline of the story, which has set the basis for the characters and the environment, these considerations very carefully by the characters to complete the plot, the final should be Upon completion of the script outline of literature into a shooting script and then writing, literature or just complete the detailed script, direct access to writing the draft. Overall, medium-length fiction story should be complete, and short essay is no doubt. from a business published point of view, the medium-length works have been of commercial value, readers can bring more sustainable and can be expanded through the formation of pamphlets published; short not have this value, like writing the same, it just shows the strength of the means Creation is a long story about the explorer stone. In other words, short a couple of blood, is a medium-length into the hands of leisure.
sometimes elongated into a series of short or long the mixture is formed long endless serials, this is long. In the long script writing, the characters are a long time with a close friend of the reader, is the most important part of creation. Here the theme may be more or less dispensable, the plot is follow the market's twists and turns, they all retreated to a secondary position. well set to win readers to the characters and environment is the ultimate means, must be carefully designed and discussed, and different styles of short test, and then to determine the works will use the style and settings. The theme, often depends on the specific situation, generally more commercial works not only a theme, often around the main theme of each episode are further sub-themes; not the main theme The work is also valid. plot area, often in a single set on the basis of the outline produced, and the formation of a paragraph with several dozen episodes. This has the advantage that can be a very good grasp of the market, you can limit the extension of the story down. In addition, there are hero-for-episode serial, which is a special case, it actually is to a human spirit as a hero, this serial is so much better long short is set to the appropriate mm There is a deformation of a continuous form of the hero, but only play the role of lead characters, each episode the characters still have their own independent. In fact, his serial is characterized by the creation of a long preparatory work completed, put each Set both short as 20-60 pages to create.
inference six: scripts creative process to determine the length by the length. short stressed that the theme for the nature of the test; medium-length emphasis on the integrity of the story, theme and plot both, is a serious literary and artistic creation; long stressed the commercial, to winning characters and a variety of settings, plot generated by the set, illustrate the theme, each set of specific long and short writing are similar. (Corollary VI)
the fifth section of our comic
After some empty theory, we draw some inferences, these inferences will help us realize our own desire to help create the script.
Creation A good comic script, especially not copy, valuable works, at least do not make low-level errors. This need to catch the three principles of comics, understanding the nature of comics; familiar with the comic routine, and its selective absorption ; understand the comic scripts creative process and the law, their own Buzhi Yu trade-off, the energy aspects of unnecessary waste.
However, these are just the primary requirements of a mature cartoonist, one for the script author, there is a more important responsibility. It will hold us in the comic mind.
us to draw the hearts of some people the story of mm like most literature lovers alike, some people still fighting over the same breath mm is against the Japanese, and others to draw beautiful paintings mm popularity of comic book art is probably one of the major functions. whether that part of good practice, in order to draw cartoons, then what is a good comic? good there must be a good comic script, then what is a good comic script?
This is a confused issue, we can be viewed from several angles.
first function.
comic of course a direct function of of readers, then readers decide the market, the market impact on society, social determinants of culture. Therefore, the comics will eventually influence and form their own culture, is necessary for any comics should understand from this height. China will form a kind of comic book culture to employed by the joint decision of all the comics, which naturally includes the creator of the script. So we must take into account in the creation of works of cultural property to their own, of course, China is more a comic themselves belong to the Chinese culture, This requires the spirit of Chinese culture to be understood. This is not a general reference work mm Chinese culture, traditional culture, we always remember the first ancestor of the inheritance mm too good to future generations and causing pressure on the disappointing future generations in particular. In fact, the meaning of Chinese culture should be generalized, at least for the comic so that it includes not only the ancestors, including our own. This culture comes from our life, whether mm or our own ancestors in mm we want to do is to extract from life, to beautify, and then it is to influence the lives mm In general, any art form, expressing emotions in order to praise or criticize the same time is our life and existence, and ultimately The purpose is to regulate life. cartoons of the majority of young people, when these people grow into the backbone of society, the society will operate under their specification, comic impact on them will be reflected in the society they control in. Therefore, comics and all the art forms to face the same demands, and even some interference to the creative freedom. We certainly can not allow that kind of art has become mechanical creep is interference, but should also make appropriate Even if a compromise is a sense of social responsibility mm mm because the comic is a popular art, is not it affect the individual, but a whole generation. In general, epidemic, exaggeration, irony, sex, treason and fantasy of hh characteristics of these people is not pleasant to lose, they are comic vitality; real power is critical and must be maintained, this is not easy to talk, as any art form is not only to sing nothing but creation; boring things should be allowed to exist, because it is the basis of social imagination; negative attitude of decadent life only, as long as no crime is also largely a matter of personal freedom and truth are not prohibited, but if more people would be prohibited because they can not be met in the literary and artistic works away try for themselves, in fact, what exists in reality, only to ban the performance of literary works can only be counterproductive. we should really be opposed to a few in fact only a few mm against the most basic moral values, selfish (referring to matters of principle, rather than the nature of the kind of ironic, if not deliberately spread on it); treason against the nation (it does not make the discussion); encouragement and appreciation of a crime (but not the kind of pointed out that the legal loopholes); direct violation of civil rights (violations of the right of reputation, infringement of copyright) mm, then there also are of this nature only should be banned, as in politics, life, faith and doubt of the class are constitutional right, no need to prevent the mouth of the people are treated better than anti-Chuan mm even to anti-Chuan should ease rather than blocked. For the author, should be careful in the unhealthy things, and bold performance of life This is the comic book opinions mm function, we should really be made.
followed by the theme and plot.
the theme of most comic books for young people, and therefore requires a more facile and creative features to readers of this stage of psychological adaptation. This is different from the literature and film, comics are the subject of most fashion is young, innovative and inspiring mm with a feeling things are still quite rare in China, but rather is the preaching of the eight children and importune the slapstick majority. Speaking of preaching, but added immediately reminds me once in Beijing cartoons published over the Note that a comic language is reasonable, but how can one not on the taste, it is difficult to count it in the new comic camp; study the reasons for its not installed, is probably the lack of fashion and a fundamental lack of creativity (on camera also failed to grasp the essence of comics, from the shape of the lens used are neither fish nor fowl, it has also hastily to meet the three principles of comics), a comic old comic books the transition to a new awareness of the failure examples, it is worth to avoid (this author encountered later in the television interview, talked nonsense that he is actually the savior of the Chinese cartoons, comics were born to save China, and finds himself very, very good comic, is typical of the new comics these words in bed mm said to myself, OK, say it on television, what would be the formation of China's cartoon misleading?! person must really think that they have had the essence of comics? doubt is to lose heart mad? forget what the original words, but always think of it can not help but get angry, perhaps jealous person must grab everyone especially my thunder. Anyway, in any case, it is difficult to accept the comic gentleman, who incidentally was not to see him pleasing to the eye). said something off topic, but does not affect the topic. topic is still unwilling to call for creative work in the flat, especially works of fashion and rebellion are the two major arms business, which gives us the times and should cherish it. Although it is shallow fashion thing, but if you study and no less than good effort use, but also still only other people's cash cow, not a change if their job mm ancestors believe that natural science is shallow Confucian pragmatism, what will the results of hh mm all know what is what in fact that is but the shallow complacency fills what well proud! Most good cartoon should be longer than the illusion created good, even adult-oriented comic fashion, and rebellion, are not the exaggeration, is still the most indispensable imagination; which is human fun of life, should not be denied. our local comic irrigation is the lack of it, this should be the responsibility of editing a conservative, but there are elements of the weak expression. And fantasy does not mean Luanxiang, it is a complete the theme of tools, rather than subject themselves mm confused, they would become rampant, it is difficult to understand.
comics and literature requirements of the plot there is no essential difference, just have a different focus plane. literary plot more freedom than the manga, but also that of several commercial; cartoon commercial from the start, so in this respect but more than the rich literary expression. comic plot and theme of the service as it also requires lively, fashion, and also to make the readers a sense of substitution, there must be convincing. This requires real mm, at least in the real world of his own creation, to be able to justify itself, and not wordy. also requires the reader a comfortable pace mm and the overall sense of feeling which is able to grasp the technical job. realism comes from life, not behind closed doors and geese are swans. Our writers are often deep into life in order to create novel, or even go through fire; Japanese cartoonists often to collect folk songs, travel to broaden their horizons mm which is subject to the establishment and improvement comic, but before that, at least should make every effort to ensure real, especially to the lives of many drawn from the familiar.
again is the character.
manga characters is A group of very unique, not only thinking of weird, exaggerated behavior, often in the marketplace philosopher, a model for a generation. For the comic book characters, the personality is the life, exaggeration is life, this is really a big difference with the literature. However, the existence of these people must be reasonable and true, their character should be able to support their own performance throughout the story. manga characters are thought to survive because of these ideas is the theme.
Finally, there is cultural.
Comics often involve a variety of cultural elements, such as philosophy, history, religion, mythology, customs, ethnic, festival, sports, science, industry and cultural components of these behavioral characteristics of hh is often difficult to lay close to understanding, and requires careful investigation and experience in order to have a preliminary understanding of the creator is hard work, full of mystery readers mm but it was precisely this sense of mystery that they have the comic value of the business and cultural significance. the introduction of these cultural elements in The benefits are self-evident, if possible, any literary and artistic works, and they will want to glue relationship. but their use must be carefully mm made in this respect the Japanese for very good, go to impose its will , just as the embellishment of these cultural elements, is not responsible for culture, is also not responsible for the work, the flow in the grandstand. Conversely, if the Chinese were serious and responsible in this regard, then this will become the victory over Japan comics an opportunity. There is a special case, the adaptation of history is often not faithful to the original, and partly because the original is not necessarily reliable mm at least for the interpretation of the original are not necessarily reliable, the other properties can be viewed as overhead works can only consider the practical significance of the mm is not distorted, or even help the popularity of history. In contrast, the irresponsible distortion of history is very abhorrent, not only are people like a prudish hate, but also in real terms over the pseudo-history, very irresponsible to confuse themselves with historical mm difference between the two is not the adaptation of history, but rather whether it has independent thought, is adapted from a historical attitude mm is an active conscious thought for their own service adaptation, one lazy superficial understanding of the distortion of passive, but rather confused thinking. In other cultures, perhaps also the use of this situation, but more is unintentional superficial understanding of context, so harm is misleading readers, and suggests a casual attitude towards life is very poor mm potential impact, and even affect the fundamental features of national character, really sloppy!
sum up, a good comic should have the following characteristics: First, the function of cultural and social, can affect a large number of readers or even a generation; to promote the theme up, complete with a coherent plot, consistent with the fundamental principles of comics; can shape reasonable moving figure, able to create your own complete world; to
These are just rough comic features a good answer, but what good comics come from?
produce a good comic script sometimes does not necessarily depend on the individual's creation, adaptation of existing literature is a shortcut, but producers need to comic script the hard work for them more comic.
creative team is composed of a good idea, more time and better way is to provide specialized and editor of the exchange, with the close cooperation not only produce outstanding works of mm can not mess things up, edit, what can not be forced on. Maybe they add the middle level of a professional broker is also a good idea.
may When conditions are ripe, large brokers will be Comic entity, composed of comic factory assembly line mm although hindered the introduction of creative freedom, but it does have an unparalleled speed. time will be even comic script factory, it will inevitably go some kind of routine.
with hardware upgrades, computer writing, the network is also a good way to publish. This freedom scale integrated production, but due to lack of editorial constraints, the quality can not be guaranteed.
If These are our comics, it is not exact, but the departure from these requirements, we will be one step closer to our own comic. It is important and serious to think about, hard to do.

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