Wednesday, March 30, 2011

100 100 from the classic book , then moving

 Real graceful lady, never show off everything she has, she did not tell anyone what she had read books, been to where, how many pieces of clothing, jewelry bought anything, because she got . - If you love a person the original, inner sour, but will not speak, sweet, most people that listen to the irrelevant. - - - Whatever you do, remember to do it for yourself, then complain - Maintain a vast distance, occasional, paid tribute to the eyes of love, Qingqiao gentle, far-fetched to ask: - Love ... ... is another matter entirely. - - - I find myself, I was my home. - - - is this. - - difficult. - Love like a flower with the bottle, can not maintain a permanent life. - - - impute to others the shoulders up, so lose the opportunity to go astray. - So non-self is not. - - - - - - - - - - or whatever, no effect on the party life, where workers explained. - Women are wishful thinking, always expanding, whether at the beginning of a night of joy, or cohabitation, or every field for Xing, in the end always hopes to be a lifetime of very few truly chic women, they always attempt to men What scraped. - They then set unreasonable, the original, is embarrassing, but often work. Educated women about everything demeanor, even the only weapon is lost, and allow social mercy. - City story When you ask a woman like a woman, ask yourself a few images man! - - - - - . You can, we can, so people are surviving. - - - do not care how she is willing to lie to her, so in the future was hard to deceive you, do not expose him. - - - - Will be buried too deeply emotional and sometimes a bad thing. If a woman to cover up the man of their own feelings of love, she may have lost his chance. (Understanding of their ignorance of the world's most reliable method. (If people talk openly against God, it is hard to deal with anyone. (Adults are bad, God is testing them to do, you do not test, do you think children should live. (Happy family is the same, each have their own unhappy family is different. (Good people in spite of a loss in the pursuit, they will eventually realize there is a right track. (Ringing a bell and cry and cry ... ..., quiet and serene, even in women who do a good month of the bride, the bells are always there with a taste of autumn. (A person is not born to be defeated, and you shall wipe them out, but I could not beat him. (Love should give a sense of freedom, rather than being imprisoned. (Ridiculed his actions attracted the most people, but it is always the first person to say bad things about others. (If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (Between people, the most painful thing for your goodwill and friendship that deserves a place, but it annoyance and damage suffered. (Who are often forced to make love more core, and can never ask them to change their mind. (Common sense in all things, love can not change or stop it, because in nature, the love will burn itself out, any trick to make it difficult for reversal. ((Sad people especially sensitive. (advice than those who suffer, is a very easy thing to do. (the city the same. Not yet.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chinese girls to write a school maintenance Dafa

 Teach you how to solve hair oil, pores, whitening, teeth, fine lines, too full, and we have looked at all good, it is a good thing. Afraid to come here to lose. -
If you ask asked, oil, then, to pass through the liver conditioning this method, the oil will be less slowly. -
reason he pores because the oil is very thick, I'll give him a massage with salt face, the oil of the skin texture is rough and hard, so do not worry too coarse salt. If the salt is too bad, you can add salt oil. Especially careful around the nose and massage, then washed, is not particularly small pores ah? -
oil squeeze and pull the ball must not be used massage methods best. To the oil while reducing pores and exfoliating, the last wash, the best alternating hot and cold water wash, in fact, I strongly recommend that all women are so wash your face! Hot water is certainly not alone be used to wash your face, warm water and cold water is also OK, alternating hot and cold water is best. -
I was fitted with a washbasin hot water, wash basin with cold water directly against the faucet, turn on the way to wash, very convenient, but washed out rosy little face, another on tender, not only is washed clean, and the pores can not be reduced to small! Also, alternating hot and cold water is also very effective on dark circles. Because the cold water wash though very good, but to stimulate the face, dark circles will increase! -
colleagues bought a half-carat diamond ring, when she showed me the ring, I feel just Indeed very beautiful diamonds, decorated with a beautiful you. However, if the hands are not properly maintained, it becomes contrasting myself. -
on the hands and feet skin care, the most practical DIY hand film is the mixture of brown sugar and honey, stop the massage, the general recommendations are to carry hand cream, as long as necessary to Tu Shou away from water layer. This method is really a lot of trouble! In fact, as long as we make good use of the night, the day would not have trouble. -
for a loose gloves, before going to sleep every night, to mix with olive oil MAXAM, a thick coating in the hands, wear gloves to bed, persist for some time, the hands will become soft , also played down the small fine lines. -
thick if the finger joints, to be sure to massage. One by one with the thumb and index finger to massage each finger, the key is to massage the fingers of both sides, from the roots to the fingertips, one by one, the massage, the massage method can make the joints of coarse the problem is resolved, the fingers slowly will be a uniform thickness. -
soles of the feet of dead skin that must be grinding. The reason is not recommended planing large S kind of grinding feet, because they are artists in the foot after a long period of maintenance, have tender, planer for easy bleeding. The first legs, planer can quickly wore off dead skin, water feet first, and then grinding, grinding after completing a thick coating of olive oil MAXAM, wear thick cotton socks. Foot wear once a week, and is painted cream and wear socks to every day. Feet will be more tender! Really is very tender and smooth, there will not be flawless. -
Some girls will heel crack, it first with plaster stickers affixed after three days, and then apply a thick olive oil MAXAM, until the crack of the hole and then began to grind feet disappeared. -
I recommend that the United States and Canada net Tremella Pearl Cream, supermarkets have sold, nine cents a pack, a good moisturizing effect. It is the veteran Jahwa products, this plant also produces Baicao set, for his family's oil and hair care series, you really want to like this one! As for face care, then the eyes of the beholder. -
Jiaye Ban is very bad for health, even if sleep all day, can not guarantee, but also how to care about it. you can get up early morning and go to work? You are not foreign? You can go to work early in the evening to leave early? Sleep is very important because Qianban Ye, relatively late at night to be wasted. You can get up five or six points, to go to work, go home early to sleep at night. -
If not, then it is pathetic! Then you eat every day donkey-hide gelatin, red dates and longan to replace the liver blood it. These three products is the holy blood, longan eat, day three, dates of 10-20 tablets, gelatin sooner or later have to eat twice a day. -
computer has a radiation, so samantha Cream you must use a half day meeting once again not even painted the morning, noon meeting, the evening before the fix to work overtime and can not be afraid to waste. There are green tea every day for water, foreign companies like to drink coffee, you drink green tea, add a little angelica and astragalus, blood and qi, must be a lot of water. Eyes will be uncomfortable, right? Coupled with wolfberry and white chrysanthemums, remember that white is not yellow. Do not worry about mixing tea that does not react, hee hee, to assure you, will not drop! -
in front of the computer support twelve cactus, for you to absorb radiation. Event way to stand up, take a deep breath, do not remain seated. Farther away from the company's printer, that the radiation is more powerful! If the company is carpeted, it should be ruined lungs. Buy some almonds or almond drink can do, raise Yangfeihuoxue. -
long front of the computer, the liver is also very tired, so we must try to feel comfortable. I will teach you a little way, is squeezed hard before going to bed every day armpits, ribs well on both sides of the arm, hard pinch, this is by dredging channels to prevent breast diseases and make you feel comfortable, and my heart do not feel pressure and feel uncomfortable. -
almost all women face this field of special attention, in fact, who are white, with a number of whitening products can have even skin tone. But still have to use less whitening products, whitening in addition to its home is set Herbs Angelica, Poria, etc. Chinese herbal formula, are bound to lead, there are injuries to the skin. The use of whitening products and wash your face with the right after the white back soon. Will change once the white moisturizing cream. Whitening the same time with milk and barley flour, drink lemonade all day can speed up the whitening. -
White also has a little secret that call the shots of water with white vinegar, add one-fifth of glycerol, such as olive oil or, if too exciting, you can add pure water in it. Painted twice every day, one week you can see the effect. -
suggest that you use skin care products, to pay attention to see their skin is not created dependency? For example, bad skin care products, once you do, all that day the skin will make you very uncomfortable, then this product should not be used again. Good product is not even the occasional one day, the skin is still able to maintain very good, it is a good thing! -
If your job is mental Yongnaoguodu, it is inevitable than the eyebrows and forehead, the following part to Black, this is really no way. -
After white is to prevent fine lines. Method is to enhance moisture moisture moisture! Moisture can not be overstated how to! Others will say,
right! The reason is that production lines have not done enough moisture. This time is necessary to use mask or eye mask. For dry skin, olive oil, moisturizing mask can be done, do to enhance maintenance. Neutral and oil can be used every night a little yogurt drink left. Mask to do more frequent, and the natural appearance of fine lines to LEAVE it! -
Here are a side which is joined in the yogurt yeast, fermentation, attaining to use it the next day, his face rough small bumps disappear immediately, and brighten the skin to turn white. -
oily skin, but also to enhance moisture, add water, or rough skin faster. -
moisture is an important part of toner, be sure to use with the pads! After washing face, do not rub with a towel to dry with a cotton pad, then wet a cotton pad and adhesive blisters take Toner use. -
massage is playing both sides of the forehead to the middle circle, the skin under the eyes are pulled from the corner to the temple, the nose from the top down, before we talked about the cheek, mouth to mouth from the middle of the following is a move up. -
Toner, have to apply, do not be afraid to waste, deposited more than a few times. Moisture well, do not be afraid to fine lines. -
Next, I want to advance into a deeper topic, because I just saw a girl suffering from a painful gynecological diseases. As long as there gynecological diseases, his face even the most advanced gold face cream, does not help! Face the premise that good health. -
diarrhea anger can talk before the feet of the approach, you can own, massage big arms, underarms, and the ribs on both sides of the body, the method is to use the thumb and index finger, pinch the bone above the hard meat The best is the middle of the meat and bones that place, the most effective, must be hard, harder the more pain, pain had effects. -
kidney have talked before way, as long as the kidney sturdy, there would be big problems! -
If you still treated like a bad to do foot reflexology. If people are more healthy foot massage, the body will be better, people naturally young. -
teeth we can not ignore the importance of it, he will determine whether a person can live longer. Therefore, we must protect our young, to take advantage of the teeth. Every year to do the oral examination, if there is abnormal bleeding should be to check, to rule out periodontitis, or stones and other symptoms. -
If the gingival recession, do not immediately go to dental, general dentist is the possibility of shrinking the proposal would fillings. To bed early, never allow yourself physically and mentally fatigued every day, so more severe contraction, to rest, the gum will slowly return to health. -
plug if things between the teeth regularly, it must use dental floss. Because things are often prone to dental caries plug. And if there was going to fill cavities, can not be delayed, the more drag the larger cavities, dental more complex. -
teeth best protection is clean and not overly used. I now use the toothbrush, the Netherlands produced a brand of sonic toothbrush, not electric, is a sound wave, it can be more clean teeth and remove stone by sound waves, just use it to brush your teeth, you will feel the teeth one by one, the very clean. -
tea and yogurt, including celery, lemonade can help exhaust the body of toxins. While a large number of vitamin supplements, inhibit bacterial growth in the environment, of course, take vitamin pills, then if, instead of inside the additives can cause digestive disorders. -
that bad breath is a traditional Chinese medicine on the cause of the stomach, a virtual fire, while the stomach is not good, mainly due to psychological factors, pathogenic fire is not recommended to eat something, but to adjust psychologically to make resumption of gastrointestinal disorders normal. At the same time to improve the body immunity, enhance kidney function. -
performance deficiency is loss of appetite, Shen Juan fatigue, severe cases will visceral ptosis, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, the spleen is before each of thirty men and women are very important organs, it is related to food digestion and absorption, so do not eat a mess of drugs, harm it. The performance of lung deficiency, the less gas lazy words, easy to sweating, kidney qi deficiency are backache, the three together is called Qi. -
Qi cheek to droop, the more powerful virtual hangs until the internal organs are sagging facial features, were also ugly. Xu Zheng Qi of all, the most likely body to add energy. Less talk, less heavy lifting, more attention to the rest of sleep, can add strength. Because the gas can produce blood, so the qi can be blood. -
yam is a very good thing, a body is not good friends to the Chinese, it is said, or where the most famous, came back with a bunch of Chinese medicine in addition to outside, he brought this recipe: yam stew sugar drink. Value of four hundred of the recipe. -
yam spleen and stomach qi, Yifei Yin, kidney Gujing, the spleen, lung and kidney were completed, and really worth the money! Yin loss people tend to cough, you can use it to soup for water, consumptive cough illnesses can be cured. Yam because Yifei, and Leishou weakness, dry skin, memory loss, fatigue and illness physically weak, should eat yams, the body can be strong resistance to aging. -
it should be noted that while it Balancing to help damp evil, so after I finished it will definitely eat dampness of the East, such as barley, Poria. I do not add sugar directly boiled yam, the yam labeled thick paste, then boil for for water, not drink, after drinking, then drink plenty of water I add barley powder. -
rice is qi, and surprised it? Woman must eat rice every day, the spleen and stomach health depends on it too! Meters are spleen, but the grains in the spleen and the effect it is the best, the gas shortage, fatigue will eat it, like the stomach Deficiency, upset thirsty to drink rice gruel to Come. Chinese book says, So even if you lose weight, it must at least eat a bowl of rice a day, or slim down the cheeks are the chest down. -
good things, and jujube, honey. Both spleen, benefit wasting, is a good color. -
anti-aging (a) -
you posted if we look at more than 35 years of age, this is written specifically for you. -
is likely to more than 30 year-old woman, there will be traditional Chinese medicine has been known as For example, wrinkles, spots, dark circles, bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, rough skin and so on Aging. Including a complete body deformation and so on. -
word, now you have basically the transition to a neutral person, a woman's taste in getting away from you. Basically, you can not remember even their own or a woman. Only buy clothes, to the barber shop when the release of hysterical trying to save the despair. -
to the word, is very suitable here, In particular, more than 28 years old, his face is all written in your heart. -
heart envy people, attention is greater than the interests of all, bullying on the ignorant, the more all of these psychological, must be the fastest in the world makes you old ugly! And low self-esteem, passive, lazy but also accelerate the aging of the fathers. Maggie said she was keeping the secret of youth is the You have to keep reminding myself that you are a woman. When you mop the floor tired sweating profusely, put something heavy, we recommend you do what. I mop the floor the entire time boyfriend can scrub the kitchen to the ground from the roof and clean. You think of myself as a man makes, but also want a woman? -
This is not a good society, and my heart with sand, the ability of women to develop the sand pearl, most of it to be released. Will accelerate the aging of excessive patience, more terrible psychological aging, for the maintenance of a happy family and no benefits. You can be confident that your complaints are all out, if he does not even offer this to you, then his role? -
must be between two people can not save you money to give him flowers, or to both save, or to you to take his province, if you save him flowers, then you are basically very problematic, he . -
anti-aging (b) -
expression of facial wrinkles rich first, because usually, or often Satisfy her face so bad actions, and second, because the mind is very heavy, long time, mood did not improve to wrinkles, and three acidic physical fitness, physical fitness is not good; four is not enough time to give the skin moisture. -
Massage is very important ah! Should have the patience of the massage, remove wrinkles with the way described before, his face everywhere carefully massage, gently, to every day by, As long as we are sure to eliminate wrinkles. -
massage after completing necessary to strengthen moisture, use more moisturizer, moisturizing mask, everything is very moisturizing. Niu Er Rose Hydrating recommended sleep night film, 50 bucks and moisturizing effect is like! And durable, do not know when a bottle can be used. But also natural formula, I admire the cattle teacher! -
bags and dark circles are introduced before the method is very effective. Freckle way, too, but more slowly, not anxious. Nasolabial folds, also introduced before the method, get rid of the effect is obvious. There will certainly be the cheeks sag or loose or depression, eating rice to bed early, be sure to blood. -
eyes were tired, to liver or kidney, to rest, walk around the circle more than the eye, hair dry and rough, it would do more hair care, black sesame seeds and seaweed to eat, do not perm hair, the hair was not so old fashioned . -
face yellow, if the non-physical factors, on the water attaining with green tea; skin pimple to use the mask before the introduction of the yogurt yeast; the body's skin is definitely more crude, persist in using white vinegar plus moisturizing glycerin , the body smooth and soft white; to this age, the product is sure to seriously use. -
general facial skin will become thin, but increasingly hard, so feel the vicissitudes of life. From physical changes, the skin will become soft, as long as the skin tender, it will significantly younger. And this is the product can not do. In fact, all before the face of aging, apart from moisture, the product can not be resolved. -
anti-aging (c) -
check, your life is to satisfy the following conditions? Early hours each day, preferably nine to lie; sooner or later have to eat fruit every day; time to seriously eat three meals a day, will eat cooked rice; feel peace; next exercise; an hour lunch break every day at noon. In fact, most people can not guarantee these basic. -
aging body deformation of the body organs, blood, aging, toxic accumulation of a signal. Healthy body, should have a beautiful appearance. Acid must correspond to a physical appearance is not perfect. -
liver kidney care were introduced before, the spleen and stomach of nursing lies in the heart, internal organs are key parts of our operation, putting on part on the loose, re-tighten, and the machine just fine. Thick blood, the machine will turn no more, but also damage the machine. Too many toxins, the machine easily deformed. -
as long as from now on, you serious about your facial skin, take the time to take care of her, a regular life, attention to your sleep and mood, healthy diet, care of your body organs, your status will be getting better. -
qi and blood tonic steps are complementary. Qi alone without the blood, just like stove burned very busy, put an empty pot, the pot into the blood is delicious. Qi of the food before mentioned, I'll highlight the most important rice, the other should pay attention to eat more potatoes, sweet potatoes / sweet potatoes, dates and honey. Mushrooms, although very good, but a skin disease should pay attention to eating, not eating fasting. -
blood to eat some donkey-hide gelatin, no reason! My mother insisted to eat for so many years, made by my dad, plus enough love in it! Have not played the previous gelatin powder, saying he used to trace all the things pounded garlic pieces, and then Chaohei sesame seeds, fry a rolling pin and then rolled into the end, then Zaichao walnuts, chopped, procedures complicated than it is now ! Toss several nights to do. -
winter to eat the best. Blood while nourishing yin, remove heat, lungs empty, contains a lot of collagen, because it is the sentient flesh and blood thing, nourishing more effective. Face does not look good, it is necessary depends on it. However, in addition to the above two recommendations not to taste more than anything, at most, enough to add flavor longan. You add so much good stuff in there, it might as well forget pill Shiquandabu eat directly, but also Ejiao Why? Who is the Lord who aids or to make it clear. -
the best way of eating is soaked in rice wine, rice wine warm the stomach, while the A sticky resin, the two just help solve the absorption. Recommendation to eat more while blood sugar cane, carrots, spinach, dried longan and soy milk are iron supplementation of food. Not recommended for brown sugar, too sweet injured spleen, spleen were looking black. -
to correct the notion that food alone can not make up the body by a blind, catering to a comprehensive, such as you now know, the blood and the qi of the food, and that both must eat, eat the results will definitely not alone Obviously, this is in the affirmative. -
Introducing the two should always eat the good stuff! White fungus and black fungus, are the ancient royal nutrition. Nutrient-rich black and white fungus, similar in composition, are rich in collagen. Glia is important for a woman! -
meat, black fungus with the same protein content, iron content of fish, 70 times that of spinach 20 times 7 times the liver, so the black fungus is an important blood blindly food Oh! Now pick two of them specifically speak out, because it has too many white fungus things on a good woman. -
women today enjoy eating out, and taste are very heavy, cholesterol, high fat content easily, and the blood of harmful once the high fat content, skin and body condition will not be good, something else of aging, wrinkles also many, the quality of the blood is too important for the beauty! -
black fungus can prevent the harmful fats in the blood of the stay, the biggest advantage is that it ate into the body from the beginning, starting from the trachea, from top to bottom, including lung, stomach, intestine, blood, body dust, soot used, bad foreign body, environmental pollutants, can bring out the whole body. Inside the body can take a bath. -
black fungus has a strong anti-cancer function and can enhance liver detoxification. -
Tremella do not buy white yellow, moisturizing effect class! Moistening lungs, and blood, Yin Huo-wang body will expect it! Lung health, the skin naturally delicate. -
yin tonic food in addition to pears, sugar, black sesame, soy milk, white fungus, lily, the addition of these partial elements, recommended the duck meat dish, not only Ziyinqingre, there are benefits of water features, summer and eat it to prevent gynecological inflammation place. Too many diseases are due to water running around the body, so eat more barley no harm. -
Yang intake of meat to be, although before the vegetables are recommended, but not said to be a vegetarian, meat must eat, completely vegetarian very harmful to the body. Is a must eat beef and mutton, and these two meat intake, no moisture, low fat content, energy content and iron are high enough. -
have to eat meat in winter, men and women should eat more. Lamb can be nourishing wasting, replenishing vital energy, to treat kidney yang, warming warm-up, to treat stomach Deficiency, that physical treatment should eat more, strong stomach and spleen, the spleen and kidney are very good. Consumption thin body can make a strong eat mutton. -
to eat dog meat is the same, replenishing strength, make the spleen and stomach, warm the kidney, gluten bone health, but should not be taken together and almonds. There are blindly food yang, Zuixia is taking live shrimp with wine soaked, cold extremities can be treated, spleen and kidney yang. -
addition to the above four flavor meat, the walnut treatment of kidney lower back pain, tinnitus, nourishing the liver kidney, to treat lung Deficiency, improve the intestinal constipation, moisture five internal organs. Take a long time, skin smooth, shiny black hair, anti-aging. -
addition to beef and mutton, the other virtual food Wenbu Yang, Yin Huo-wang physical person must eat less. -
the spleen and stomach meridians are associated through the spleen and stomach function good people, and the skin must be moist, plump. Conversely, if a person is skinny, skin not shiny, the stomach is not good, so the body lack of blood. The health status of the spleen can also be the color from the lips of view, if it is dark red, is the heat, if it is light red, is the Deficiency, if the skin is very dry lips, is the lack of body fluid. -
to digest food because the spleen through the blood, so a woman's menstrual cycle are also related. It is a woman of the Gospel, if you have mastered the method of maintenance of the spleen, you can not do Huanglian Po life, even to the fifties, too, his face is not brown. -
because of poor maintenance, the spleen function in controlling blood loss, the skin will dry yellow, while the natural skin color is yellow, where yellow means coke. First, spleen deficiency, and then developed into the spleen does not control blood. The body's vital energy and spleen and stomach to digest food produced with the blood, the first is to ensure normal, healthy diet. -
If you face yellow, and had to be used to eat taro. Purple taro on the spleen and stomach best blood, the Blood effect, to plump the skin and muscle moist. There are a tonic parties, spring, summer autumn and winter insist on eating, very effective, that is, water chestnuts, potatoes, red beans, yam, Mainz real, lotus seeds, red dates and rice cooked together, these meals are all make up the spleen, to blood, and gradually improve color. -
face chlorosis evolved from a deficiency, in addition to mood, fatigue factors, do not eat rice is the main reason. So, in order to have a good face, eat at least two bowls of rice.

92 lunch practices ( I want to learn )

 Love lunch: asparagus fried rice + steamed sweet pumpkin + Duck
asparagus fried rice: very simple, first fried a little whistle, and then add the asparagus, cut into small pieces, stir fry after the mix into the rice you can order a.
steamed pumpkin: I've found to eat steamed pumpkin cooked to sweet than many. This is also no technical pumpkin dish, cut into small pieces and cooking time on the grid and steam for steaming rice cooker, rice is cooked, the pumpkin also cooked out.
Sweet Duck: buy, this I do not pretend that we can do it.
also a dish: a mess, I do not know whatever, there are potatoes, onions, green peppers and eggs.

love lunch 91: pork shrimp asparagus roll + + soy bean sprouts, cauliflower asparagus pork
volumes: the loin into large fillet into thin slices, then wrapped asparagus, the first in a pan fry color, then add cooking wine, soy sauce stew about, on the line.
shrimp cauliflower: Cauliflower first boiled, then add shrimp, carrot soy bean starch
: Heat the oil later, add a few dried chilli until fragrant, pepper should point came alive again, I do forgot. And then another bean sprouts, stir the fire continued to ok.

love lunch box 90: folder + Fried eggplant fried asparagus
at the outset: the rice is free on asparagus with nothing to them the fun. After finishing pp, or ate it fried eggplant
folder: This folder, but do have meat in tomato was. First cut into a thick piece of eggplant, then cut back, pay attention, do not cut off, wrap the meat so well. Then the water in the egg in flour and dip into the gooey, put the pan fried to golden brown on both sides of the line.
Fried Asparagus: Asparagus cut off, put some oil, salt and stir fry on it.
there is a little bit of carrot, cooked in clear water after the chicken soup bubble in Bobo to ok.

89 love lunch: fried rice steamed pork ribs + + small tri-color pepper spare ribs steamed glutinous rice octopus
: done before, there is interest in the light of 54 to lunch.
fried tri-color peppers: the color is red, yellow, and green pepper cut into three kinds of silk, like a stir fry with, I was just fried after the separation of the pendulum. The above is the crispy rice
intestines, cut several times, lost in the soup cook cook to look into small octopus, but no eyes, nose, small octopus

heart lunch 88: fried beef, wild rice + salad + cowpea
Scallion Beef: sliced ​​beef, add soy sauce and marinate for about starch, green peppers sliced , heat oil, saute onion and garlic ginger, first under the fried beef, fried fast time, add green peppers stir fry about
Scallion Zizania: looks a bit like potatoes Siha. Water bamboo strips, boiled in boiling water first, finish it and drain the water, with a wok heat oil, saute ginger onion and garlic, extra onions then stir fry rice stem down to click on the line.
bean salad: bean cut into small pieces, boiling water, cook, and then the rest of the soup into Bobo chicken bulbs for some time on it.

love lunch 87: fried loin + loin fried assorted vegetables
first cut loin chunks, and then use the knife blade fluff (like deep-fried meat would be more out of oh).
fluff, it will cut into the block section. Code taste with salt and rice wine.
another bowl of, put an egg, more raw powder, transferred into a gooey, then code into a delicious fillet to mix well.
take a pot, which put more points oil, fillet into them one by one the fried until golden brown.
assorted vegetables: Today, assorted vegetables with carrots, corn, broccoli, mushrooms, wild rice stem. Mixed with fried like

love lunch 86: tasty egg rolls + fungus + fungus colorful tasty brown rice
Today spicy mix with millet, indeed, unusual spicy ah
fungus bubble, the boiled, cooked. And then into ice water (this would become very brittle fungus. But tomorrow microwave, you may not be so brittle, no matter, the first stomach to deal with good tonight)
find a large bowl (so good mixed with fungus), with some garlic press garlic press. Then pan pour some oil, then hot, pour in the garlic on. Then the fungus, millet spicy, coriander, soy sauce, stir together salt on it.

love lunch 85: Garlic Pork in + duck eggs cooked pork: pork into the pot, add star anise and ginger. After cooking, finish it cut thin slices, then wok to stir-cut meat into them a stir, and then back again, just the fat stir the oil, just, let Douban Scoop oil into the red, and then inverted Stir into meat, and finally add garlic, delicious Oh, I also added a little sugar to taste.
spent on the sweet pepper, sweet pepper, chopped green pepper cut into filaments, and then boiled with salt cooked, drain the water can pose a.

love lunch 84: Volume + Color pork fried maize and pea + green peppers fried pork roll
color: pork meat 1, the carrot green bamboo slice neatly placed in the pork, then roll up, roll tight spots, and then evenly sprinkle the point of starch. 2, put a little oil, will be opening pork roll down into the pot. To be opening after bonding, and then turning pork roll chopsticks. Fry until golden brown. 3, after frying, add sweet and sour sauce of white wine for a burn. 4, finish it cut into two green peppers

fried maize and pea omelette

love lunch 83: sesame pork pie + red, green and thick sesame pork egg cake burning
: mushrooms chopped onion, add soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, half egg, mix cornstarch with ground pork, then put into pan fry pie, then sprinkle with sesame side, Jian Hao, the red, green, cut into small pieces of thick egg can
burning: in fact, thick egg added a green pepper and sweet pepper burn broken. Thick egg will not repeat the practice of burning
fact, there is boiled pumpkin, and it is not written, as well as cucumber, is born of love

Bento 82: the failure of the egg board + bitter two-pepper mashed potatoes, fried onions +
Well, certainly I do not find a more ugly than the egg board a double-pepper fried onions
: be photographed the food is relatively high, because the onion is very cheap in this season's dishes. Onions, green peppers, stir fry bell pepper strips like fuel salt.
bitter mashed potatoes: mashed potatoes, which I think can add any vegetables, so try to add a bitter
approach is very simple mashed potatoes, the potatoes cut into small pieces, put soup pot pa, and then pressed into the mud, then add vegetables like stir fry can

love lunch 81: black pepper steak + curry stir fried rice + beans + boiling dried black pepper steak
Pumpkin: Cut large pieces of beef, pine shoot knife blade, add black pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine pickled onion, pan pour the oil, butter it can be.
curry fried rice: peas and sliced ​​on the water boiled with pumpkin, boiled, drain the water into the side of chopped onions, and first with onions and peas and fried, and then Add curry powder, and finally poured into the cooked rice and mix well
stir dry beans: green beans cut into small pieces, and Guo Lifang oil, first put a few pepper until fragrant, then stir fry green beans under .
cooked pumpkin: clear boiled

love lunch 80: Sweet Duck + shrimp melon + Qing Sun fungus < br> Sweet Duck is my last outing brought back.
shrimp melon: melon cubes, chopped sweet pepper, add shrimp stir fry like.
Qing Sun fungus: fungus hair with warm water, Qing Sun slices. First put Pixian watercress, and mushrooms, stir fry for a while, then add Qing Sun, fry for a while on the line

love lunch 79: beef, green pepper and onion + burn fried carrot + tomato beef green pepper and onion to pay melon
: were shredded beef, green pepper and onion, beef and starch, soy sauce, black pepper marinate for a while, and then hot oil, the first under the wire fried beef, fried onions and green peppers add color after the stir fry for a while, on the line.
fried carrot: a good element of this dish is the shredded carrots Put oil, salt and stir fry just fine. tomato melon burning
pay: pay melon and tomato slices, put some Fry for a while after, add some sauce, and then dry the sauce on it. But cooked tomatoes are also invisible.

love lunch 78: Douban dried shrimp + Garlic + Onion thick Chaodou burning
Douban shrimp eggs:
Garlic Chaodou dry: garlic sprouts and tofu cut into small pieces, and the Douban speculation on the line.
onion thick egg burning: burning is the basis of thick egg added a chopped onion. In fact, you can also add chopped carrot, chopped green pepper. Thick egg I have made the practice of burning off, and do not mention.

love lunch 77: Salted Pumpkin + Pork + Douban green beans mushrooms salted egg yolk, pumpkin
originally wanted, but really do not know how to deal the rest of the protein, simply put the protein was also chopped, and fry the pumpkin, the taste of pork with green beans is not bad eh
: is the green beans with shredded pork with fried like the
Douban mushrooms: that Douban + mushrooms with fried
I think my cooking is not written in a simple necessary.

love lunch 76: Bar + fried minced meat fried water spinach salad tomatoes
small pumpkin + spinach in fact, the use of legs chopped tempeh to stir, very well with rice dish
small pumpkin is very simple practices, shredded, and then stir fry oil salt tomato salad on the line
: Everyone's favorite summer Kazakhstan. Then add sugar, mix tomatoes, peeled like a mix of love lunch

75: octopus cooked rice + corn + peas fried rice pepper
octopus: octopus washed clean and cut into small pieces, and then the pot add a little oil, fry both sides of the octopus golden, then add soy sauce, rice wine, vinegar, sugar, the flavor comes out so I feel very good, the soup poured over the rice, very well with rice.

cook corn: Actually, tonight is soup made of corn ribs, the corn is coming from that inside the fish out, corn soup and simple ribs, corn and ribs together in a pressure cooker, add water do not have control of.

pepper fried snow peas: peas boiled with water first, then add bell pepper and oyster sauce stir fry on the line.

love lunch 74: Osmanthus meat meat + green peppers + mushrooms, asparagus
Osmanthus meat: lily, fungus, cucumber, egg , carrots, meat. Meat first with wine, soy sauce about, lily, and fungus hair with warm water. Carrot cucumber slices, and then hot oil, fried eggs, hash first, put aside. Pork first film, released after meat discoloration Scoop lily and fungus, stir fry for a while, then put carrots and cucumbers, the last release eggs.
green peppers mushrooms asparagus: green peppers, bell peppers, mushrooms were cut into strips, and stir fry together just fine.

love lunch 73: fried beef with onion, celery + cucumber + carrot beat eggs fried beef with celery and onions with rice
: beef first with the raw powder and soy sauce marinate it, then under the hot oil put Douban Guo Chao, beef fry later, add onion and celery.
shoot cucumber: cucumber cut into small pieces, then gently patted the back of a knife, then add salt for a while, the water drained out of the salt, add vinegar and garlic and mix well.
egg rice carrot: carrot diced, cooked in boiling water Riga salt, then drain the water on the rice. Add the salt and the egg and mix thoroughly with water after frying.

love lunch 72: celery Volume + assorted vegetables + chicken sweet and sour chicken, celery and carrot
Volume: chicken, celery slices and cut into sections , then roll up the chicken to celery, the other holding a bowl add flour and eggs transferred into a gooey black pepper salt, a small fire in the pan fried. Carrots and potatoes. These are all cut into small pieces, put a small pot, stir fry cooked a little under the pan after the click on the line. Assorted things right after the prime chicken fried celery rolled.
sweet and sour radish: This dish is simple, the meters after scouring the first to use salted radish slices. Mix well then add sugar and vinegar on it.

love Bento 71: potatoes, onions, oyster sauce, beef balls + film + Douban
onion celery beef balls: two half beef with onions and stir the meat 4 machine blending. Then add black pepper and salt, soy flour and mix well, knead into groups. Pan fried on the line.
oyster potato chips: a small potato slices, and then hook with oyster sauce + raw powder into the sauce to cook potato chips, boiled pa on it.
Douban Celery: Celery is now boiling water boiled water, hot oil and then add a little watercress, celery and stir fry and then pour on the line.

love lunch 70: sauce roast beef, carrots, potatoes, onions
actually beef, carrots, potatoes, onions and put pressure pot, add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, can the.

love lunch 69: sweet pepper, fried green beans stewed pork + + homemade carrot acid
1, loin cotton Shengbang up 2 oil into the pan fried pork, the meat surface display The color can be grilled. And then into pot, add wine and boil. 3, boil, recorded in garlic ginger and chili sauce, cover and small fire Luzhu 40 minutes. 4, add sugar, soy sauce and continue to simmer for 20 minutes. Then finish it fried green beans bell pepper cut
: fried green beans peppers radishes
acid: radish slices, with salt about, salted water drained out of the wash. Riga, sugar, white vinegar cold water, like a spicy red pepper can be added to stir.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Love missed that lifetime

 Fell asleep last night, fell asleep, I feel the dream ... stop crying ... crying, slowly I can not stand the heartache dream, wake up vaguely, as found in wet pillow, his eyes full of tears traces , originally I did not dream of their own tears, but he really cried, like a dream with this
do not know the story ... ... there is no afterlife, this life is not very long, good life do not love you, let the afterlife me and really love you, owe you this life, afterlife reward you. Why do people wait until after a loss, will understand why people do not cherish. Maybe not too easy to get the total value, until after a loss to know, miss, but it is I, the Food of Love ... ... ...

women had not crazy, that year 22-year-old woman, very young. Some say that she looked normal. In that year a woman in love with a man, a man 23 years old, looks a bit depressed, very talented, young girls hearts of many lovers of the standard. Women and men together just to work, lunch break, when colleagues like playing cards, a woman does not love to play cards, but the women always occupied a position of men, other men after the meal, the woman gave way to him.

men never mind doing the woman, and women with no constraints, women are kind and considerate, and very few laughs, but with a man when it laugh. Men do not care about woman, Indian woman to a man deep in the heart.

One night, a woman about a man walking, graceful shy to tell a man she liked him. The expression of a man shocked by the sudden, and soon the woman politely refused, the man said he loved the woman does not love him, and he who does not love, his heart is dead, and now he no longer want to talk about friends not to come to him to be a woman .

woman cried all night, go to work, they also shed tears, colleagues, looked at her strangely, the men sat blankly. Few days, women are still kept crying. Men began to soften see that woman is man's true love. Finally one night, a man about a woman out, tell a woman: if she does not mind, he does not fit in the past, he was willing to try to accept her. Woman agreed, brilliant smile, because men finally accepted her.

love Aihenjiandan women and men. Did not go out together watching a movie, not eaten with rice on the outside, the men are indifferent to her. When is the happiest man and woman sitting beside the river under the bridge, there is a cow staring at seeing them, women feel funny. Men living in single quarters, women to men laundry. Sick men and women take care of him. Birthday, when a woman, men forget, the woman said it does not matter. Birthday men and women give men a neat tie.

second year, married women and men. Women take care of things at home in perfect order, men have delicious meals at home, there is hot water bath after watching TV, clothes, women also washed clean. Men can cause heart flutter in that year, an increase of men managers, women have lost a lot.

third year, a woman with a man's child. Woman a pregnancy, when bending down and washing more difficult, but still insist on the day. Things at home still manage with the woman. Ten months later, a woman giving birth, the doctor said it was because the baby's position is too high, to caesarean section. For children, women Caesarean section to a baby girl, seven pounds when born. Man's parents want grandchildren, to see a girl born to a woman never came to see. No one woman's month of care, her parents were too far away, only to once a month, with some chicken fish and the like. Noisy at night the child, women should be given to children to urine, breast-feeding. Men are not considerate woman, a woman was washing clothes on the yard. Month of the woman did not have a good, frequent abdominal pain, doctors said came to a root cause.

very beautiful and very cute child, a woman quietly watching children grow up, and my heart there is a sweet feeling. Despite the indifference of a man hurt her, but she still loves men. Because he was her first and last man. Some men complain that only occasionally, but after the woman to forgive the man. May never get the treasure, in those days, men almost ignored the existence of a woman.

woman watching her daughter grow up day by day, listening to her mother called her daughter for the first time, happy to tell men. Daughter for the first time walking, women totter ... ... ... In this way, an instant, his daughter grow up to five years old, a woman brought her to the park, a taxi was a traffic accident, a woman was knocked passed out. Other woman woke up, Manlianshixue, she first thought the idea of ​​the child, the child is badly mutilated, to the hospital, the doctor told her the child had died. Women fainted. When the woman woke up again, shouting his mouth child's name, the man sat sadly by her side, whispered comfort to her. Cried a woman fainted.

other woman woke up again, his mouth kept to himself, the doctor said that the woman was crazy ... ...

; to take care of women, men quit his job, to find a temporary job, as long as a few hours a day of classes, when he is not called a neighbor to take care of a woman shouting his mouth still murmured the name of the daughter , holding the pillow laugh. Look at other people's children on the chase, said it was her child. Men can only put a woman locked in the house. Woman for a laugh, a cry, but when she saw photographs of the children when the woman began to calm down and touched his hand gently on the child's face picture, smiling, his eyes kind eyes.

time to live so slowly, the woman suddenly shouted, sometimes middle of the night to have children, sometimes they behave like was like a child. Throughout the district are aware of the mad wife, and some sympathy, some mercy, and some people just look at a joke. Have taken a man had a very good future. However, his crazy wife ruined everything before he hates women. Men started to smoke drunk alcohol, he often drunk, began to temper his temper.

awareness of a woman found a man light changes. Men smoke heavily, women must take possession of men do not pay attention when the cigarette up. Men do not see smoke, and asked a woman. Hey woman giggling. Man snapped: Obviously frightened woman, huddled in the corner shivering. Woman pulled over a man: Men snatched smoke and roared:

men went out, women still used to wash clothes, clean clothes always come up with their children to wash, children's clothes, she felt dirty, to wash clean. Men's clothing, women's clothes, children's clothes hanging on the outside, gently touched her children's clothes, smell the clothes, women giggle.

woman sick, the doctor said that she not live long. Men smoked cigarettes and looked at the pain his wife ... ... helpless eyes reveal sadness. His wife is still mad, except for a tired easier than before, when little trouble sleeping, asleep, when there were tears running down her cheek. In order to save the life of his wife crazy, man sold all the things to sell, and finally had to sell the house to maintain a woman's life, carried on a woman last breath.

woman looking at suffering man, pointing to the throat could not speak, desperately panting, trembling to tell a man to her breath, she was very painful. Xinrudaoge grief for a man woman, a woman he had never been poor, but today a man told a woman he can not possibly tears. Really, he told her he did do, while women seem to know he was dying, so no gestures, just laborious panting, tears flowing unknowingly.

woman died in the early hours the next day, when men went to sleep. When the man woke up, women nestled in the arms of a man died, his face left with tears. Uphold the bed put a man found a letter that read: My dear husband (pro-Kai), a woman's name was actually inscribed.

man urgent opened the letter, a woman is printed clearly into view. Tears to her husband she wrote some words.

dear husband:

tears you write these words, I know I'm going to die tonight Suddenly I seem to wake up, perhaps back to the light reflective, maybe God have mercy on me, give me one last chance to say goodbye to you. I still remember our child, I remember the moment she called her mother, you know? At that moment I actually shed tears. I vaguely remember the face of bloody goes, why God so cruel to her, so cruel to me? She must be very lonely in the ground, no one to take care of, she was waiting for me, I would like to accompany her and take care of her.

My dear husband, thank you for giving me a home, gave me a child, I completed the journey of a woman. Although you do not always say I love you, but I love you, from beginning to end, I love you. I am very bitter with you through the day, you do not properly caring me, love me. I thought I would wait till that day, until the day that you love me, but I can not wait until the. My dear husband, you are my first and last a man, when I leave this world, you will be my forever man.

My dear husband, thank you for everything I do is I drag you. I'm sorry, I'm gone, take good care of yourself, remember that often change clothes, less smoking, and was in poor health. I'm gone, I'm sorry, I do not have to accompany you through the last time.

My dear husband, I finally kissed gently on your face, it is a loving but long kiss. Let the tears of pain for years burst forth at this time. I'm gone, I will take care of our children good ground, you rest assured.

You never woman

man cry, the first cry so sad. His loving wife of the dead arms. Recall the bitterness of the past a woman, think back to the good woman, drops of tears fall on a woman but thin pale cheeks ... ...

man buried woman. Buried with their children. He Changgui in the woman's grave, his eyes red from crying, stroking his wife's tombstone, said: But I can not make the obligation to make a husband out. In the past I'm bad, I feel ashamed now to think of it. Now I know how cold I was. life all owe you, let me repay you the afterlife, If the next you remember me. my wife, I love you. you hear that? I love you, ah ... ...

woman became deaf. Past life, this life, the afterlife. If I remember you next life, let me take care of you, love you forever, okay?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Comic script

 A shooting script (story board) drawing requirements:
1, fully reflect the director's creative intent, creative thinking, and writing style.
2, sub-camera use must be smooth and natural.
3, the screen image to be simple and easy to understand . (sub-director of the lens was designed to cut the basic intent and clear about the story and image. does not require too much detail. the details too much but will affect the overall understanding.
4, the connection points between the lens to be clear. (generally do not show connection points of the lens, only sub-lens serial number change, and its connections to switch, for integration into the dissolution. points should be clearly marked on the lens the script.)
5, dialogue and sound effects to be clearly identified. ( dialogue and sound effects must be clearly marked, and should identify appropriate points in the screen shot below.)
issues on the lens.
mirror distance: long-term role in reaching the main emphasis on the scene.
panoramic view of the role of figures show the relative action status. (whole body figure can be seen)
middle ground effect with the general character vision, it is not near the scene look far. (characters above the knee)
of facial close-range effect can see. ( take the upper body or other parts of the figure)
enlarge the role of the characters close-up face, a local body or object. (prominent local)
camera angles:
characterized as flat as the flat line or the main characters in the picture head or upper part. (the point of giving plain and natural sense)
overlooking the screen in the character feature is on top of the head or body above the level and movement is relatively clear, but the expression is not easy to see.
Look up features the characters in the picture point of view the main body of the lower half of the waist or below. image appeared tall, but it can also generate the main image of the deformation characteristics.
mixed use through the flat, vertical, looking up the combination to achieve the desired effect.
animation camera movement:
depth sports, including pulling the lens, push the lens, with lens.
parallel motion panning.
basic narrative lens animation methods:
along Syria, happened by to tell stories in chronological order.
interleaved, interleaved in the middle.
flashback, first there is a suspense, during the narration.
4, case
: Panorama, the moon in the sky, (lens, wave, and suddenly) appear barbed wire
Lens 2: (stack of) large panorama, overlooking all the sheds of the bird's eye view, (lens, wave to the ground, stop) screen on the right, a guard holding a dog dressed people walking the face.
Lens 3: recently, in advance of the dog, it wicked look in his. (motion picture with a painting from right to left)
Lens 4: close-up, a lock In the flashlight's illumination, the guard's hands, hold, draw people out.
Lens 5: close-up, the foot through the screen (camera zoom into panorama)
fourth section comic script writing General procedures and the possible format
about now, we have identified several issues: the creation of comic script its own laws to comply with comics; comic script is actually a special kind of film scripts; comic script writing should be expected in the effect as a reference picture; comic script writing can follow a certain routine; China's development can not take the Japanese comic book script of the old; Chinese culture and world culture should not be denied the essential difference.
Now, we can try to make question: comic script and format of the creative process like? that the nature of the physical form of the spirit of the script has no effect? or the nature of comic spirit of the script has no effect on the physical form?
to this question answer, in fact, may not take a long time thinking and discrimination are deep, clear, comic script form and the film script is very similar to the form can be borrowed. Up to now, we know the form of comic script In essence, it is only one, but if further broken down, it will get some practice at different levels, if these practices as a continuous adaptation process, we get to be a comic script writing process in general may mm This procedure is carried out in the minds mm and a random selection from a practice would be possible format comic script.
First of all, is undoubtedly the most common literature, the script form. complete with text written in clear account the characteristics of people, time and place, the whole incident, the next scene or shot that is in accordance with the account of behavior and dialogue. This form is the most easy to do, which is the foundation of all attempts mm of course, was purely in the form of completion of writing fiction script, but the result is still another adaptation, the middle of misunderstanding and differences inevitably.
Second, the above form, evolve, adding comic scenes to understand. described in the text on the screen to add the atmosphere at the request of the lens treatment If the requirements of sub-frame size and so on.
Again, if the script and the art of hand closely, the script can also add characters and scenes such as the initial settings screen instructions mm, but unless you have decided to use his painting hand, Otherwise, at least, is making a vain effort.
Finally, if your lens itself has a strong sense of the script might have turned into the form mm screen like a TV commercial script, like the picture, not to screen sub-frame, only the same to illustrate the size of the lens cells. This script must be note that, where the lens does not represent the final creation of the lens, the author should not be limited sense of the script mm lens, after all, not a painting of the hand of the script, I even hand painted Writing your own scripts to write the script should also be aware of the cartoons themselves and their own or were divided. This is actually the last line comic script, and then became a step forward in the draft of this proposal should try to comics experience of the script writing stage, and not the beginning stages of entering the draft specification mm without the prior script, draft prone to unnecessary vulnerabilities, but also for comic timing, liquidity and lack of continuity, especially easy to grasp .
such inference drawn five: the creation of comic script form of literature from the initial draft of the script to the final points close to the lens (not the screen grid points) play in any form. its application should be considered with the painting of the hands of the script be selected among the forms of cooperation. In general the text in the form of hand-painted script to play a bigger room, painting in the form of scripts for the creator of the very close cooperation. (Corollary e)
general form as a comic script actually to stop here, no need to waste more energy on this, if you want more in-depth discussion, we might consider some specific script in the actual creation of the procedure.
the creation of the script if the sub-steps, we can get the following three parts: the story themes, characters, environment settings, and a shooting style and plot. As the length of the length of the different comic book, the use of these three parts were divided.
most beginners or those half-baked need is a few short elaborate, to exercise of the art technology, and as a stepping stone Press. As hard to shape the character of short, so make the most important short script should be done is the style, theme and plot, then People around the theme settings and scene props, the final draw for a shooting script. This one, the story is the key theme of the focus, short .8 conception is the most important page in general can only accommodate a short dot plot, and around start a center, or even no plot, then of course a very important subject to short .20-60 page may be more complex circumstances, it may have nothing, but there will be a climax (or compare the part turned a deaf ear) This is the focus of the whole chapter, subject to the performance of the story here. generally the burden of such a climax in the form of shaking will be made more attractive, of course, naturally, however, can be straightforward and to the specific effect of mm This is an essay, here would not have studied in detail. It is noteworthy that, in the short script, characters and events are in a subordinate position, mm It is important to have a good deal if not, then, in violation of this principle will be not easy to achieve the purpose of creation and effect.
writing the script if the plot as a focus, in order to tell a story, create a character, describe a world, it would need at least a medium-length to accommodate. medium-length story of the Creation is still a very important topic But at the same time, you can choose one theme and plot focus. This is because 60-200-page work can show the rich and delicate circumstances, create an even more complete characters, describe a complete world, which included more than one theme will be. So the creation of medium-length script should complete the outline of the story, which has set the basis for the characters and the environment, these considerations very carefully by the characters to complete the plot, the final should be Upon completion of the script outline of literature into a shooting script and then writing, literature or just complete the detailed script, direct access to writing the draft. Overall, medium-length fiction story should be complete, and short essay is no doubt. from a business published point of view, the medium-length works have been of commercial value, readers can bring more sustainable and can be expanded through the formation of pamphlets published; short not have this value, like writing the same, it just shows the strength of the means Creation is a long story about the explorer stone. In other words, short a couple of blood, is a medium-length into the hands of leisure.
sometimes elongated into a series of short or long the mixture is formed long endless serials, this is long. In the long script writing, the characters are a long time with a close friend of the reader, is the most important part of creation. Here the theme may be more or less dispensable, the plot is follow the market's twists and turns, they all retreated to a secondary position. well set to win readers to the characters and environment is the ultimate means, must be carefully designed and discussed, and different styles of short test, and then to determine the works will use the style and settings. The theme, often depends on the specific situation, generally more commercial works not only a theme, often around the main theme of each episode are further sub-themes; not the main theme The work is also valid. plot area, often in a single set on the basis of the outline produced, and the formation of a paragraph with several dozen episodes. This has the advantage that can be a very good grasp of the market, you can limit the extension of the story down. In addition, there are hero-for-episode serial, which is a special case, it actually is to a human spirit as a hero, this serial is so much better long short is set to the appropriate mm There is a deformation of a continuous form of the hero, but only play the role of lead characters, each episode the characters still have their own independent. In fact, his serial is characterized by the creation of a long preparatory work completed, put each Set both short as 20-60 pages to create.
inference six: scripts creative process to determine the length by the length. short stressed that the theme for the nature of the test; medium-length emphasis on the integrity of the story, theme and plot both, is a serious literary and artistic creation; long stressed the commercial, to winning characters and a variety of settings, plot generated by the set, illustrate the theme, each set of specific long and short writing are similar. (Corollary VI)
the fifth section of our comic
After some empty theory, we draw some inferences, these inferences will help us realize our own desire to help create the script.
Creation A good comic script, especially not copy, valuable works, at least do not make low-level errors. This need to catch the three principles of comics, understanding the nature of comics; familiar with the comic routine, and its selective absorption ; understand the comic scripts creative process and the law, their own Buzhi Yu trade-off, the energy aspects of unnecessary waste.
However, these are just the primary requirements of a mature cartoonist, one for the script author, there is a more important responsibility. It will hold us in the comic mind.
us to draw the hearts of some people the story of mm like most literature lovers alike, some people still fighting over the same breath mm is against the Japanese, and others to draw beautiful paintings mm popularity of comic book art is probably one of the major functions. whether that part of good practice, in order to draw cartoons, then what is a good comic? good there must be a good comic script, then what is a good comic script?
This is a confused issue, we can be viewed from several angles.
first function.
comic of course a direct function of of readers, then readers decide the market, the market impact on society, social determinants of culture. Therefore, the comics will eventually influence and form their own culture, is necessary for any comics should understand from this height. China will form a kind of comic book culture to employed by the joint decision of all the comics, which naturally includes the creator of the script. So we must take into account in the creation of works of cultural property to their own, of course, China is more a comic themselves belong to the Chinese culture, This requires the spirit of Chinese culture to be understood. This is not a general reference work mm Chinese culture, traditional culture, we always remember the first ancestor of the inheritance mm too good to future generations and causing pressure on the disappointing future generations in particular. In fact, the meaning of Chinese culture should be generalized, at least for the comic so that it includes not only the ancestors, including our own. This culture comes from our life, whether mm or our own ancestors in mm we want to do is to extract from life, to beautify, and then it is to influence the lives mm In general, any art form, expressing emotions in order to praise or criticize the same time is our life and existence, and ultimately The purpose is to regulate life. cartoons of the majority of young people, when these people grow into the backbone of society, the society will operate under their specification, comic impact on them will be reflected in the society they control in. Therefore, comics and all the art forms to face the same demands, and even some interference to the creative freedom. We certainly can not allow that kind of art has become mechanical creep is interference, but should also make appropriate Even if a compromise is a sense of social responsibility mm mm because the comic is a popular art, is not it affect the individual, but a whole generation. In general, epidemic, exaggeration, irony, sex, treason and fantasy of hh characteristics of these people is not pleasant to lose, they are comic vitality; real power is critical and must be maintained, this is not easy to talk, as any art form is not only to sing nothing but creation; boring things should be allowed to exist, because it is the basis of social imagination; negative attitude of decadent life only, as long as no crime is also largely a matter of personal freedom and truth are not prohibited, but if more people would be prohibited because they can not be met in the literary and artistic works away try for themselves, in fact, what exists in reality, only to ban the performance of literary works can only be counterproductive. we should really be opposed to a few in fact only a few mm against the most basic moral values, selfish (referring to matters of principle, rather than the nature of the kind of ironic, if not deliberately spread on it); treason against the nation (it does not make the discussion); encouragement and appreciation of a crime (but not the kind of pointed out that the legal loopholes); direct violation of civil rights (violations of the right of reputation, infringement of copyright) mm, then there also are of this nature only should be banned, as in politics, life, faith and doubt of the class are constitutional right, no need to prevent the mouth of the people are treated better than anti-Chuan mm even to anti-Chuan should ease rather than blocked. For the author, should be careful in the unhealthy things, and bold performance of life This is the comic book opinions mm function, we should really be made.
followed by the theme and plot.
the theme of most comic books for young people, and therefore requires a more facile and creative features to readers of this stage of psychological adaptation. This is different from the literature and film, comics are the subject of most fashion is young, innovative and inspiring mm with a feeling things are still quite rare in China, but rather is the preaching of the eight children and importune the slapstick majority. Speaking of preaching, but added immediately reminds me once in Beijing cartoons published over the Note that a comic language is reasonable, but how can one not on the taste, it is difficult to count it in the new comic camp; study the reasons for its not installed, is probably the lack of fashion and a fundamental lack of creativity (on camera also failed to grasp the essence of comics, from the shape of the lens used are neither fish nor fowl, it has also hastily to meet the three principles of comics), a comic old comic books the transition to a new awareness of the failure examples, it is worth to avoid (this author encountered later in the television interview, talked nonsense that he is actually the savior of the Chinese cartoons, comics were born to save China, and finds himself very, very good comic, is typical of the new comics these words in bed mm said to myself, OK, say it on television, what would be the formation of China's cartoon misleading?! person must really think that they have had the essence of comics? doubt is to lose heart mad? forget what the original words, but always think of it can not help but get angry, perhaps jealous person must grab everyone especially my thunder. Anyway, in any case, it is difficult to accept the comic gentleman, who incidentally was not to see him pleasing to the eye). said something off topic, but does not affect the topic. topic is still unwilling to call for creative work in the flat, especially works of fashion and rebellion are the two major arms business, which gives us the times and should cherish it. Although it is shallow fashion thing, but if you study and no less than good effort use, but also still only other people's cash cow, not a change if their job mm ancestors believe that natural science is shallow Confucian pragmatism, what will the results of hh mm all know what is what in fact that is but the shallow complacency fills what well proud! Most good cartoon should be longer than the illusion created good, even adult-oriented comic fashion, and rebellion, are not the exaggeration, is still the most indispensable imagination; which is human fun of life, should not be denied. our local comic irrigation is the lack of it, this should be the responsibility of editing a conservative, but there are elements of the weak expression. And fantasy does not mean Luanxiang, it is a complete the theme of tools, rather than subject themselves mm confused, they would become rampant, it is difficult to understand.
comics and literature requirements of the plot there is no essential difference, just have a different focus plane. literary plot more freedom than the manga, but also that of several commercial; cartoon commercial from the start, so in this respect but more than the rich literary expression. comic plot and theme of the service as it also requires lively, fashion, and also to make the readers a sense of substitution, there must be convincing. This requires real mm, at least in the real world of his own creation, to be able to justify itself, and not wordy. also requires the reader a comfortable pace mm and the overall sense of feeling which is able to grasp the technical job. realism comes from life, not behind closed doors and geese are swans. Our writers are often deep into life in order to create novel, or even go through fire; Japanese cartoonists often to collect folk songs, travel to broaden their horizons mm which is subject to the establishment and improvement comic, but before that, at least should make every effort to ensure real, especially to the lives of many drawn from the familiar.
again is the character.
manga characters is A group of very unique, not only thinking of weird, exaggerated behavior, often in the marketplace philosopher, a model for a generation. For the comic book characters, the personality is the life, exaggeration is life, this is really a big difference with the literature. However, the existence of these people must be reasonable and true, their character should be able to support their own performance throughout the story. manga characters are thought to survive because of these ideas is the theme.
Finally, there is cultural.
Comics often involve a variety of cultural elements, such as philosophy, history, religion, mythology, customs, ethnic, festival, sports, science, industry and cultural components of these behavioral characteristics of hh is often difficult to lay close to understanding, and requires careful investigation and experience in order to have a preliminary understanding of the creator is hard work, full of mystery readers mm but it was precisely this sense of mystery that they have the comic value of the business and cultural significance. the introduction of these cultural elements in The benefits are self-evident, if possible, any literary and artistic works, and they will want to glue relationship. but their use must be carefully mm made in this respect the Japanese for very good, go to impose its will , just as the embellishment of these cultural elements, is not responsible for culture, is also not responsible for the work, the flow in the grandstand. Conversely, if the Chinese were serious and responsible in this regard, then this will become the victory over Japan comics an opportunity. There is a special case, the adaptation of history is often not faithful to the original, and partly because the original is not necessarily reliable mm at least for the interpretation of the original are not necessarily reliable, the other properties can be viewed as overhead works can only consider the practical significance of the mm is not distorted, or even help the popularity of history. In contrast, the irresponsible distortion of history is very abhorrent, not only are people like a prudish hate, but also in real terms over the pseudo-history, very irresponsible to confuse themselves with historical mm difference between the two is not the adaptation of history, but rather whether it has independent thought, is adapted from a historical attitude mm is an active conscious thought for their own service adaptation, one lazy superficial understanding of the distortion of passive, but rather confused thinking. In other cultures, perhaps also the use of this situation, but more is unintentional superficial understanding of context, so harm is misleading readers, and suggests a casual attitude towards life is very poor mm potential impact, and even affect the fundamental features of national character, really sloppy!
sum up, a good comic should have the following characteristics: First, the function of cultural and social, can affect a large number of readers or even a generation; to promote the theme up, complete with a coherent plot, consistent with the fundamental principles of comics; can shape reasonable moving figure, able to create your own complete world; to
These are just rough comic features a good answer, but what good comics come from?
produce a good comic script sometimes does not necessarily depend on the individual's creation, adaptation of existing literature is a shortcut, but producers need to comic script the hard work for them more comic.
creative team is composed of a good idea, more time and better way is to provide specialized and editor of the exchange, with the close cooperation not only produce outstanding works of mm can not mess things up, edit, what can not be forced on. Maybe they add the middle level of a professional broker is also a good idea.
may When conditions are ripe, large brokers will be Comic entity, composed of comic factory assembly line mm although hindered the introduction of creative freedom, but it does have an unparalleled speed. time will be even comic script factory, it will inevitably go some kind of routine.
with hardware upgrades, computer writing, the network is also a good way to publish. This freedom scale integrated production, but due to lack of editorial constraints, the quality can not be guaranteed.
If These are our comics, it is not exact, but the departure from these requirements, we will be one step closer to our own comic. It is important and serious to think about, hard to do.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Taiwan is how to deal with nuclear waste

 Taiwan model of nuclear waste disposal and problems
[Abstract]: the voice of Taiwan's anti-nuclear movement has never stopped. In the issue of transparency. But people resistance and opposition, so that Taiwan's
m a focus by the media in 2007 held in Taiwan, Phalaenopsis Orchid Island is named because it is abundant, is located in the Pacific Ocean southeast of Taiwan from the membership of the Taitung County 49 sea miles, relying on external transport ships and aircraft. nearly 4,000 people here, the Tao aborigines, due to its location tropical, festive, the Tao will be topless men, wearing only a thong, driving canoe chase flying fish in the Pacific. mysterious customs and primitive style, to Orchid Island known as br> 1970 years, the energy shortage in the construction of Taiwan's first nuclear power plant. to the end of the 1970s, built a total of three nuclear power plants, and begin construction of the neck and neck, accounting for the Taiwan Power supply 1 / 3, and therefore Taiwan has become the second largest in Asia after Japan in nuclear power generation.
to deal with nuclear waste, and Taiwan, history, language schools, as well as steel and concrete buildings, health centers, airports, Tao disappearing traditional buildings.
island of Taiwan at this time, along with the civil anti-authoritarian political movement escalating anti-pollution movement after another, Lukang residents against DuPont, Kaohsiung, five light anti-hh numerous potential anti-pollution campaign surging behind the current worries and dissatisfaction with society. especially the nuclear power industry development and post-processing of nuclear waste, have caused several large scale wave of popular protest, while the DPP is the dealing with issues such as more open and transparent, science and respect for public opinion, ; storm
1972 年 12 29, a group of marine research experts to Taiwan Orchid Island, south-east of the Pacific Islands study. Orchid is the first New Year in Taiwan to see the sunrise, but these experts are not to welcome the New Year dawn m Not long ago, Taiwan's waste handled by the Taiwan Power Company; another part, such as hospitals, academic and research institutions and low-level radioactive waste generated by the authorities set up a a ban on the international community to After a few years, , the group decided the goal areas Lanyu Island storage site. The Group believes that the goal area within 5 km of people live together without Lanyu villages, plus the area on three sides by mountains, facing the sea, has excellent natural barrier can ensure that the public does not suffer from the effects of radiation.
1974 年 9 17, Orchid Island storage site construction works began, while the construction of a dedicated maritime transport of nuclear waste transport wharf, by the May the same year the first batch of 10,008 barrels of nuclear waste by sea transport, on the Tao aborigines always thought it was only in building factories, local residents found into the would Orchid Island Youth Association launched the Island youth protests are hundreds of the island of Taiwan's Orchid Island youth to study and work to protest delivered to the person in charge of two units. this, this anti-nuclear movement extends to the island of Taiwan.
at this time in Taiwan, Chiang Ching-kuo passed away shortly before death announced the termination of Period of Communist Rebellion, the lifting of censorship of political parties, so that Taiwan's political development towards a pluralistic society, and the Taiwan anti-nuclear movement has entered a golden age, and affect the process of democratic politics in Taiwan.
the rapid rise of anti-nuclear movement, with the former Soviet Union's Chernobyl nuclear accident impact of the construction of nuclear power plants by civil protest. particularly after the establishment of the DPP to increase nuclear generating units written party platform, and the the biggest bottleneck, especially in indigenous areas of Orchid Island, to get more sympathy. and other environmental events like the island, Orchid Island, also formed a strong protest organizations are grassroots organizations, mainly members of the local residents. Orchid Island were apparently more united, and outside forces for decades to have a strong involvement of the indigenous people of the demands: one is against building more nuclear waste site, and the second is the move away from the original timetable of nuclear waste must comply with commitments.
in their protests, in 1996, Taiwan Power Company to stop the shipment of nuclear waste on Orchid Island , temporary in the the construction of ports; the same time grants to residents; land is no longer free to use, the Government regularly grants of land rent; island residential electricity free of charge.
2002, the , but limited to the technical conditions and other nuclear waste site has not been built 1996 years ago, the Taiwan authorities will be able to store nuclear waste on Orchid Island, away, Orchid Island, the outbreak of the second At that time, Aboriginal foreign and domestic final disposal of low-level radioactive waste site search did not go well, recognizing the short term can not be moved out of nuclear waste on Orchid Island. Finally Lin Yifu had to make a public apology and promised before the migration, strengthen the island's nuclear waste on Orchid Island Field Maintenance and maintenance operations.
Democratic Progressive Party came to power has been directed against the Kuomintang: ; legislators, Progressive Party boycotted, drag it commenced in 1999. Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian was elected, in order to fulfill election promises, according to their party platform provides for a heavy decision: to stop a fourth under construction nuclear power plants. < br> construction, but Taiwan has had a profound political and economic influence.
The focus is the , in the first nuclear power plant shortly after the operation, and Taiwan, In 2002, the Taiwan authorities will also be upgraded to the law and regulations, developed a , 1980, to oversee the operation of nuclear waste in Taiwan, Taiwan Authority. , the Taiwan authorities for the first time land transport of nuclear waste. This waste is approved by research institutions, Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, pool nuclear reactor used fuel to be transported to the Nuclear Energy Research, Longtan, Taoyuan County, for further processing. Although the distance is only 40 km, But the Taiwan authorities caution. limited to the number and capacity of the truck, the land, only the delivery of two fuel assemblies per day, until January 22 next year until all the delivery end.
Taiwan group responsible for the delivery of health physics, Tsinghua University , transport of nuclear waste from the Nuclear Energy Institute is responsible for protecting me, guiding police protection along the way, before and after delivery of a detailed decontamination and inspection rules were: the outer surface transportation conveyances the maximum radiation dose rate, no larger than 2mSv / h (micro-West / h); 2 meters away from the outer surface, not more than 0.1mSv / h; the driver's seat and passenger seat, not more than 0.02mSv / h.
how does this value ? to radiation will be big point, and if the fly, such as a trip from Taipei to Kaohsiung, a dose of 0.48 micro-West. that this tour of nuclear waste transport truck driver suffered radiation dose than an hour standing in Ali Peak Tourist even smaller.
after the completion of the storage site on Orchid Island, 19 May 1982, the Taiwan authorities first shipment of nuclear waste at sea.
the delivery was not conducted in secret, Taiwan's major media have made a public report . transport ship transporting only waste from Taiwan Power Company-owned wharf (Mingguang, Orchid Island, the three terminal gantry and nuclear), the first approved waste shipping company owned by the Taiwan Hang Seng Power Company created a special nuclear waste transport ship barrel. hull and double hull has taken radiation shielding design, communications mining multiple systems, and the other equipped with satellite navigation. special container length 4.68 m, width 3.28 meters, 2.12 meters high. to wall and cover thickness of 3.8 cm, bottom 2.5 cm thick, each special waste containers can be loaded 48 barrels, divided into upper and lower levels. bottom and the middle baffle piers are welded to the fixed conical steel drums and steel drums to avoid high elastic rubber adhesive during transport and deformed by the collision and paint stripping.
after the discharge of nuclear waste on Orchid Island arrive, then sent to Orchid Island storage site established procedure room, and open the waste container out of each barrel, and the implementation of a barrel surface Pollution check, to see whether the damaged barrels of waste, leakage, and there is no pollution violations crack occurrence and detection of radiation dose rate compliance. The waste sorting and filing after the barrels were sent to reinforce the cement storage trenches to 8-barrel three layers stacked on each floor. reinforced cement storage trench to two as a group, each block 4.5 meters high, which buried 3 meters underground, while the height of a barrel of waste barrels from 88.2 to 89.2 cm, so the 3-layer The total accumulation of waste barrel not more than 3 meters high, which is below the ground. within the piling of waste in the storage trenches completed, the system checks for drainage, and covered to prevent rain water penetrated the oil felt, and then stamped with seals. Seal detector after the storage surface, and finally to the motion tracking, instrument placement, and the establishment of warning signs and location identification. storage to this work is completed.
addition to the hardware, facilities, transportation routes, staff also detailed planning. In order to avoid frequent and vehicles during the day time, is conducive to grasp the situation and increase the safety of shipping, delivery time is usually midnight to 5 am. The delivery of nuclear fuel by the members of the group as professionals, fleet drivers in addition the need for technical quality of the professional drivers, should also advance radiation protection through training, the team of experienced drivers from the command to cope with the occurrence of sudden emergencies.
because the process of lifting and transportation , it is difficult to avoid staff and the general population along the transportation routes cause a little extra radiation, so before each delivery will participate in the delivery process for staff and residents along the way, for normal and accident conditions of the radiation dose assessment to ensure that staff and the safety of residents along the way. the complex assessment procedures include distance, the highway, ; Atomic Energy Council, long-term parking for boats can not. Therefore, can be, Taiwan Power Company, established in April, the time of construction has been taken into account, tied for the power generation part of the system. With the operation of nuclear power plants, personnel protective clothing required for maintenance, replacement down the waste materials, nuclear waste are all dry, commonly used method is to load the standard barrels of waste stored, transported to the storage site.
order to reduce the waste storage space, the Taiwan authorities in 1983 began to send researchers to Europe learn, learning to reduce the volume of nuclear waste technologies and methods.
1985, the U.S. nuclear power station was commissioned by the public search Perth (EBASCO), Bechtel (BECTHE) submit a comprehensive report on the combustible part of the proposed nuclear waste incineration, non-combustible part of the deal by high pressure compressor. After several years of research, 1990 incinerator equipped with the high pressure compressor successfully completed the same year, a series of anti-nuclear case to the Taiwan authorities also threw out a question: Taiwan continue to build nuclear power plants, nuclear waste place for research should be done as to protect Taiwan from nuclear waste contamination of land? carried out in order to minimize controversy?
crisis gave birth to maturity of Taiwan's who gets the can be > Location of work carried out in several steps. the Government must first set up site selection team, the number of 20 people, representatives of relevant institutions and experts from the academics, experts, the proportion of not less than three-fifths. Next, according to experts certain criteria, including the site's geology, chemistry, groundwater and other natural conditions, high population density areas excluded or allowed the development of other legal areas (such as nature reserves), the set of Group, local counties and cities can meet the above conditions, the place to introduce ourselves.
set of potential sites, the selection of the at least two, reported open selection report, all the local authorities, individuals or bodies corporate may, within one month ; local referendum, Taipower must sign the agreement expressly provides a large m was the ratio of gold back seat to the total amount of the site's Sichengyishang, rural counties adjacent to the availability of at least two into.
environmental protection department also publishes an annual facilities, the environment and Lanyu. the 2009 Annual Report, for example, only the Lanyu environmental monitoring, were analyzed within one year 593, the scope of monitoring includes direct radiation environment, plants, water, land biology, marine biology and evaluate the results of environmental monitoring, assessment of radiation doses received by the public whether the regulations the following dose limits.
addition to environmental monitoring report, it will also release detailed analysis of the total number of this group, various doses of the standard.
regulatory environmental monitoring report released after the release of Taiwan Power Company's ;. This report will detail waste disposal, maintenance, radiation protection, personnel training and so on. reception and even the annual amount of waste incinerators, the amount of diesel consumed will be released one by one.
Taipower nuclear power plant owned by the regulatory authorities of the Taiwan Power Company's quarterly report on the br> In addition to the regulatory authorities and environmental protection departments, local cities and counties where nuclear power plants have strict control measures .2007, Taipei County, Taiwan Power Company staged the attack and defense with good play. Although the penalties for the year 2006, Taipei County, Taiwan Power Company nuclear First, second and fourth nuclear power plant nuclear accumulated a fine of nearly 23 billion New Taiwan dollars by Taiwan, First, Plant inspection prosecution. The previous approval or rejection decision. According to reports, the Taipei County Environmental Protection Agency officials can only enter each day to the nuclear one, Plant guard, power plant personnel in order to up to this end, the effectiveness of non-destructive opening penalty and an aggravating day, four tickets to open 600 million New Taiwan dollars, until the improvement so far.
2003, the Weng Baoshan edited by renowned scholars in Taiwan, Nuclear fear substance. This means that unless the nuclear energy, nuclear waste experts
Taiwan famous Baoshan Weng is expected around 2030, Taiwan will have the ability to the final disposal of nuclear waste (ie, fully processed, do not take up storage space). At present, Taiwan, the process for the disposal of nuclear waste: the used nuclear fuel management, first with the factory fuel tank storage, the radiation and heat after adequate decay; then move to interim dry storage facility, after a period of about 50 years of interim storage; and then to final disposal.
April 28, 2010, Beijing will hold cross-strait seminar of nuclear waste treatment technologies. make arrangements for the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association seminar co-director of the International Dragon Shigeo the technology development and application of a lot of experience on the mainland need learn from.
Although the volume reduction centers play an important role in Taiwan's nuclear waste volume reduction technology has been a leader, but because of Orchid Island storage site have to stop using nuclear power plants in Taiwan in 1996, the nuclear waste produced by nuclear power plant are temporary, to find a new storage site has been imminent.
2010 年 1 month, was postponed for a long time into the commissioning phase of the fourth nuclear plant If the test run goes well, will be Dec. 15 this year, fueling the fastest end of next year to formally operate. as the , company and the Russian Science Center (KI) signed a letter of intent. The two sides agreed to first conduct a pilot-type program, that is, first delivery of approximately 5,000 barrels of waste resins, insulation materials, such as low-level radioactive waste to Russia, waste treatment and disposal, to be successful, the two parties Taiwan Power Company to negotiate delivery to Russia and a large number of low-level radioactive waste disposal and other cooperative matters.
view of the complicated cross-strait relations, Russian President Boris Yeltsin when he was approved: KI can not signing with the Taiwan government organizations. So designated by the agency and Taiwan KI Power Company signed. However, because of Russia's domestic environmental groups to protest, together with Russia's new environmental laws revised limitations, and ultimately enter the Taiwan Power Company was unable to obtain permission.
nuclear energy, according to the Taiwan Power Company said the back-end operations at the relevant report, 1997 years, the Taiwan Power Company and the North Korean government has signed international business organizations, scheduled delivery of 6 million barrels of Taiwan Power Company North Korea is using nuclear waste to nuclear waste disposal in the final disposal. contract signed, the North Korean government has been the issuance of import licenses. But The Taiwan Power Company is one of us hinder m further review, North Korea said that although construction of disposal facilities have been conducted, but because
2000, the Taiwan Power Company and was then spread the news of North Korean cooperation, but in the end because of South Korea and the United States to intervene, let the matter rest. This year, Russia agreed to address the lower house from Taiwan, Spain, Switzerland and other countries and the area of nuclear waste, but environmental groups launched protests in Russia, and Taiwan nuclear waste ; system to resolve the nuclear waste problem as the only way.
early as 2002, the Taiwan Power Company on the design of nuclear back-end operations in a nuclear waste disposal program. Under the program, around 2015, the interim storage can be determined . This program details to the site, environmental investigation and environmental impact assessment, construction, land acquisition, construction permit and license application and review the relevant application for issuance of operating licenses and other steps. Taiwan's democratization, these steps one less in Taipower's plan, only the environmental investigation and environmental impact assessment, will need 26 months to obtain the land required for 6 months, the whole process takes about 10 years.
2006, at the pollution site implementation of the Ordinance, Taiwan authorities put forward the regulations, Orchid Island nuclear waste must be migrated). so-called years, the decommissioning of nuclear waste on Orchid Island and recovery plan to be 4 years, consuming a total of 18 years. That is to about 2024, Orchid Island, will become a 5544 , civil opposition big county government immediately took a smart move, bulletin East Kyrgyzstan Island as a ; the relevant laws and regulations, the final site must be a second election, not only separate announcement Daren Township, Taitung. So back to the origin equal job site, you must invite experts and scholars to form a committee to start a new round of assessment tasks, select Another candidate address. As to when to complete re-assessment? remains unpredictable. The only remaining East Daren Township, there are also enormous controversy, because the township is the indigenous region, environmentalists and legal scholars believe that, if not After the local Aborigines would agree, is a violation of siting of the East Daren Township, has the voice of opposition and support. the support is that the compensation Taipower will bring huge economic effects to local residents. Most analysts believe that the residents of the East Daren Township Economy poor place to get economic benefits, and ultimately will accept nuclear waste. Critics say the economic incentives that include a place. As in the past 30 years of progress and mistakes, this will involve social efficiency, fairness and ethical problems of nuclear waste, Taiwan still trying to test.